Blast from the past


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 2, 2007
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Good president. Today's Democrat party is practically opposite of his policies.

The last president to balance our budget.

Now had anyone on the right received a BJ in the oval office, the left would have gone crazier than they already are.

Me? Good policy is good policy. Take all the BJs you can get. I proudly admit voting for him twice.
Good president. Today's Democrat party is practically opposite of his policies.

The last president to balance our budget.

Now had anyone on the right received a BJ in the oval office, the left would have gone crazier than they already are.

Me? Good policy is good policy. Take all the BJs you can get. I proudly admit voting for him twice.
So you were sane at one time. Too many drugs for you I'm guessing.
So you were sane at one time. Too many drugs for you I'm guessing.

Democrats were at one time. Plenty of Fentanyl coming in through their open borders, now killing over 50k Americans per year.
The Pedo administration should have honored its oath to our Constitution and protected our borders instead of opening them.

Many died through no fault of their own, from Fentanyl. Several were children.
The Pedo administration should have honored its oath to our Constitution and protected our borders instead of opening them.

Many died through no fault of their own, from Fentanyl. Several were children.
50K Americans should have made better choices. Between 2016 and 2020, annual drug overdose deaths from synthetic opioids (excluding methadone) increased by 192% (from 19,500 to 56,894)

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