Bob Dole

While Obama was president, a black law enforcement agent racially profiles white people, then tortures, profiles, and degrades them. The Dept of Justice files suit against the black officer for unlawful discriminatory police conduct. The black officer ignores the DOJ orders and is convicted of contempt of court for continuing to racially profile whites. Obama calls the convicted black guy 'a great American patriot' and pardons him even before sentencing took place.

This ^^^^ is the type of president, in office right now, that you support and defend. YOUR action of supporting such a president is not only immoral, it belies the true depth of both you racism and ignorance.
Again, I didn't vote for Trump (or Mitch). However, you boast about voting for the politician who not only was in the Klan, filibustered the Civil Rights Act for 14 hours, and was openly saying "n*gger" on television shortly before his death. That's on you, extragreen.
Again, I didn't vote for Trump (or Mitch).

Defending them, supporting them is no less reprehensible.

However, you boast about voting for the politician who not only was in the Klan

in the 1940's

filibustered the Civil Rights Act for 14 hours

in 1964

and was openly saying "n*gger" on television shortly before his death

in reference to "white n*ggers"

You defend and support racist trump, and support Dole with an 11% NAACP rating. All while attacking someone with an 80% rating from NAACP. That's on you.
Defending them, supporting them is no less reprehensible.

in the 1940's

in 1964

in reference to "white n*ggers"

You defend and support racist trump, and support Dole with an 11% NAACP rating. All while attacking someone with an 80% rating from NAACP. That's on you.
Oh, so that's not the same Robert Byrd? Just curious, what was the first year you voted for him?
Actually, not what I'm doing at all. I am curious at what age you cast your first vote for Byrd though?

I know what you're doing. You're making an attempt to defend Dole after he endorsed a morally repugnant and totally childish chronic liar. No dice.
I know what you're doing. You're making an attempt to defend Dole after he endorsed a morally repugnant and totally childish chronic liar. No dice.
Nope. What I'm doing is asking a question about when you first voted for Byrd. Your reluctance to answer a simple question honestly, leads me to believe you know how the answer reflects on your faux moral high horse.
Nope. What I'm doing is asking a question about when you first voted for Byrd. Your reluctance to answer a simple question honestly, leads me to believe you know how the answer reflects on your faux moral high horse.

I know what you're doing. You're making an attempt to defend Dole after he endorsed a morally repugnant and totally childish chronic liar. No dice. By me not voting for, endorsing, or defending cheetos, I already own the higher moral ground.
I know what you're doing. You're making an attempt to defend Dole after he endorsed a morally repugnant and totally childish chronic liar. No dice. By me not voting for, endorsing, or defending cheetos, I already own the higher moral ground.
In other words being racist is A-OK
I know what you're doing. You're making an attempt to defend Dole after he endorsed a morally repugnant and totally childish chronic liar. No dice. By me not voting for, endorsing, or defending cheetos, I already own the higher moral ground.
Hardly. Why not just admit at what age you started voting for Byrd?
At what age will you stop defending and supporting a known coward, chronic liar, and racist.
Once again, I didn't vote for Trump or Mitch. But you did vote for Byrd. I'm just curious at what age you were impressed enough by all the things he was known for to vote for him.
We're making progress. You put 2 and 2 together and knew who I was talking about when I said "a known coward, chronic liar, and racist."
Goodnight, extrageeen. I'll be happy to engage further once you admit at what age you cast your first vote for Byrd.

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