Where’s Riflearm when you need him? Rifle, if you can break away from having brunch with porn stars and traveling the world with lesser-known whores with STD’s, could you end this grammar debate for us?
There is no debate. Thanks.
Where’s Riflearm when you need him? Rifle, if you can break away from having brunch with porn stars and traveling the world with lesser-known whores with STD’s, could you end this grammar debate for us?
There is no debate. Thanks.
Correct, thanks for admitting you are a fvcking moron who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
HAHAHAHA, you're ignorant AND triggered LOLOLOLOLOL LMAO.
As much as I enjoy seeing people bust Cuntry's balls, "Bushes" is correct. To the contrary, however, there is nothing wrong with the title's use of the phrase "tied into."
Rule 3.
Use the apostrophe to show possession. Place the apostrophe before the s to show singular possession.
one boy's hat
one woman's hat
one actress's hat
one child's hat
Ms. Chang's house
NOTE: Although names ending in s or an s sound are not required to have the second s added in possessive form, it is preferred.
Mr. Jones's golf clubs
Texas's weather
Ms. Straus's daughter
Jose Sanchez's artwork
Dr. Hastings's appointment (name is Hastings)
Mrs. Lees's books (name is Lees)
In the tweet (not the goddamn title of the thread) a statement is made, "Jeb Bush's super PAC." This is one Bush, not plural, and is used correctly. Now then, I'm sure someone can dig up some other reference which will claim it can ALSO be "Jeb Bushes super PAC," but it wouldn't be as commonly used.
For fvck's sake. Cuntry's not talking about the first sentence of the tweet. He's talking about the thread title. The thread title clearly meant to refer to the Bushes plural, not possessive. Ask Keep, I'm sure he'll admit it. It's correctly used as an apostrophe in the tweet as it refers to Jeb's PAC, which is possessive.
Look back through my argument with him. He continued to deny possession in the 1st sentence of that tweet. He never argued anything different, even though I specifically quoted at least twice, and specified the tweet is what I was referencing. All the while, he kept insisting I was wrong, because he's an idiot.
I didn't bother to address Keep's title (trying to help the man out).
As much as I enjoy seeing people bust Cuntry's balls, "Bushes" is correct. To the contrary, however, there is nothing wrong with the title's use of the phrase "tied into."