Can You Libs Explain to Me the National Drag Queen Fascination

Should I dig up some testimonials from trans folk who feel like their life was saved by their transitions? Or those who feel like waiting was a terrible choice (or not even choice, if they weren’t allowed to)?

Would that change your alls minds at all, or would it be in one ear, out the other, only paying any mind to evidence (which, a significant amount of detrans posts are of…. Questionable authorship) that fits your worldview?
What law should be created for age of consent to irreparably changing your body during a sex change?
Should I dig up some testimonials from trans folk who feel like their life was saved by their transitions? Or those who feel like waiting was a terrible choice (or not even choice, if they weren’t allowed to)?

Would that change your alls minds at all, or would it be in one ear, out the other, only paying any mind to evidence (which, a significant amount of detrans posts are of…. Questionable authorship) that fits your worldview?
So you're OK with child-grooming.

Anyone else see a problem with this???

Anyone watched the documentary "What is a woman?" by Matt Walsh?

Amazing seeing an adult (doctor) unable to admit Santa Claus doesn't exist because it destroyed her narrative.

Giving children the same drugs (chemical castration) that are given to pedophiles??? This should be medical malpractice. Disgusting.
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We’re in this weird period of far leftist equality where anything they can sexualize, they refuse to be told otherwise. Kids at drag shows? Nothing wrong with that. Morbidly obese women on the cover of swimsuit & lifestyle magazines? Don’t you dare say anything negative. A female with Down syndrome? Put her in lingerie & pretend there’s nothing bad that could possibly come from that.
Anyone watched the documentary "What is a woman?" by Matt Walsh?

Amazing seeing an adult (doctor) unable to admit Santa Claus doesn't exist because it destroyed her narrative.

Giving children the same drugs (chemical castration) that are given to pedophiles??? This should be medical malpractice. Disgusting.
Maybe I will now that they are no longer requiring people to pay for a full year to subscribe.
Shall we bring out a scoreboard for how many kids priests have molested versus drag queens?

Show me where I have ever said anything to suggest otherwise. To me, both are reprehensible.

In the past, the Catholic Church became a safe place for gay men, and likely gay women. Undoubtedly some of these were also pedophiles. When there was a taboo, grooming was done in secret and pedophiles flocked to the Catholic Church, Boy Scouts and sports. Now that it is more out in the open this grooming is occurring right before our very eyes, be it in schools, the media or a bar in Texas.

I have witnessed first hand the shame, pain and ruined lives these predators have inflicted on our youth. To me, there is no difference in a Catholic priest or a drag queen grooming young, impressionable kids into their adult lifestyles. They are both predators.
Show me where I have ever said anything to suggest otherwise. To me, both are reprehensible.

In the past, the Catholic Church became a safe place for gay men, and likely gay women. Undoubtedly some of these were also pedophiles. When there was a taboo, grooming was done in secret and pedophiles flocked to the Catholic Church, Boy Scouts and sports. Now that it is more out in the open this grooming is occurring right before our very eyes, be it in schools, the media or a bar in Texas.

I have witnessed first hand the shame, pain and ruined lives these predators have inflicted on our youth. To me, there is no difference in a Catholic priest or a drag queen grooming young, impressionable kids into their adult lifestyles. They are both predators.
Don't forget to add the Southern Baptist Church to the list.
Don't forget to add the Southern Baptist Church to the list.

So this is your answer?


Blomme formerly served as the President of the Cream City Foundation from 2017 to 2020, which describes itself as “mobilizing philanthropic resources by harnessing the pride, passion, and commitment of LGBTQ+.”"

"The foundation also runs a Drag Queen Story Hour program, an event that “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”"
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They sound terrible right up until your 5 year old child is shot in the head with a gun.
Hunter Biden is a walking red flag yet he’s one of Joe’s most trusted advisers. The new audio from his laptop is pretty interesting

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