Same ole, same ole.
Find me ANY school in the place its (non-alumni) fans aggrandize WVU to, where its (non-alumni) fans care one whit about a school in the situation to which they assign MU.
Fact is there are none. Schools actually in the place WVU's (non-alumni) fans are do not think for one second about schools were we actually are, let alone in the spot they in their uninformed and petty jealous view they think we are.
Total fixation. Because at the end of the day, when, sometime in March WVU basketball walks off the court a loser, as always, all they have is "But Marshall ...." As next August's delusion (usens in goin' to win that there national champieeenship, our new QB turned down Alabama, Auburn, Penn State and Nebraska, blah, blah, blah) turns to next October's festival of embarrassing losses as a drunk and incompetent coach and three star players playing for their 18th choice program are totally outmanned, again, the same "But Marshall...."
On and on. Every year the same. Because they just have nothing left to say. The cold douche of reality (WVU is a 5th rate college, with a 3rd rate sports program woefully over it head trying to move up to the majors from the mid-major old Big East nothing, with embarrassing idiot fans and doomed to life as a field filler in a geographically illogical conference in which it will N E V E R compete) is more than this crew has the intellect to understand, lest admit.
So much easier to just live in a fantasy world where you ACTUALLY BELIEVE the idiot crap Crap-ridi spews, and soothe the wounds with "But Marshall..."