cbo slashes health care cost estimates - opposite of what cons said - AGAIN


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007

WASHINGTON - The Congressional Budget Office on Monday significantly
lowered its estimate of the cost of providing health insurance coverage
to millions of Americans under the Affordable Care Act.
Douglas W.
Elmendorf, the director of the budget office, said the changes resulted
from many factors, including a general "slowdown in the growth of
health care costs" and lower projections of insurance premiums that are
subsidized by the federal government.
In March 2010, when
President Obama signed the health care law, the Congressional Budget
Office estimated that the expansion of coverage would cost the federal
government $710 billion in the fiscal years 2015 through 2019, Mr.
Elmendorf said.
"The newest projections indicate that those
provisions will cost $571 billion over that same period, a reduction of
20 percent," he said. The Affordable Care Act not only subsidized the
purchase of private insurance, but also authorized a major expansion of
Medicaid, the federal-state program for low-income people.
" and lower projections of insurance premiums that are subsidized by the federal government."

translated to me looks like not as many people signed up as expected.
A lot of "hope" by the CBO. How many times will the CBO adjust this figure in the coming months and years??

Fewer people signing up for ACA than originally projected, more people moving to medicare (which is separate from the ACA) as they age, and.....lower reimbursement to healthcare providers for services starting next year.
well, now that we've heard from a part of the hate america crowd,
how do the rest of you feel about the fabulous success of the democrats
health care reform plan.
Originally posted by dherd:
well, now that we've heard from a part of the hate america crowd,
how do the rest of you feel about the fabulous success of the democrats
health care reform plan.
Fabulous Success .......

I guess if the ACA is considered a fabulous success, I should be up for the MLB Hall of Fame based on my little league career.

Remember these fabulous success stories:

1. Failed Internet Site during rollout

2. IF you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor.

3. 2500 dollars per year savings per family

4. GruberGate and the STUPID American Voter, such as yourself!
Less than 10M signed up when they said 20-30M ...that is your "savings". Good luck finding 1 person who saved $2500 a year that wasn't subsidized. Guess you didn't watch the 60 minutes special 2-3 weeks ago that discussed how ACA was going. Essentially all of the cost cutting/price controls were stripped out and the expert says there is no way it can be paid for as it is.

Btw, it is a bit ironic that the moron in chief talked about securing peoples personal info in his SOTU but the ACA website remains one the easiest ways to hack into peoples personal info according to numerous non-govt cyber experts.

Finally you have to laugh at MR "all I need is my pen and phone" (ala Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times At Ridgemont High) to do what he wants for getting hacked off when John Boehner decided to use HIS phone to bring in Netenyahu to speak to Congress....but such is the life of a hypocrite who can dish it out but can't take it.
Its obvious watching stories like on 60 mins, is that supposed "intelligent" people actually thought that their individual medical "cost" would come down due to further govt involvement in healthcare. Its what I typed on here multiple times years ago as this law was coming out. ACA had NOTHING to do with individual personal healthcare cost (price for services paid by patients) going down. It was always and ONLY about what the cost of healthcare was going to be for the govt. It was purely a play to reduce what govt will pay for (to medical providers) as the millions of new "welfare recipients" hit retirement age, disability ranks and join the SS/medicare/caid systems; as well as how much $$$ the govt could raise from the remaining workers to pay for whatever they decide is feasible for the payouts for the recipients sucking on the system.

And, as has been announced this week by HHS, beginning next year, reimbursement by the govt to medical providers will be based on "VALUE" of care, instead of fee for service. This is of course being sold as a huge "cost" reducer. Idiots like Dtard gullibly cheer this. But again I ask....savings for who??? Yes, once again, I will say this is a huge saver for the govt.......not the patient. Suddenly the govt and the healthcare system (transformed by the ACA) will not simply be determining the value (price) of the care you receive as a patient by the medical provider.............but...more troubling....the govt, by setting the $$$ amount (value) for your care and allowing the medical provider to manage that $$, is ultimately determining YOUR value (cost burden) as an individual to the new value based system of reimbursement and payment. The ultimate "cost" of course: a lower valued patient will experience the reduction of services received and higher premiums for that reduced service.
Originally posted by HFF-SLTX:

Originally posted by dherd:
well, now that we've heard from a part of the hate america crowd,
how do the rest of you feel about the fabulous success of the democrats
health care reform plan.
Fabulous Success .......

I guess if the ACA is considered a fabulous success, I should be up for the MLB Hall of Fame based on my little league career.

Remember these fabulous success stories:

1. Failed Internet Site during rollout

2. IF you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor.

3. 2500 dollars per year savings per family

4. GruberGate and the STUPID American Voter, such as yourself!
well, if you are dumb enough to still believe opposition lies that have all been
proven wrong by actual facts i can understand why you would be dumb enough
to be against it.

where are those death panels you were so fired up about.
Originally posted by dherd:

Originally posted by HFF-SLTX:

Originally posted by dherd:
well, now that we've heard from a part of the hate america crowd,
how do the rest of you feel about the fabulous success of the democrats
health care reform plan.
well, if you are dumb enough to still believe opposition lies that have all been
proven wrong by actual facts i can understand why you would be dumb enough
to be against it.

where are those death panels you were so fired up about.
Go figure. The board "accountant" doesn't seem to understand the "value" means of payments to healthcare providers. If you don't understand the fact that in the very near future (officially 2016 but phasing in currently now) the "value" of a 40 year old male with health problems and the 80 yr old man with health problems will be assessed and assigned a $$$ cost to the system based on required care. In other words. You better not cost more than what the govt is willing to pay your doctor or hospital if you remain on a govt plan. The medical coverage simply wont allow the procedure unless you got cash money.

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