Science...unlike ideology...corrects itself when they are wrong. Something about the truth meaning more than the agenda.
Just like religion/ corrects itself when the money starts flowing in a different direction.
GK, so what do you believe is man's effect on this global warming?
GK, so what do you believe is man's effect on this global warming?
Well, me neither. hahaaaaaaI can't wait to see if his answer is any different from the twenty other times he's been asked this question.
Well, me neither. hahaaaaaa
Global warming is the biggest money grab and overreaction probably in the history of mankind.
I am freezing my nads off. Oh wait, it is winter time. Just like every other winter time.
I read some of the same articles and listen to the same interviews that you do. I have sit through lectures on from PHD's and researches actually. Interesting, but I am listen to the other side as well.No one deserves strong opinions without strong knowledge. Tell me a little about the effort you've made educating yourself in this issue.
I think what he's saying is that it's HOT in the summer time, and COLD in the winter time, just like it's been since Columbus discovered America. I think he's also saying he doesn't care if the average temperature has increased by 1/100th of a degree during the last 834 years.So you say that you've listened to PhD lectures and research. And although you find it interesting you say you listen to the other side as well. If I read that correctly, you are saying that the PhD lectures and research back anthropogenic GW and then you choose to believe the other side.
Right now an overwhelming percentage of research by those who study the issue support the fact that man is screwing the pooch. According to NASA, 97% of the peer reviewed research supports MMGW...
So you find it interesting but choose to believe the small percentage, many if not most with links to the energy industry?
Then you go on to state that this consensus is reached due to a money grab. Yet there has been no significant evidence uncovered to support your assertion. I'd be interested in the articles, research, held positions by PhD level scientist or investigative supporters that you've read to support your belief. Links?
So to sum up your opinion, you are ignoring the overwhelming majority in support of the minuscule dissenting evidence because of a conspiracy that you offer no evidence.
Got it.
Sure. It's a worldwide conspiracy perpetrated by more than 90% of the world scientist whose funding sources differ by country.
But yet, last week it was widely reported in scientific circles that the hole in the ozone layer has decreased greatly in size from several years ago.
But yet, last week it was widely reported in scientific circles that the hole in the ozone layer has decreased greatly in size from several years ago.
Totally different issue.
Yes it is, but I was offering that as a point that man can reverse the damage if a concerted effort is made. I believe a lot of the climate change is from the earth itself and going through cycles. Yes, man has played a role to a degree. jmho
That is exactly what I am saying.I think what he's saying is that it's HOT in the summer time, and COLD in the winter time, just like it's been since Columbus discovered America. I think he's also saying he doesn't care if the average temperature has increased by 1/100th of a degree during the last 834 years.
We are allowed to have different opinions. Again, I said we are in a warming period. Where we disagree is what the cause of this is. What I find funny, is all the alarmist and basically climate change amublance chasers run around going OMG look at the hurricanes now. What they don't talk about is the 20 year or so pattern where there weren't major hurricanes or they don't about bad storms in the 1960's or other years where there were similar patterns. Are the hurricanes worse or is the poopulaton near the coast more now and there is a bigger problem when they hit? They don't talk about LaNina and ElNino(sp?) years that influence the patterns and those are always present.So you say that you've listened to PhD lectures and research. And although you find it interesting you say you listen to the other side as well. If I read that correctly, you are saying that the PhD lectures and research back anthropogenic GW and then you choose to believe the other side.
Right now an overwhelming percentage of research by those who study the issue support the fact that man is screwing the pooch. According to NASA, 97% of the peer reviewed research supports MMGW...
So you find it interesting but choose to believe the small percentage, many if not most with links to the energy industry?
Then you go on to state that this consensus is reached due to a money grab. Yet there has been no significant evidence uncovered to support your assertion. I'd be interested in the articles, research, held positions by PhD level scientist or investigative reporters that you've read to support your belief. Links?
So to sum up your opinion, you are ignoring the overwhelming majority in support of the minuscule dissenting evidence because of a conspiracy that you offer no evidence.
Got it.
Yes it is, but I was offering that as a point that man can reverse the damage if a concerted effort is made. I believe a lot of the climate change is from the earth itself and going through cycles. Yes, man has played a role to a degree. jmho
Because people in this area are viewed as ignorant cave dwellers we just don't matter to the rest of America. The government should have built plants in WV and Kentucky and use miners out of work to work in the green energy business.
The fact that my father in law mines coal. Put him on the unemployment line and all will be resolved.
She didn't offer a plan, she offered a concept with no details on execution (which is required for it to be a plan). Any politician can give the ol' chicken in every pot speech to try and get elected.
We are allowed to have different opinions. Again, I said we are in a warming period. Where we disagree is what the cause of this is. What I find funny, is all the alarmist and basically climate change amublance chasers run around going OMG look at the hurricanes now. What they don't talk about is the 20 year or so pattern where there weren't major hurricanes or they don't about bad storms in the 1960's or other years where there were similar patterns. Are the hurricanes worse or is the poopulaton near the coast more now and there is a bigger problem when they hit? They don't talk about LaNina and ElNino(sp?) years that influence the patterns and those are always present.
I remember the same alarm bells when all these folks were talking about ice ages back in the 70's or 80's.
There is an absolute money trail. If you are a professor at let's say Marshall and you can get a large grant to study global warming. Then, what are you going to do? Ring alarm bells and draw attention to it. If you are at NOAA and you can get money to keep your job or get money for research what are you going to do?
There are certainly a list of scientist and PHD level folks who disagree with the man made causes of global warming. That info is readily available.
Most academic types of I know believe in it. But, they also are pretty much on the left leaning side of most issues.
We just disagree. I am not dumb or uneducated. I just don't believe in all of the hub bub.
There is so much misinformation in this post I really don't have the time right now to address them all. Many of the points have been addressed in the past with definitive evidence and links to studies that directly dispute your statements. The ice age fear from the 70s is one of them. But that's the thing with these types of arguments with ideologically bent people...their statements can be directly disputed and proven wrong, yet six months later there they are again saying the exact same stuff. I'll have some time over the next week and I'll revisit this comment. But I don't know why I bother. Because six months down the road you'll be saying the exact same stuff.
studies that directly dispute your statements.
Big $$$$ In global warming
I don't doubt that either.