Next on the herdman list is hurricane activity. This is somewhat of a strawman argument by deniers because they don’t even understand what the present science even says. For example, do you remember when
@wvkeeper(HN) posted the tweet by Ryan Maue back in September of 2017 stating that there was no increase in hurricane activity over last 50 years?
So here we have a climate denier (Maue) using the information gathered by scientist to disprove something that the scientist never said to begin with. Lol. It’s ridiculous and anyone with a shred of intellectuall honesty could weed through this and see that the denier lemmings will come out of the woodwork and say....but, but, warming! Oh by the way...Maue is employed by the Cato Institute.
Here is my response back in 2017...
I'm glad you guys are celebrating the information that science has been telling you for the last 15 years. I can go back 15 years and provide numerous studies that suggest that frequency increase isn't an issue. I even said the same on this board in the last month prior to the Maue statement. What scientist have also said was that although the frequency might not change, due to rising temperature levels in the ocean, the severity of the Hurricanes will increase. And evidence shows that they have.
The question is...why would Ryan Maue be releasing information that only confirms what studies have been showing for 15 years as though it is some type of revelation? It's simple...Ryan Maue is employed by the Cato Institute...a foundation that was founded by Charles Koch. This already known information will create the end zone dancing on politically like minded people like we see on this thread as though they got some kind of confirmation for their previously held positions.
In the meantime, we're seeing a rise of storm intensity just as predicted. warming.
The study of hurricane activity and intensity is in its infancy. There’s still a lot of things not known. But the best science right now states that...
*Hurricane frequency is not increasing significantly.
*The last two decades have shown an increase in hurricane intensity, but most of the predicted hurricane intensity increase is predicted later in this century.
*Of course damage has increased partly because there is more stuff (buildings, houses, people, etc.) in the impacted areas. Yet deniers hold this up as proof that liberals and scientist are touting property damage as proof of increased intensity. Again...a strawman argument with no basis.
*A primer on why scientist believe that hurricane intensity is increasing: The oceans are warming. That’s a definitive measure that can’t be argued. The energy that drives hurricanes are from ocean heat. This is why our Gulf hurricane season run from June through November with the highest intensity coming in July and August. Because our oceans are warming, there is more energy in the system. The prediction of increasing ocean temperatures fuels the prediction of increasing intensity. Also add to that the fact that ocean levels have been rising with the sharpest increase over the last decade...’s only logical to see that storm surges will increase as well. Also there is more water in the system due to increased ocean temperatures (something about evaporation) so therefore more water is being seen dropped with increases in flooding. But don’t take my word for it...
The bottom line on the hurricane statement as displayed by this exact same argument here over a year ago, is that deniers are using the information provided by science to disprove the assertions they aren’t even making.
Here’s some additional links for an abundance of information on the studies behind hurricanes. Of course deniers won’t read it. It’s just too easy to wait six months and post the same old arguments...