Colorado Secretary of State


Gold Buffalo
Nov 18, 2017

“But I’ve always said throughout this case,” she added, “regardless of what happens, it’s up to the American people to save democracy in November.”

How dumb is this woman? She says it's up to the American people, but wants to deny them the right to choose who they want.

People without a brain, like greed, will call her a hero for calling Trump an oath breaker and an insurrectionist even though Trump was keeping his oath by questioning the irregularities in several swing states.
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I love these clowns and their, "Save Democracy" BS.

All while in two years the Halt Act of 2021, goes into effect requires all cars to have an onboard breathalyzer and a kill switch. This means if your car does not like the way you are driving? It shuts itself down until the "Proper authorities" restart it.

Nothing says Freedom and Democracy than that.
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“But I’ve always said throughout this case,” she added, “regardless of what happens, it’s up to the American people to save democracy in November.”

How dumb is this woman? She says it's up to the American people, but wants to deny them the right to choose who they want.

People without a brain, like greed, will call her a hero for calling Trump an oath breaker and an insurrectionist even though Trump was keeping his oath by questioning the irregularities in several swing states.
Democrats are the suppressors. They are the ones interfering with elections.

They are the ones doing what they are accusing others are doing.

They are the true threat to Democracy and bleaters are too caught up in hate to see it.

Texas had to pass a state law to criminalize crossing its border illegally, because Democrats won't enforce federal law. Democrats will soon sue Texas.

Anything states do to fight illegal immigration, Democrats do their best to stop them.

There's a reason, Democrats want illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and for them to be counted in the census.

There's a reason the left is passing out everything to illegal foreign nationals and putting them above citizens.

And their bleaters bleat.
"Activist courts and partisan bureaucrats should not be able to take away American voters’ right to choose the president."
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“But I’ve always said throughout this case,” she added, “regardless of what happens, it’s up to the American people to save democracy in November.”

How dumb is this woman? She says it's up to the American people, but wants to deny them the right to choose who they want.

People without a brain, like greed, will call her a hero for calling Trump an oath breaker and an insurrectionist even though Trump was keeping his oath by questioning the irregularities in several swing states.
You're a Godless lying idiot trumptard.

“But I’ve always said throughout this case,” she added, “regardless of what happens, it’s up to the American people to save democracy in November.”

How dumb is this woman? She says it's up to the American people, but wants to deny them the right to choose who they want.

People without a brain, like greed, will call her a hero for calling Trump an oath breaker and an insurrectionist even though Trump was keeping his oath by questioning the irregularities in several swing states.
Are you referring to disgraced Colorado Secretary of State Griswald after a humiliating defeat in Supreme Court?

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Are you referring to disgraced Colorado Secretary of State Griswald after a humiliating defeat in Supreme Court?
Yes she is the one. Even the far left activist Judges agreed that there was no reason to keep Trump off the ballots.
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