Commies doing what commies, and liberals, do...

Russia, famously no longer communist since about 33 years ago.

Once a commie always a commie...


Or are you admitting Ronald Reagan defeated communism???

What does the economic system of our adversaries have to do with projecting and protecting western hegemony on Europe?
NATO was set up to counter the Soviet Union. Ukraine is right on the Soviet Unions border. It has a long history with Russia and is a strategic entrance way for militaries into and out of Russia. The Russians lost 22 million people in WW2. Therefor, why would anyone think that it was a good idea to put the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with weapons and NATO basis along the border of Russia. Would you want a large Russian base across from El Paso? Or your state of California. What do you think we would do?

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was set up to be a deterrent to the Soviet Union, which in your words went away 33 years ago or so. We also told the Russians at the time we would not expand NATO closer. We did several times and Ukraine was a clear red line in the sand to the Russians. We knew what they would do as expected.

Then, the nitwits sat there and watch the Russians build up troops after Russia told them back off in Ukraine.

Why was this ever a good idea? We have basically destroyed Ukraine and they have lost a half a million people including a gneration of young men.
Communism defeated communism because communism doesn’t work.

On it own merits it doesn't work...

Meanwhile recent US trade and corporate tax policies have significantly helped to expand the Communist China economy...

Is it really though? How free and fair are elections? Can you campaign against the current leadership without being killed or jailed?
That’s fascism, not communism. One is a political system, one is an economical system. You can be both or neither or only one (but it’s pretty hard to be communist without also being fascist to a big degree.) But you can be fascist with any economic system.

On it own merits it doesn't work...

Meanwhile recent US trade and corporate tax policies have significantly helped to expand the Communist China economy...

China also isn’t communist. You can tell where they stopped being communist on that graph, pretty much.

Yes the ruling party is called communist. You ought to be able to comprehend how a party might not be the thing they’re named after, given your opinion of the Democratic Party.
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That’s fascism, not communism. One is a political system, one is an economical system. You can be both or neither or only one (but it’s pretty hard to be communist without also being fascist to a big degree.) But you can be fascist with any economic system.

China also isn’t communist. You can tell where they stopped being communist on that graph, pretty much.

Yes the ruling party is called communist. You ought to be able to comprehend how a party might not be the thing they’re named after, given your opinion of the Democratic Party.
So you are saying that prosecuting political dissent and opponents is fascist? That’s good to know.
Yes, I’m glad to live in a country where that doesn’t happen.

But wasn't that the very essence of this thread - the squashing of political dissent in communist or "former" communist countries???
China also isn’t communist. You can tell where they stopped being communist on that graph, pretty much.

Remember that tiger I mentioned??? While there is some state sanctioned and subsidized business and industry what do you really think China is? It's easy to say it's not communist but hard to disprove or even define... I'm interested in your definition.

And as for the chart that you deflected away from let's look at the other side of the equation that I was referring to:


A lot of Democrat leadership during this recent time frame...

Yes the ruling party is called communist. You ought to be able to comprehend how a party might not be the thing they’re named after, given your opinion of the Democratic Party.

Ask Bernie how "democratic" the Democratic party is...
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Remember that tiger I mentioned??? While there is some state sanctioned and subsidized business and industry what do you really think China is? It's easy to say it's not communist but hard to disprove or even define... I'm interested in your definition.

And as for the chart that you deflected away from let's look at the other side of the equation that I was referring to:


A lot of Democrat leadership during this recent time frame...

Ask Bernie how "democratic" the Democratic party is...
China has a heavily state controlled economy. It’s distinct from communism and also distinct from our system of socialist capitalism.

I hear China isn't communist and has a booming economy. Perhaps that would be a better place than Ukraine or Russia...
I mean, China may well be a better place to be than Russia in general or Ukraine right now. As long as you’re not Uyghur. That doesn’t make them good.

I’m not defending China (or Russia) by saying they aren’t Communist. Having a higher GDP is far from the only measure of if an economy is working for its people or not. China’s is bolstered by its use of practically and literally slave labor. I don’t want to emulate that.

Edit: to put a point on it, regardless of the result of the next election, I would much rather live in the US than China or Russia. It’s not close in any way. My worst fears of what Trump would do would still leave us better than living either of those places. If anybody feels differently then I don’t know if you need less or more news but you definitely need to watch different news.
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My worst fears of what Trump would do would still leave us better than living either of those places.
My worst fears are not Trump; it's who he is politically indebted to, who would probably prefer to knock his ass right out of the way once he outlives his usefulness (which is either going to be the day after the election or the day after the inauguration, results depending).
China has a heavily state controlled economy. It’s distinct from communism and also distinct from our system of socialist capitalism.

I mean, China may well be a better place to be than Russia in general or Ukraine right now. As long as you’re not Uyghur. That doesn’t make them good.

I’m not defending China (or Russia) by saying they aren’t Communist. Having a higher GDP is far from the only measure of if an economy is working for its people or not. China’s is bolstered by its use of practically and literally slave labor. I don’t want to emulate that.

Edit: to put a point on it, regardless of the result of the next election, I would much rather live in the US than China or Russia. It’s not close in any way. My worst fears of what Trump would do would still leave us better than living either of those places. If anybody feels differently then I don’t know if you need less or more news but you definitely need to watch different news.
china is the model for the modern Democrat Party. Control thought. Control the narrative. Large centralized govt. One party rule.
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H&H absolutely dominating while also enlightening the deplorables in this thread. Do they not teach poly sci basics in West Virginia high schools?
That was some left wing shit at Marshall.
Yeah, talking about poly sci on a college campus is definitely some granola/crunchy shit. Marshall should just stick to teaching how to chance oil on a 1988 Ford pickup.
China has a heavily state controlled economy. It’s distinct from communism and also distinct from our system of socialist capitalism.

That seems to fit the definition of communism. Communism with reforms is still communism...

I mean, China may well be a better place to be than Russia in general or Ukraine right now. As long as you’re not Uyghur. That doesn’t make them good.

Or political dissidents... Or women (born or unborn - I know you'll probably say that has changed)... Or an aspiring athlete (especially if you are a female tennis player)... Or vitually any other Chinese subject (I know you probably call them citizens)...

The best place to be in China would be a member of the ruling class... Hmmm.... That sounds a lot like communism...

I’m not defending China (or Russia) by saying they aren’t Communist. Having a higher GDP is far from the only measure of if an economy is working for its people or not. China’s is bolstered by its use of practically and literally slave labor. I don’t want to emulate that.

Edit: to put a point on it, regardless of the result of the next election, I would much rather live in the US than China or Russia. It’s not close in any way.

Again you are ignoring the US policies that have allowed the growth in China's GDP. It's also interesting how you still criticize the US use of slave labor 150+ years ago but are seemingly indifferent to China's current use of it.

My worst fears of what Trump would do would still leave us better than living either of those places.

He was doing pretty well his first term until a state-sponsored (both US and China) released the virus upon the world's economies and killed millions of people...

If anybody feels differently then I don’t know if you need less or more news but you definitely need to watch different news.

I've said countless times I'm no news junkie but I read from diverse sources. Common sense, the study of human nature and knowing history has a way of repeating itself go a long way. You might try it some time...
My worst fears are not Trump; it's who he is politically indebted to, who would probably prefer to knock his ass right out of the way once he outlives his usefulness (which is either going to be the day after the election or the day after the inauguration, results depending).

Who is currently directing Biden? We know (and you should but I doubt it) he is incapable of governing on his own due to his diminished mental state.
That seems to fit the definition of communism. Communism with reforms is still communism...
It’s simply not communism though. There is not communal ownership of the means of production.

Or political dissidents... Or women (born or unborn - I know you'll probably say that has changed)... Or an aspiring athlete (especially if you are a female tennis player)... Or vitually any other Chinese subject (I know you probably call them citizens)...

The best place to be in China would be a member of the ruling class... Hmmm.... That sounds a lot like communism...
The best place to be anywhere is a member of the ruling class. I don’t like China. It’s bad to be in China. It’s just usually going to be worse to be in Russia for the most part, or in Ukraine right now where, according to the link you posted that started this thread, Russian guys run around raping you with glass bottles. Unless you’re into that.

Again you are ignoring the US policies that have allowed the growth in China's GDP. It's also interesting how you still criticize the US use of slave labor 150+ years ago but are seemingly indifferent to China's current use of it.
I literally criticized China’s use of slave labor in the post you quoted.

KY, I honestly believe you try to engage on here in a way that goes past name calling, which is not common and I appreciate, but for **** sake take a breather on this one.
It’s simply not communism though. There is not communal ownership of the means of production.

We might just be getting somewhere now...

Was there ever truly communal ownership or was it just a way for the ruling classes to enrich themselves at the expense of their subjects under the guise of "this is fair and equitable"?

The best place to be anywhere is a member of the ruling class. I don’t like China. It’s bad to be in China. It’s just usually going to be worse to be in Russia for the most part, or in Ukraine right now where, according to the link you posted that started this thread, Russian guys run around raping you with glass bottles. Unless you’re into that.

And that is what has made the American Experience unique. For much of its history there has been no "ruling class". Of course we've had robber barons, slaveowners (simply for your benefit) and industrialists but no real ruling class. That has seemingly changed over my adult life. We had Camelot during the 60s but that was an ideal and not the reality. Since then we have witnessed unprecedented federal government growth along with it "creating" wealth for those very ones responsible for that growth.

For instance in 1980 the federal budget was $579 billion with a population of 226.5 million. In 2023 our federal budget was $6.5 trillion with a population of 335.9 million. I'll let you do the math on that and then you can tell me how cost effective and sustainable that is.

And somehow this spending finds its way to the new ruling class and wealth is created. Not picking on Obama but $20MM in properties is pretty impressive on a $200k a year government pension...

I literally criticized China’s use of slave labor in the post you quoted.

But you seem to go apoplectic whenever the War Between the States is mentioned but just eh, China does use slave labor when mentioning current events...

KY, I honestly believe you try to engage on here in a way that goes past name calling, which is not common and I appreciate, but for **** sake take a breather on this one.

Appreciate the comment. Often when someone challenges your long-held beliefs it may feel as though your head may explode. Sorry I'm making you feel that way...

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