Could the president really change your life?

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Looking back on it all, I think everything would have turned out the same no matter who the president was. All the ones I've ever seen weren't really very good anyway.

In the words of this year's favorite, what difference does it make?
Looking back on it all, I think everything would have turned out the same no matter who the president was. All the ones I've ever seen weren't really very good anyway.

In the words of this year's favorite, what difference does it make?

I've been saying that for years. Of course there are jobs that are affected by the political process. But ultimately you can change your own lot through your own efforts much more than you can by pulling a lever.
Honestly, for most people not that much. Maybe a shift in certain ideals they believe in or the way they carry out executive orders and such. It could mean a few dollars here and there or some orders that you don't agree with. Coal mining has been directly effected. Cutbacks in military could hit people in that arena. Shifting dollars to certain sectors of the economy could hurt others. But, someone who hung around southern wv for the coal jobs could have changed that.

But, all in all. Not that much other than getting pissed off.
I was just reading a little story I wrote about acorns. Not sure when I read it back to myself if I should be saying a-CORNs or akerns. I prefer akerns, especially since this all takes place near a muddy rock in the geographic center of Braxton County.

However, if I read it to someone out loud around here they might not know what akerns are. May have to say it a-CORNs. What the hell, I'll risk it with akerns. Give them the full flavor of the Mountain Lakes Region.
I was just reading a little story I wrote about acorns. Not sure when I read it back to myself if I should be saying a-CORNs or akerns. I prefer akerns, especially since this all takes place near a muddy rock in the geographic center of Braxton County.

However, if I read it to someone out loud around here they might not know what akerns are. May have to say it a-CORNs. What the hell, I'll risk it with akerns. Give them the full flavor of the Mountain Lakes Region.

I said akerns at work and they were like what in the hell did you just say.
Damn, and that's even down south. City south, but still. I better remember to say a-CORNs unless I want a boisterous laugh comparable to the one I got talking about my buggy full of pop.
How has any president changed your life? Honestly? I think Obama is genuinely a dick and I disagree with him but he really can't change my life or effect it greatly.

You and I are not the only citizens in the U S. Do you think all presidents would have started a preemptive war in Iraq? (4,486 dead and 32,226 wounded) Do you think all presidents would have pushed for the affordable healthcare act? 16 million newly insured. Presidents make a difference.
After 9/11, we would have likely went to war with somebody. People wanted revenge. Hell, even Democrats signed on with the war. If it wouldn't have been Iraq, we would have gone after some other sand people. It's all to appease the public anyway.

As far as free health care, we really already have it. If you have a heart attack, you don't just get left out there to die with it if you're not insured. If you have a non-life threatening condition, even with insurance you have to wait a long time to get anything done about it.
You and I are not the only citizens in the U S. Do you think all presidents would have started a preemptive war in Iraq? (4,486 dead and 32,226 wounded) Do you think all presidents would have pushed for the affordable healthcare act? 16 million newly insured. Presidents make a difference.

Ok...thanks for that non political answer. So I can thank Obama for raising my health insurance? I can thank him for our company hiring less people because of health care cost? Whatever. Presidents have little effect on people. Not such thing as a free lunch. So, anytime somebody gets something for free somebody else has to pay for it.

Anybody waiting on a politician to help them might as well shi* in one hand and wish in the other. The POTUS is not a single all powerful person. That is why we have different branches of government that are separate but equal and are a system of checks and balances.

Frankly, if you and others want to be a subject instead of a citizen keep relying on your politicians.

Local politicians probably have more of an effect on your than the POTUS.
After 9/11, we would have likely went to war with somebody. People wanted revenge. Hell, even Democrats signed on with the war. If it wouldn't have been Iraq, we would have gone after some other sand people. It's all to appease the public anyway.

As far as free health care, we really already have it. If you have a heart attack, you don't just get left out there to die with it if you're not insured. If you have a non-life threatening condition, even with insurance you have to wait a long time to get anything done about it.

Exactly. The American people wanted revenge and scalps.

Most of the politicians were for the war when it was hip. Then, when it got tough they were against it.
Exactly. The American people wanted revenge and scalps.

Most of the politicians were for the war when it was hip. Then, when it got tough they were against it.

The war in Afghanistan would have provided enough scalps There was no need for Iraq. Once again, how many presidents would have taken this country into Iraq?
The war in Afghanistan would have provided enough scalps There was no need for Iraq. Once again, how many presidents would have taken this country into Iraq?

How many Congressmen voted for it? The POTUS can't do something like that without consent of the Congress.
How many Congressmen voted for it? The POTUS can't do something like that without consent of the Congress.

Did Congress PUSH for war? Or did they follow w because he used that 65-70% presidential rating at the time to get his way? Shortly before the ultimatum speech, the percentage of Americans in favor of war was only about 47%. They shot to the upper 60s after the speech. War mongering at it's finest.
You don't think it cost us 250k last year?

Greed has never paid health insurance costs for his employees. He has no idea. Now he's laid off half of his workforce, and the 2 that are left are part timers needing other work or disability to make it.

Having a business discussion with this hypocrite is pointless.
The president can change your life if you let him. Even the war thing, if you didn't want to go you could get out of it.
Short of lobbing nukes at Russia and starting WWIII, POTUS is not going to affect the lives of average Americans in any great way.

I personally place a higher value on foreign relations than the average American, so that has a big influence on my Presidential vote. Anyone thinking Bernie is going to do whatever or Trump is going to make America great are rubes.
They're just a symbol of what's popular among voters. For a long time, it was kind of scary to me that a majority of voters went for this soft, helpless, apologetic culture. I can't change them. Why would I want to? I just don't want to be one of them. If that means the symbol I vote for never wins, then so be it.

I've never been one to conform to pop culture anyway. Why should this be any different?
Did Congress PUSH for war? Or did they follow w because he used that 65-70% presidential rating at the time to get his way? Shortly before the ultimatum speech, the percentage of Americans in favor of war was only about 47%. They shot to the upper 60s after the speech. War mongering at it's finest.
Most of them still voted for it
You might sell that malarkey to someone else. Not me.

You are a hayseed.

250,000 / 135 employees on plans = $1851.85 per employee on plan. 1851.85 /12 months = 154.25 per month per employee increase.

You don't think that is possible?

You have no damn clue.
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w because he used that 65-70% presidential rating at the time to get his way? Shortly before the ultimatum speech, the percentage of Americans in favor of war was only about 47%. They shot to the upper 60s after the speech.

Wow, a president with actual leadership? Sure don't have that now.
You are a hayseed.

250,000 / 135 employees on plans = $1851.85 per employee on plan. 1851.85 /12 months = 154.25 per month per employee increase.

You don't think that is possible?

You have no damn clue.

This goes to show you how small Greed actually thinks. He looked at a total $ amount (250k) and thought, "wow, that's a lot of $$ (to me), so no way a business pays that much more..." Because he never could. Pitiful.
You are a hayseed.

250,000 / 135 employees on plans = $1851.85 per employee on plan. 1851.85 /12 months = 154.25 per month per employee increase.

You don't think that is possible?

You have no damn clue.

Now tell us the tax break the company got.....
I'm all right with the war, but I hate the way we fight it. Wasteful. Waste our money and waste our people's lives trying to pluck corn out of turds instead of just massive blowing the doors off the opposition.

Bush was a big spender, too. Not just on the war. Spent too much. He did nothing to stop the expansion of the beggars' helpless culture. That's a big reason today that I believe the president has little effect on anything. No matter who gets in there, the same thing will happen.
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I'm all right with the war, but I hate the way we fight it. Wasteful. Waste our money and waste our people's lives trying to pluck corn out of turds instead of just massive blowing the doors off the opposition.

Bush was a big spender, too. Not just on the war. Spent too much. He did nothing to stop the expansion of the beggars' helpless culture. That's a big reason today that I believe the president has little effect on anything. No matter who gets in there, the same thing will happen.

Explain to us how you'd go about your "massive blowing the doors off the opposition" mr. trumpkin..........
Truman style.

Harry S

The last (maybe only) great Democrat.

The trumpkin thinks like a trumpkin......

So, we go into an unnecessary war on the claim that there's an al queda and hussein connection False.

And to find wmds. False.

It won't take only 5 months. False.

The war will pay for itself. False.

A democracy in iraq would set off a cascade of democracy in the middle east. False.

....and then we top off all these mistakes with another grand mistake by nuking exactly who????? Which country is the target of your nuke???
Whichever one the sand people were from who flew into the building. Some sandy wasteland with a bunch of towelheads hanging around. They want nuked anyway. Probably why they do this shit.