

Silver Buffalo
Aug 25, 2018
I'm not sure what to think here. Cramsey couldn't do crap with Doc. Put up decent numbers with Huff but they didn't translate into enough wins. Now I'm watching Memphis vs. Houston and his offense doesn't look too bad. But that could be expected when you have a couple of mobile qbs who can toss the ball downfield and/or can run with the ball. Oh, did I mention the opposing HC is Dana. It's now 26-13 Memphis, early 4th qtr.
I didn’t really care who won, but the ending of that game was great. Showed why you fight until the last seconds.
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I was looking at the Memphis offensive stats and they are pretty good. Way better than ours. Not saying it was all Cramsey either way - just interesting.
Cramsey ran the same crap as Legg, just had about 10 more plays, plus Wells struggled alot.

Trickett must have drank the kook aid Bill was giving him, seems we are slipping right back to our snail paced boring always shotgun no huddle scheme, hope “Trick daddy” has some tricks up his sleeve. If not I say Fire him and bill legg.
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Cramsey was a victim of Wells bad decisions
Cramsey has 4-5 different QBs while he was here. He helped recruit and develop all of them so no it wasn't just Grant Wells.

He picked the QBs.
He coached the QBs.
He developed the QBs.
He called the plays.

4 years, several QBs, and a roster changing completely over a 4 year span. He sucked. Period.
He sucked. Period.
Agreed, when I watched Sam Houston before he came I started calling him BillLegg2.0 because it was the same crap we had been running… then we have one of our biggest opportunities in coaching changes and Huff picks A unproven old washed up QB to run a Offense, that was a straight up LAZY move on huff. Trickett is starting to show he has no clue what he is doing…
Agreed, when I watched Sam Houston before he came I started calling him BillLegg2.0 because it was the same crap we had been running… then we have one of our biggest opportunities in coaching changes and Huff picks A unproven old washed up QB to run a Offense, that was a straight up LAZY move on huff. Trickett is starting to show he has no clue what he is doing…
I also doubt the qbs are being developed
I also doubt the qbs are being developed
Colombi showing frustration tells me he probably doesn’t have a good coach or does not trust the coach due to what what’s been shown.. I hope I’m wrong and Trickett is the daddy to our offense, but I don’t think soo..
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Agreed, when I watched Sam Houston before he came I started calling him BillLegg2.0 because it was the same crap we had been running… then we have one of our biggest opportunities in coaching changes and Huff picks A unproven old washed up QB to run a Offense, that was a straight up LAZY move on huff. Trickett is starting to show he has no clue what he is doing…

So when did we have a good OC? I think it's funny. We perpetually blame everything on the OC. What year did we have a good OC and who was it? 2014? Ugh oh, that was Bill Legg. So that can't count right? So how far do you have to go back to find a good OC? If we spend 30 years blaming everything on the OC maybe the OC isn't the problem...maybe it's us...or maybe we are cheering for the wrong school...because maybe Marshall is incapable of hiring a good one. Either way...hard for a "this guy sucks" to have much merit when we've said that about everyone for over 2 decades and it will probably be 3 decades when it's all said and done...since we don't like Trickett (image that).

I think ultimately what to take from this is when you are a college football fan you are perpetually unhappy. Everyone is miserable, all of the time, at every school... P5 or G5... Bottom 10 or top 25. .
So when did we have a good OC? I think it's funny. We perpetually blame everything on the OC. What year did we have a good OC and who was it? 2014? Ugh oh, that was Bill Legg. So that can't count right? So how far do you have to go back to find a good OC? If we spend 30 years blaming everything on the OC maybe the OC isn't the problem...maybe it's us...or maybe we are cheering for the wrong school...because maybe Marshall is incapable of hiring a good one. Either way...hard for a "this guy sucks" to have much merit when we've said that about everyone for over 2 decades and it will probably be 3 decades when it's all said and done...since we don't like Trickett (image that).

I think ultimately what to take from this is when you are a college football fan you are perpetually unhappy. Everyone is miserable, all of the time, at every school... P5 or G5... Bottom 10 or top 25. .
Let's be honest here. The last 3 regimes have been pretty unimpressive for qbs and offenses. Yes doc got lucky with Cato and him and Shuler made magic happen. I blame the bog and the AD for the boring a$# football we have had to endure the past 17 years. Funny the WKU can literally replace their staff every 2-3 years and they always find a qb and run a high powered offense. But MU can no longer find a decent D1 qb or a HC that will run a high powered offense.
Let's be honest here. The last 3 regimes have been pretty unimpressive for qbs and offenses. Yes doc got lucky with Cato and him and Shuler made magic happen. I blame the bog and the AD for the boring a$# football we have had to endure the past 17 years. Funny the WKU can literally replace their staff every 2-3 years and they always find a qb and run a high powered offense. But MU can no longer find a decent D1 qb or a HC that will run a high powered offense.
Yep. I wonder how the fortunes of the program would have gone if Marshall would have taken Pruetts recommendation of Larry Kueck for the next HC? Likely better than we did with Snides. KO just didn't have the gonads or care enough not to rebuff the Gibson's insistence on Snyder being the man.
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So when did we have a good OC? I think it's funny. We perpetually blame everything on the OC. What year did we have a good OC and who was it? 2014? Ugh oh, that was Bill Legg. So that can't count right? So how far do you have to go back to find a good OC? If we spend 30 years blaming everything on the OC maybe the OC isn't the problem...maybe it's us...or maybe we are cheering for the wrong school...because maybe Marshall is incapable of hiring a good one. Either way...hard for a "this guy sucks" to have much merit when we've said that about everyone for over 2 decades and it will probably be 3 decades when it's all said and done...since we don't like Trickett (image that).

I think ultimately what to take from this is when you are a college football fan you are perpetually unhappy. Everyone is miserable, all of the time, at every school... P5 or G5... Bottom 10 or top 25. .
Probably the Pruett years. Those Pennington and Leftwich led offenses were fun. So were the Donnan years.

Watching offense that do not push the ball down the field is not fun and of course it's going to lead to complaints. Time and time again listening to the post game interviews of the opponent saying how easy we were to figure out.

To a large extent it's today's offense. Too many swings and screens. Too many plays ran horizontally.

You can just sit there and say it's just the unhappy nature of being a fan or you can admit that seeing repeated WR screens to the near side of the field is garbage.
So when did we have a good OC? I think it's funny. We perpetually blame everything on the OC. What year did we have a good OC and who was it? 2014? Ugh oh, that was Bill Legg. So that can't count right? So how far do you have to go back to find a good OC? If we spend 30 years blaming everything on the OC maybe the OC isn't the problem...maybe it's us...or maybe we are cheering for the wrong school...because maybe Marshall is incapable of hiring a good one. Either way...hard for a "this guy sucks" to have much merit when we've said that about everyone for over 2 decades and it will probably be 3 decades when it's all said and done...since we don't like Trickett (image that).

I think ultimately what to take from this is when you are a college football fan you are perpetually unhappy. Everyone is miserable, all of the time, at every school... P5 or G5... Bottom 10 or top 25. .
Ohhh I don’t know, how about we start with the entire decade of the 1990’s! When we were the WINNINGEST TEAM IN ALL OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!!! Let just do what we did in the 90’s and play for championships

But heyyy who are we to complain right? Let’s just say “we were good once but not now” or better let’s just find a new team because Marshall has always sucked…

Marshall was always exciting to watch. We could have been down by 3 scores with 2 mins left in the game and as a fan you still held hope. Thats the mentality that no one has had since Pruett years, like the staff just wants to compete and not care about winning or they would find a way!
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Ohhh I don’t know, how about we start with the entire decade of the 1990’s! When we were the WINNINGEST TEAM IN ALL OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!!! Let just do what we did in the 90’s and play for championships

But heyyy who are we to complain right? Let’s just say “we were good once but not now” or better let’s just find a new team because Marshall has always sucked…

Marshall was always exciting to watch. We could have been down by 3 scores with 2 mins left in the game and as a fan you still held hope. Thats the mentality that no one has had since Pruett years, like the staff just wants to compete and not care about winning or they would find a way!

I don't disagree with you at all. But that's been a long time ago my friend. Which is my point. 2 decades of complaining about the OC...that's a LONGGGG TIME. We've been complaining about OCs without ceasing longer than most players on the current team have been alive.
I don't disagree with you at all. But that's been a long time ago my friend. Which is my point. 2 decades of complaining about the OC...that's a LONGGGG TIME. We've been complaining about OCs without ceasing longer than most players on the current team have been alive.
Glad you don’t disagree, now don’t expect us or at least me to stop complaining. Huff for whatever reason chose Trickett, completely LAZY..
When Marshall did there ( National coaching search) (A) just how far reaching was it? (B) Marshall always seems to have it's core buddy group they pick from i.e cheap side (c) And biggest issue Marshall has and keeps telling its people/fans are that Marshall is poor can't afford anyone better or Marshall can only do this if money is raised in a given time frame. Spears is the new AD if he isn't putting a short list of coaches ready to look into at seasons end then he as well needs to be let go. BG needs to be tore apart and new members put in place ( members now don't care and only are there for $ and ego) To may BG members have inside deals that benefit them and not the University as a whole. You will see football players leaving in mass after this season mark it down call me out idc but it will happen. Media in Huntington are sheep no more no less afraid to ask a hard question because they don't want to out of the Marshall inner circle hell WSAZ don't even cover Marshall that much anymore. THIS SEASON WILL HURT MARSHALL FOR YEARS TO COME. And if you think im crazy look no further then this year's basketball season for over buts in the sets. Beating these shit teams DD has put together will do nothing to bring fans out or to get better players to Marshall. Baseball took a hit as well Waggoner didn't have anything to offer kids to come to Marshall but a free ride playing games on high school fields and no support. But tell me again just how the BG stepped in and helped Waggoner out ? Again no help they took their $ and went on about there day shaking hands and saying what YOU THE FANS wanted to hear not what was going on behind closed doors.
Spears next coaching search will start and end with Mark Whipple
I don’t understand how BG members only do things that benefit themselves?
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How many moves have the BG made lately that have helped Marshall as a whole? BG members I'm sure get paid very well and make lasting connections that benefit themselves more then what there doing fir Marshall over all.
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Ohhh I don’t know, how about we start with the entire decade of the 1990’s! When we were the WINNINGEST TEAM IN ALL OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!!! Let just do what we did in the 90’s and play for championships

But heyyy who are we to complain right? Let’s just say “we were good once but not now” or better let’s just find a new team because Marshall has always sucked…

Marshall was always exciting to watch. We could have been down by 3 scores with 2 mins left in the game and as a fan you still held hope. Thats the mentality that no one has had since Pruett years, like the staff just wants to compete and not care about winning or they would find a way!
Totally different time now. Sadly, Our past 2 AD's enjoyed their jobs and got comfy. Our past two and now three hires have been busts basically. We didn't increase BG donors. We got passed and gonna be hard to catch up now.

The next hire may determine if we can compete at D1 or move back to FCS due to donor and fan dollars drying up.
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Spears next coaching search will start and end with Mark Whipple
I don’t understand how BG members only do things that benefit themselves?
Yep, dudes hung up on how many points they have and what's in it for them. Wrong line of thinking

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