Cruise booked


Aug 5, 2001
Thanks for the advice I got from several of you. It was helpful. I'm leaving out of New Orleans and sailing on Norwegian Dawn. It's a seven day cruise with stops in Cozumel Mexico, Belize City Belize, Roatan Bay Honduras, and Costa Maya Mexico. I really enjoy PreColumbian history and will be taking day excursions to several of the Mayan ruins. Chichen Itza is one of my bucket list items so I'm looking forward to it.

Anyone been to any of these locations? Advice?
I have been to Honduras. It was not on a cruise though. I was in the central and western part of the country near El Salvador on the Pacific side. Wonderful people but extremely poor and dangerous. I believe the gulf side should be more modern and good for a visit.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Chichen Itza is AMAZING. The entire complex is much bigger than I imagined. Be prepared to be bombarded with people selling stuff all through out chichen itza. That was pretty annoying but other than that it was great.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I've been to Tijuana and Jaurez so I understand how annoying the peddlers can be. I've gotten good at ignoring them. But wherever gringos go to play in Mexico I'm sure you're going to get that.
Never did chichen itza because it was like a 12 hour excursion.

Snorkeling was great in Cozumel. Nearly all the snorkeling boats had free beer and margaritas.
We just booked a trip to Puerto Rico. We went there about 10 years ago and really enjoyed it. No cruise, just flying down.

You'll have to let me know how the cruise experience is.
I've been to Cozumel. We did a horseback ride through some of the country side and saw a couple of Mayan artifacts. It was a lot of fun if you enjoy riding any at all. Of course they bombard you there as well with the trinkets and trash peddlers.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I've been close to Cozumel, in Playa del Carmen. Going back there in the morning. Glad to miss this snowstorm and cold streak.
Originally posted by murox:
I've been close to Cozumel, in Playa del Carmen. Going back there in the morning. Glad to miss this snowstorm and cold streak.
Hopefully you have the red eye flight because if not you might be delaying your trip a few hours.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Originally posted by herdfan06:

Originally posted by i am herdman:
I have been to Honduras. It was not on a cruise though.
Were you there in 1988?
Nope. A few years later.
I was not sure if it was a free trip paid for by Uncle Sam.

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