Damn! How dumb can he be?

I think you are trying to replace him in that position. You are in serious need of help.
I think there's probably 3 or 4 that are tied for worst. Once you get that mentally unstable, it's hard to distinguish between those whose IQs hover around the freezing point.
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what are you talking about EG? In the first two years of Trump he has created 4.7 million new jobs. In eight years under Obama he created 8.9.
Here is Wa Po

In the last 4 years under obama, there were 10,355,000 jobs created.
4,832,000 in the first 2 years of cheetos. That averages out under cheetos at 2,416,000 per year, and 2,588,750 for obama.

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.

The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.0 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
Production of handguns rose 192 percent, to a record level.
The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.
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In the last 4 years under obama, there were 10,355,000 jobs created.
4,832,000 in the first 2 years of cheetos. That averages out under cheetos at 2,416,000 per year, and 2,588,750 for obama.

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.

The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.0 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
Production of handguns rose 192 percent, to a record level.
The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.
just admit you are wrong about Trump. By the way, I can play that game. Trump is on a pace to see about 19 million jobs created in a two term Presidency. Great cherry picking a few categories. I can list plenty of others to show things are doing well under Trump.
just admit you are wrong about Trump. By the way, I can play that game. Trump is on a pace to see about 19 million jobs created in a two term Presidency. Great cherry picking a few categories.

^^^That is some stupid stuff.^^^
You want to totally ignore the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression inherited by obama. If I take the last 4 years of (no recession included) the obama presidency and multipy it by 2, then we get 20,710,000. cheetos only gets to 19,328,000 in 8 years. Obama wins by 1,382,000.

And no, I'm not wrong about trump. He's a lying, cheating, incompetent coward.
All that Obama/Dem "success".....and Hillary still couldn't close the deal.

"success" of cheetos:

Less jobs created.
Labor force participation rate lower.
Bigger federal deficit.
More national debt.
U S trade deficit highest ever.
No wall.
Coal mining employment trending down.
Hillary not in jail.
Lost House to Dems.
"there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.":rolleyes:
No repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
No "$1.5 trillion on refurbishing the nation's infrastructure."
all you have to do to get those numbers are to Google It? You guys are just not that bright and I'm running on low beam. lol
"success" of cheetos:

Less jobs created.
Labor force participation rate lower.
Bigger federal deficit.
More national debt.
U S trade deficit highest ever.
No wall.
Coal mining employment trending down.
Hillary not in jail.
Lost House to Dems.
"there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.":rolleyes:
No repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
No "$1.5 trillion on refurbishing the nation's infrastructure."
sorry you are wrong, Trump is doing a good job.
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"success" of cheetos:

Less jobs created.
Labor force participation rate lower.
Bigger federal deficit.
More national debt.
U S trade deficit highest ever.
No wall.
Coal mining employment trending down.
Hillary not in jail.
Lost House to Dems.
"there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.":rolleyes:
No repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
No "$1.5 trillion on refurbishing the nation's infrastructure."

And again, Hillary bombed. ***losing***
How does the “most successful woman in politics” fail like this after supposedly being handed all of this “success”?

Answer: (using Obummer’s own words) All the economic success, and Obumma looks at the country and the American people and says “... you didn’t create this...”. That’s “inspiring” isn’t it?
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And again, Hillary bombed. ***losing***
How does the “most successful woman in politics” fail like this after supposedly being handed all of this “success”?

Answer: (using Obummer’s own words) All the economic success, and Obumma looks at the country and the American people and says “... you didn’t create this...”. That’s “inspiring” isn’t it?

it is to a cabinet maker closing up shop and signing up for free government hand outs.
sorry you are wrong, Trump is doing a good job.

Less jobs created.
Labor force participation rate lower.
Bigger federal deficit.
More national debt.
U S trade deficit highest ever.
No wall.
Coal mining employment trending down.
Hillary not in jail.
Lost House to Dems.
"there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.":rolleyes:
No repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
No "$1.5 trillion on refurbishing the nation's infrastructure."
it is to a cabinet maker closing up shop and signing up for free government hand outs.

You're admitting I'm god-like since I just finished another kitchen project in a shop that doesn't exist.
Did you refuse the cheetos tax cut hand out? moron
And again, Hillary bombed. ***losing***
How does the “most successful woman in politics” fail like this after supposedly being handed all of this “success”?

Answer: (using Obummer’s own words) All the economic success, and Obumma looks at the country and the American people and says “... you didn’t create this...”. That’s “inspiring” isn’t it?

You can't blame Hillary or Obama for the following cheetos failures....

Less jobs created.
Labor force participation rate lower.
Bigger federal deficit.
More national debt.
U S trade deficit highest ever.
No wall.
Coal mining employment trending down.
Hillary not in jail.
Lost House to Dems.
"there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.":rolleyes:
No repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
No "$1.5 trillion on refurbishing the nation's infrastructure."
You're admitting I'm god-like since I just finished another kitchen project in a shop that doesn't exist.
Did you refuse the cheetos tax cut hand out? moron

The tax cut didn't help me at all. But I am glad that it worked for the country and many less fortunate than I in this country. That's just how I roll.
You can't blame Hillary or Obama for the following cheetos failures....

Less jobs created.
Labor force participation rate lower.
Bigger federal deficit.
More national debt.
U S trade deficit highest ever.
No wall.
Coal mining employment trending down.
Hillary not in jail.
Lost House to Dems.
"there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.":rolleyes:
No repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
No "$1.5 trillion on refurbishing the nation's infrastructure."

How exactly are these “failures”? He hasn’t finished his presidency yet.

Unlike you I don’t blame politicians for MY outcomes in life. That’s generally a Democrat philosophy. It’s why folks like you generally need to find “religions” and self help encouragement programs like Scientology to assist their poor states of mind.

How many kitchen projects have you completed this year? Are you still doing full kitchen build outs or are you just doing smaller little specialty cabinet units for kitchen/spaces?
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The tax cut didn't help me at all.

Nothing can.

But I am glad that it worked for the country and many less fortunate than I in this country.

Bwaaahaha!!! You're delusional.
How exactly are these “failures”? He hasn’t finished his presidency yet.

Unlike you I don’t blame politicians for MY outcomes in life. That’s generally a Democrat philosophy. It’s why folks like you generally need to find “religions” and self help encouragement programs like Scientology to assist their poor states of mind.

How many kitchen projects have you completed this year? Are you still doing full kitchen build outs or are you just doing smaller little specialty cabinet units for kitchen/spaces?

Less jobs created.
Labor force participation rate lower.
Bigger federal deficit.
More national debt.
U S trade deficit highest ever.
No wall.
Coal mining employment trending down.
Hillary not in jail.
Lost House to Dems.
"there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.":rolleyes:
No repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
No "$1.5 trillion on refurbishing the nation's infrastructure."
Bwaaahaha!!! You're delusional.
actually, he's not, he's correct. know a guy who preps tax returns and he indicated that across the board, over 95% of the tax returns he did for 2018 taxpayers paid less in tax than in prior years when comparing apples to apples. hell, if you could be honest, you paid less too . . . guarantee it. you would have received the new section 199 deduction which guarantees you would have paid less in federal tax than previous years if based on the same bottom line. numbers don't lie.

i think i've read on here that @dherd does tax returns. if he had an ounce of truth in him, he'd tell you the same.

i could provide specific examples, but you'd swear they were lies, so no point.

on another note, and all ribbing aside, i'd honestly like to see some pictures of your work. i'm thinking you put out some quality cabinets.
actually, he's not, he's correct. know a guy who preps tax returns and he indicated that across the board, over 95% of the tax returns he did for 2018 taxpayers paid less in tax than in prior years when comparing apples to apples.

Is the tax prep guy related to the metal fab guy that benefitted from deregulation that hadn't occurred?

on another note, and all ribbing aside, i'd honestly like to see some pictures of your work.

I've posted pics several times. You should have been paying attention.
^^^That is some stupid stuff.^^^
You want to totally ignore the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression inherited by obama. If I take the last 4 years of (no recession included) the obama presidency and multipy it by 2, then we get 20,710,000. cheetos only gets to 19,328,000 in 8 years. Obama wins by 1,382,000.

And no, I'm not wrong about trump. He's a lying, cheating, incompetent coward.

Why do you continue to cherry pick the last 4 years of the Obama presidency? Why not the last 5 years? 6? Why not the entire 8 years? Oh, I’s because when you factor in his entire presidency, Trump blows Obama out of the water.
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Why do you continue to cherry pick the last 4 years of the Obama presidency? Why not the last 5 years? 6? Why not the entire 8 years? Oh, I’s because when you factor in his entire presidency, Trump blows Obama out of the water.

When you ignore obama inheriting the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, it's YOU that are trying to cherry-pick, moron.
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Is the tax prep guy related to the metal fab guy that benefitted from deregulation that hadn't occurred?
if they are, it wouldn't change the facts. how much did the s199 deduction save you? It's okay, you can admit trump's tax plan saved you money.

I've posted pics several times. You should have been paying attention.
Don't follow bullshit so apparently missed them.

Why are you so mad all the time? You take this stuff way too seriously. Xenu wouldn't be proud of your attitude. You should repent to both of your gods.
if they are, it wouldn't change the facts. how much did the s199 deduction save you? It's okay, you can admit trump's tax plan saved you money.

You're not providing facts, moron. You're providing hearsay. I realize you don't understand the difference.

Don't follow bullshit

Yes, you do.

Why are you so mad all the time? You take this stuff way too seriously. Xenu wouldn't be proud of your attitude. You should repent to both of your gods.

You're not providing facts, moron. You're providing hearsay. I realize you don't understand the difference.
i did provide facts; i've been shown many of the examples, i.e. first hand knowledge, not "hearsay". per the typical butt-hurt greed, however, the facts don't support your position, so you don't accept them. accept them or not, they're still facts. and, i'd venture to say that a majority of those who post on this board paid less. hell, i know of people who made more and paid less. doesn't support your stance of "orange man bad!" though, so their "all LIES, LIES I TELL YA! LIES". i noticed you don't want to touch how much less you paid in tax for 2018 versus prior years, because you know you did and burns your ass up that trump saved you money in tax.

such the good little leftist pos you are . . . toe that line, greed, toe that line.

No, you provided hearsay, moron. You still haven't got that figured out. Here, I'll show you some "facts."...

I know an accountant, and he said that 75% of all his clients paid more taxes after the Cheetos tax plan when it was apples to apples. He was angry because he was having to explain that the Cheetos tax plan mostly helped the wealthy, not them. These are facts, and whether you agree with it or not, they're still facts. Deal with it, sissy flake.
No, you provided hearsay, moron. You still haven't got that figured out. Here, I'll show you some "facts."...

I know an accountant, and he said that 75% of all his clients paid more taxes after the Cheetos tax plan when it was apples to apples. He was angry because he was having to explain that the Cheetos tax plan mostly helped the wealthy, not them. These are facts, and whether you agree with it or not, they're still facts. Deal with it, sissy flake.
Seriously, how much less did you pay due to trump's tax plan? It must eat you up, you bitter little man, that trumps tax plan allowed you to keep more of your money.

Btw, you can make believe all you want, won't refute the FACT you paid less in tax on the same amount of income in 2018 in comparison to prior years. noticed you won't address that.

Personally, I paid about the same amount of tax in 2018 on significantly more income than 2017. THANKS, TRUMP!
Seriously, how much less did you pay due to trump's tax plan? It must eat you up, you bitter little man, that trumps tax plan allowed you to keep more of your money.

Btw, you can make believe all you want, won't refute the FACT you paid less in tax on the same amount of income in 2018 in comparison to prior years. noticed you won't address that.

Personally, I paid about the same amount of tax in 2018 on significantly more income than 2017. THANKS, TRUMP!

More hearsay, you idiot.

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