Dems to play hardball with Manchin.


Silver Buffalo
Aug 25, 2018
They should be careful what they wish for. If they put somebody up against him in the '26 primary, that person has no chance. Manchin wins. And most likely would win in the general election. If that person succeeds in besting Manchin in the primary, that person would not beat the Republican. Dems lose. No matter how they proceed, they should hope JM remains in the Senate and that they can sway him on voting their way. Joe's got them by the ba!!s.
The Manchin hate is dumb. It’s exactly as you said, it’s him or a Republican in his seat.

BuT hE dOeSnT vOtE rIgHt!

First, neither would the Republican. Second, he votes right sometimes and is why McConnell isn’t the majority leader, and that’s a whole lot better than the alternative.

Go get a 51st seat. Go get a 52nd seat. Make Manchin not matter anymore that way. This is stupid.
As for now, the best move is to scale back the environmental crap to something that Manchin can sign on to. Then go forward with Build Back Better. Pass out the welfare checks and be the hero. Don't blow it with tree hugging.

I kind of expect Biden to have sense enough to pull this off. He's usually centrist. Just right now he's got too many tree huggers giving him hell.

And I think a lot of the stuff he says is for show, the stumbling and shit. Get the cameras off and he probably sounds like John F. Kennedy.

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