i don’t know that you would even realize how often you are kicked around and laughed at. Even if you do realize it, a narcissist like you would never admit it.What you are claiming and what you are paraphrasing me on are entirely unrelated.
I said that I don't post with the goal of getting likes on my posts. You then claimed I did. For proof of that, you referenced my comments that YOUR posts against me in many threads don't get any likes, even though many people jump on any post against me. I used that as proof that your arguments against me - a favorite target of the board - are so bad that others don't even bother to like them.
There is nothing even remotely related in those two things. This is what I mean by stupid.
I get upset? Child, I mock you for running around and liking foolish arguments just because they are against me. When I easily refute those arguments, you hide and cower in the corner. I mock you for liking dumb arguments and contributing nothing to the board.
And I've never been kicked around the board. Look at the last two attempts by people to correct me - one was on the main board and one was Murox's attempt at grammar on this board. Both were huge failures on each of their parts.
Stick to spelling contests and watching likes— it’s what you are good at.