DOW: worst week since 2008 shitshow

Trump took the credit now he has to take the blame. I can't believe after all this people don't see that Trump is a total degenerate.
Look, I don't necessarily credit or blame POTUS for the market. But you Trump asskissers have been, well, kissing his ass over stock gains. You rubes going to blame him for this shit? Or just continue with the royal turds upon your noses?

I’ve never given credit to Trump for the market.

It was just too easy mocking you rubes for suggesting the markets would immediately crash after his election. By the way, what level were the markets when he took office?
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So are we still at historical highs? I am showing a close yesterday of 22,445.37. November 2016 we were at 19,965.02

What goes up, must come down.

So, we are even still very high on the market?

It is like being in sales and you have a $5 dollar sales year because of some large sales that don't come along but every 10 years. The next year you do $4.5 million which is still above average.

Still a good year.

This is nothing like 2008.
Where is the economy bad? Worry about that more. liberals rooting for a bad economy

There are some concerns over inflation. Going to raise some interest rates.
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this is a good economy w/ a strong market.

It's what cheetos inherited. He did nothing with the economy until Dec of 2017 when the 1 1/2 trillion worth of tax cuts (most of which goes to the already wealthy) were passed. How have those improved the economy?

And so does Obama because he keeps trying to take credit for it.

He and his administration laid the foundation for the basis of this economy. He should take credit for near all of it. The economy became trumps when the tax cuts were passed.
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It's what cheetos inherited. He did nothing with the economy until Dec of 2017 when the 1 1/2 trillion worth of tax cuts (most of which goes to the already wealthy) were passed. How have those improved the economy?

He and his administration laid the foundation for the basis of this economy. He should take credit for near all of it. The economy became trumps when the tax cuts were passed.
Laughable. Ask almost any business owner. We can almost chart it from the day Obama left office. Hell it was just a boost know he was leaving. We all celebrated
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Laughable. Ask almost any business owner. We can almost chart it from the day Obama left office. Hell it was just a boost know he was leaving. We all celebrated

I'll ask again about those tax cuts ....How have those improved the economy?
It is like being in sales and you have a $5 dollar sales year because of some large sales that don't come along but every 10 years. The next year you do $4.5 million which is still above average.

Umm, going from $5 to $4.5 million is a big increase, not a decrease.

Did the banker let you borrow his calculator again?
Umm, going from $5 to $4.5 million is a big increase, not a decrease.

Did the banker let you borrow his calculator again?
Of course it is a decrease. But, it is not a bad year. Let's say your goal is $4 million. One year you do $5 million because you get a million in big orders than come along every 10 years. The next year you do $4.5 million. Still 500 grand over your goal and a good year. Some years you have anomalies.
Of course it is a decrease. But, it is not a bad year. Let's say your goal is $4 million. One year you do $5 million because you get a million in big orders than come along every 10 years. The next year you do $4.5 million. Still 500 grand over your goal and a good year. Some years you have anomalies.

No, it is a huge increase, not a decrease. Christ, you can't even read what I am typing correctly.

Go back to your original post on that. You said "$5" instead of "$5 million." You then said you dropped to $4.5 million the next year. Going from $5 to $4.5 MILLION is a huge increase.

You forgot to put "million" after "$5" in your original post. I was calling you (and getting in a shot at the banker) for it. But you missed it . . . then compounded that by fvcking up your reading of my post.

Stay deplorable.
Where is the economy bad? Worry about that more. liberals rooting for a bad economy

There are some concerns over inflation. Going to raise some interest rates.
Why in the world would anyone, a citizen of the United States, be rooting for a bad economy? All of the hyperbole about left and right is just that. The significant majority are moderate. Most people swing left to right depending upon the topic being discussed. The name calling is a way to block intelligent conversation and open discussion among reasonable folks. It does not add anything to a conversation!
No, it is a huge increase, not a decrease. Christ, you can't even read what I am typing correctly.

Go back to your original post on that. You said "$5" instead of "$5 million." You then said you dropped to $4.5 million the next year. Going from $5 to $4.5 MILLION is a huge increase.

You forgot to put "million" after "$5" in your original post. I was calling you (and getting in a shot at the banker) for it. But you missed it . . . then compounded that by fvcking up your reading of my post.

Stay deplorable.
You just had a post on the main board how you forgot to add or delete something. suck me
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Why in the world would anyone, a citizen of the United States, be rooting for a bad economy? All of the hyperbole about left and right is just that. The significant majority are moderate. Most people swing left to right depending upon the topic being discussed. The name calling is a way to block intelligent conversation and open discussion among reasonable folks. It does not add anything to a conversation!
The democrats and left would certainly root for a bad economy if they thought it would help them gain power. I have no doubt about that.
Alright so a 5.7 percent annual return is great?? I’m cutting through the bullshit here. Trumps return is 5.7 percent annualized. Folks that is below the market average of the last 80 years. Including the years of the Great Depression.

Let me make this clear Below Average.

And the market is greater than 10 percent down in 2018. Folks this isn’t good. If you think it is you are a fool and a full blown trumptard.
Alright so a 5.7 percent annual return is great?? I’m cutting through the bullshit here. Trumps return is 5.7 percent annualized. Folks that is below the market average of the last 80 years. Including the years of the Great Depression.

Let me make this clear Below Average.

And the market is greater than 10 percent down in 2018. Folks this isn’t good. If you think it is you are a fool and a full blown trumptard.
How is the economy overall?
The democrats and left would certainly root for a bad economy if they thought it would help them gain power. I have no doubt about that.
There are more reasonable ways to effect change rather than hoping and working to hurt people financially. But of course that requires reasonable conversation and, more often than not, compromise, agreeing to a middle ground. What our forefathers planned for in our checks and balance form of government.
There are more reasonable ways to effect change rather than hoping and working to hurt people financially. But of course that requires reasonable conversation and, more often than not, compromise, agreeing to a middle ground. What our forefathers planned for in our checks and balance form of government.
I agree, but the Democrats want power and power means big government to them. They would rather have a bad economy and then, win an election. That is what it is about for them.
I agree, but the Democrats want power and power means big government to them. They would rather have a bad economy and then, win an election. That is what it is about for them.

I'm a democrat that has voted split ticket more often than not and do not agree with your assessment. Our power, as a country, has come from our ability to come together, in spite of political differences, and compromise on things. Russia, China, Iraq and other nondemocratic countries want us to believe and act otherwise. If they can have this type of influence on us, they can have a negative influence on other, less economically stable democracies. I'm not going to buy into your conspiracy theories. They hurt us greatly.
I'm a democrat that has voted split ticket more often than not and do not agree with your assessment. Our power, as a country, has come from our ability to come together, in spite of political differences, and compromise on things. Russia, China, Iraq and other nondemocratic countries want us to believe and act otherwise. If they can have this type of influence on us, they can have a negative influence on other, less economically stable democracies. I'm not going to buy into your conspiracy theories. They hurt us greatly.
I am not giving you a conspiracy theory. I am telling you about the modern day Democrat Party.
Look, I don't necessarily credit or blame POTUS for the market. But you Trump asskissers have been, well, kissing his ass over stock gains. You rubes going to blame him for this shit? Or just continue with the royal turds upon your noses?

Remember when a lot of these cons on Herd Nation bragged about Dubya and the "roaring" national economy before Lehman Brothers went belly up in 2008? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Also, this month is shaping up to be the worst December in the NYSE since December 1931. Congrats. What is Trump gonna do now, fire the Fed Chair? What could go wrong with that?
All you need to do is read this board’s group of Democrats. It’s no conspiracy.
And most moderate Republicans! They are less vocal though, out of fear of being called traitors! This is playing into the hands of our enemies who love our calling each other names! Anything demeaning democratic principles is fine in their book! Keep it up!! You are playing it well for them!! Describing our country as simply “left/right”, “conservative/liberal” is totally dishonest and inaccurate and it keeps us from talking to each other to arrive at any decisions or compromises! Our enemies genuinely love that!!
And most moderate Republicans! They are less vocal though, out of fear of being called traitors! This is playing into the hands of our enemies who love our calling each other names! Anything demeaning democratic principles is fine in their book! Keep it up!! You are playing it well for them!! Describing our country as simply “left/right”, “conservative/liberal” is totally dishonest and inaccurate and it keeps us from talking to each other to arrive at any decisions or compromises! Our enemies genuinely love that!!

Again, maybe you should come on here and read where most of the "demeaning" words/threads originate. It isn't a conspiracy.

With that said, I'm fully aware that this country was built and then thrived on much more internal strife and discord than we currently are experiencing. It's part of the American process. I'm sure the English, French, Japanese, and Germans all appreciated our political infighting, and thought it would be our undoing. The day we all agree to sit around a fire, hold hands and sing kumbaya will most likely mark our end IMO.
Again, maybe you should come on here and read where most of the "demeaning" words/threads originate. It isn't a conspiracy.

With that said, I'm fully aware that this country was built and then thrived on much more internal strife and discord than we currently are experiencing. It's part of the American process. I'm sure the English, French, Japanese, and Germans all appreciated our political infighting, and thought it would be our undoing. The day we all agree to sit around a fire, hold hands and sing kumbaya will most likely mark our end IMO.
Communicating with each other can and does resolve differences whereas the labeling and name calling pushes us in another direction! Sorry if I implied a conspiracy. However I do believe that our current technology allows influences from those that are not friendly to democracies.
Trump suggested that he had a better feel for the markets than Powell, even though the Fed chairman has spent decades working at investment banks and the Treasury Department, and Trump, as a real estate developer, went bankrupt several times.

Mnuchin's announcement sent the market into a tailspin today.

Markets stage one of worst Christmas Eves ever, closing down more than 600 points as Trump blames Fed for stock losses in a tweet

One of the first thing this administration did was to loosen regs on banks.....the same banks who cheated the system and created the financial meltdown that was the great recession. Now, the administration is asking banks, "So, you guys solvent or what?"

Trump corporations filed for bankruptcy protection six times. Let's get the reins out of this buffoon's hands before the US Govt becomes #7.
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Mnuchin's announcement sent the market into a tailspin today.

Markets stage one of worst Christmas Eves ever, closing down more than 600 points as Trump blames Fed for stock losses in a tweet

One of the first thing this administration did was to loosen regs on banks.....

Are you suggesting the market selling is a "banking" problem Chevy?

"Mnuchin held calls on Sunday with the heads of the six largest U.S. banks in order to reassure nervous investors that the financial markets and economy were functioning properly.

"The banks all confirmed ample liquidity is available for lending to consumer and business markets," the statement from the Treasury said."

This is exactly the job the Treasury Sec should be doing.....