DOW: worst week since 2008 shitshow

Are you suggesting the market selling is a "banking" problem Chevy?

"Mnuchin held calls on Sunday with the heads of the six largest U.S. banks in order to reassure nervous investors that the financial markets and economy were functioning properly.

"The banks all confirmed ample liquidity is available for lending to consumer and business markets," the statement from the Treasury said."

This is exactly the job the Treasury Sec should be doing.....
Liarherdfan you market predictions and advice are that of an uneducated, liar and meaningless investor. Stop vomiting all over this board.
Are you suggesting the market selling is a "banking" problem Chevy? .
The linked article reported that news. In fact, nearly every news and financial source reported the same.

Many thought Mnuchin reaching out to the banks signaled he was concerned about our economic future....hence, the sell off.
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The linked article reported that news. In fact, nearly every news and financial source reported the same.

Many thought Mnuchin reaching out to the banks signaled he was concerned about our economic future....hence, the sell off.

Again. Nothing in the article referred to the selling as a “banking problem”.

I guess the “banks” were ok today??
The linked article reported that news. In fact, nearly every news and financial source reported the same.

Many thought Mnuchin reaching out to the banks signaled he was concerned about our economic future....hence, the sell off.

Yep. He planted the seed that there might be liquidity issues among lenders.

I'm ecstatic about today's rebound, but it's the inability of this administration to instill confidence that is causing the issues to begin with. The foundation of this economy is still strong. That's a good thing.

But as long as we have a president that flops back and forward on trade and tariffs, creates uncertainty among allies, and creates constant chaos and uncertainty with the investigations into his conduct, the stock market is going to be unstable. These swings over the last month are reactions to uncertainty. A president needs to instill the stability necessary to provide confidence among investors.
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These swings over the last month are reactions to uncertainty

These swings are primarily due to liquidity being removed/reduced from the market(s): the continual reversal of QE and interest rate increases. Both Fed driven policy action.
Yep. He planted the seed that there might be liquidity issues among lenders.

I'm ecstatic about today's rebound, but it's the inability of this administration to instill confidence that is causing the issues to begin with. The foundation of this economy is still strong. That's a good thing.

But as long as we have a president that flops back and forward on trade and tariffs, creates uncertainty among allies, and creates constant chaos and uncertainty with the investigations into his conduct, the stock market is going to be unstable. These swings over the last month are reactions to uncertainty. A president needs to instill the stability necessary to provide confidence among investors.

It's largely the Fed, but also the administration tackling the screw ups of the past like trade etc. You really should stick to your crazy global warming theories.
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It's largely the Fed, but also the administration tackling the screw ups of the past like trade etc. You really should stick to your crazy global warming theories.

Almost every single market crash has had an underlying cause. The early 2000 plunge was a result of an over inflated tech market coming home to roost. The 2008 dip was due to the subprime lending greed that put millions of people in unsustainable loans. For almost every single significant plunge there were underlying factors.

What are the underlying factors that are fueling these massive sell offs under the Trump administration? According to you guys the underpinnings of our economy is great. And although the numbers aren’t historic highs like Trump leads you to believe, they are solid. The GDP is good. Unemployment is low.

So what’s fueling the downturn? Is it rising rates from the Feds like you indicate? Well, if you look at historical returns under rising federal rates you will see that excuse is baseless. Since 1971 the S&P has risen over 20% in rising interest rate environments. The individual sectors of technology, industrials, and energy all has positive growth during rising interest rates. The real estate sector fared the worst due to the leveraged nature of the industry. Historical evidence shows that as long as the rates are raised in a moderate way, there is no evidence for your assertion that the rising fed rates are the issue. mentioned fixing the trade abuses of the past as though to insinuate that the trade and tariff impacts on the market are a result of past abuses. But the problem there isn’t the correction of trade issues, but the uncertainty created by a president who acts erratically and puts us on the brink of a full blown trade war with China. This would be catastrophic.

The problem we have is we have a president who fails to understand the basics of our economy. This is an actual quote from our president...

“I’ve borrowed knowing that you can pay back with discounts,” he told CNBC. “I would borrow knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal.”

So we have this guy who thinks the answer is to increase the national debt and when it comes crashing down just negotiate a discount. And why not? It was an underpinning strategy of his real estate ventures. He would borrow money at exorbitant rates (on the Taj Mahal project he said banks would be in line to loan him money-they weren’t) and when it all came tumbling down he’d seek to refinance the deal at discounted rates. The only problem with that is it leaves a stream of unpaid contractors, construction workers, and thousands of other ancillary players in the construction of his projects, many which went bankrupt due to not getting paid. But Trump uses their misery as a business tactic to build these exorbitant projects in hopes to just stiff everybody and the renegotiate at lower rates.

Nope...this stock market fluctuation we’re seeing is as a result of people who are jittery. In the absence of any underlying economic drivers causing the fluctuations, these ups and downs are being driven by the fear caused by uncertainty, be it trade or government stability (is Trump going to survive). I suggest you stick to what you do best...hit and run name calling without any engagement or debate of the facts. Honestly, if I were playing your hand that would be my strategy as well.
Liarherdfan you market predictions and advice are that of an uneducated, liar and meaningless investor. Stop vomiting all over this board.

Yes they are great. It’s interesting trying to figure out what you believe is real and what you are just lying about.

do you ever post anything worth reading? over 90% of your posts are jr. high drivel. take your own advice, stop vomiting all over this board.

if @Raoul Duke MU or any of the other mods had any balls whatsoever, instead of banning greed for whatever, they'd ban you and any others who incessantly post meaningless horseshit such as the above; those who rarely, if ever, as in your case, add any value whatsoever to any thread.
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if @Raoul Duke MU or any of the other mods had any balls whatsoever, instead of banning greed for whatever, they'd ban you and any others who incessantly post meaningless horseshit such as the above; those who rarely, if ever, as in your case, add any value whatsoever to any thread.

If we banned all the dipshits, who would you pick on?
do you ever post anything worth reading? over 90% of your posts are jr. high drivel. take your own advice, stop vomiting all over this board.

if @Raoul Duke MU or any of the other mods had any balls whatsoever, instead of banning greed for whatever, they'd ban you and any others who incessantly post meaningless horseshit such as the above; those who rarely, if ever, as in your case, add any value whatsoever to any thread.

If value was the license to post here you would hear an echo after every post.
If value was the license to post here you would hear an echo after every post.
value . . . license . . . echo.


sorry, not sorry to obviously offend your mod status.
Over your head. Imagine my surprise.
well, explain it then. because, "if value was the license" is all cool and works, but you totally screwed it with your poor attempt to be witty by trying to fit "echo" in. wtf does an "echo" have to do with a "license"? i totally get your point, you just suck at trying to be clever when attempting to make it.
The stocks we too high. They were naturally going to correct themselves.

The economy is pretty solid. I do expect a slow down in the next 12 to 18 months.
well, explain it then. because, "if value was the license" is all cool and works, but you totally screwed it with your poor attempt to be witty by trying to fit "echo" in. wtf does an "echo" have to do with a "license"? i totally get your point, you just suck at trying to be clever when attempting to make it.

Let me dumb it down for you:

if value gave you permission to post here, you wouldn't be posting here. You'd be in a separate board by yourself - one where posters bring no value. You'd hear an echo, because you'd be there by yourself since you're the one who brings no value.

sorry, not sorry

If I ever have children, please keep me in check if I start posting phrases that my 9 year old daughter and her friends say.
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If I ever have children, please keep me in check if I start posting phrases that my 9 year old daughter and her friends say.
heard it on a reese commercial.

the fact that you, a single man with no children, knows all these phrases that 9 year old girls say is a bit troubling.

"lonely" is obviously the understatement of the year.

I had a reply but Yags handled it quite nicely.
no you didn't. and, his reply handled it nicely? ha. everybody knows there's no boards where just one person posts. and, you and rifle think i bring no value (obviously, only because we have varying political beliefs), yet rifle just can't seem to get off my nuts these days. i must bring at least the value of 9 year old girls . . .

now, what about license? rifle didn't address that in his explanation.
the fact that you, a single man with no children, knows all these phrases that 9 year old girls say is a bit troubling.

I heard it on a Tampax commercial.

everybody knows there's no boards where just one person posts.

Somebody's never been to

yet rifle just can't seem to get off my nuts these days.

Count how many posts you've made in the last month. Then, count how many I have responded to. 5% maybe? That's being on your nuts? Don't flatter yourself with falsehoods.

now, what about license? .

The use of "license" clearly refers to permission, granting, or an allowance. In other words, if posting something of "value" was the permission/granting/allowance for somebody to post on HerdNation, then . . .

Christ, this is some sort of Big Country shit.

Oh, and can you stop going back and adding a bunch of shit to your post after you originally posted it?
difference between yore posts and bucky's are yores are merely attempt after attempt to start an argument over trivial bullshit. his is simply pure bullshit.

Edited to add more to the post.

This is coming from the guy who tried debating GK over his use of the words “license” and “echo.”
do you ever post anything worth reading? over 90% of your posts are jr. high drivel. take your own advice, stop vomiting all over this board.

if @Raoul Duke MU or any of the other mods had any balls whatsoever, instead of banning greed for whatever, they'd ban you and any others who incessantly post meaningless horseshit such as the above; those who rarely, if ever, as in your case, add any value whatsoever to any thread.
Back to your mother in laws basement
I've never understood this ploy. You and others claim to purposely make absurdly stupid posts in order to get me to respond and call you "morons"?
damn, figured you'd go on a rant explaining why 200 lb test line isn't heavy enough.

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