Dress like Dan


Green Buffalo
Jan 13, 2012
It's amusing to see all of the press coverage about how coach Dan dresses. Got me thinking Marshall should have a dress like Dan night for one of the games next season. It would be pretty funny seeing all those Blazers with t-shirts in the crowd. Speaking of which, where can I buy one of those t-shirts?
Dan dresses like a west Virginian. He wears what he likes and is comfortable. We are not in California where it matters socially what you wear. What a misguided group.
Dantoni's apperal is from Hometoen Sporting Goods on RT 60. You can buy the same shirt as the warmups there except in cotton.
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There was one game this year where the fans were asked to dress like him. It was pretty cool. When I saw his daughter in the attire I spoke to her about it she said is was very easy. All she had to do was go in his wardrobe.
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The best line I’ve heard in all of this...and I can’t remember where I read it because I’ve read about a million articles, tweets, etc. on Marshall basketball over the last few weeks...but someone said that DD dresses just like the airline lost his luggage. That’s just funny.
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During his socastee days he was known to coach in jeans Hawaiian shirt and sandals
During his socastee days he was known to coach in jeans Hawaiian shirt and sandals

I never heard that. I love it though. To me it is just a breath of fresh air to have someone like him. The college basketball coaching world is a pretty closed group of individuals that churn out the same old coach-speak predictble rhetoric. From the $3000 suits to the slicked back hair, they all look alike and sound alike. That’s the safe way.

Someone like DD could easily be ridiculed and he was when he first came on the scene. It would be so easy for him to wrap himself in the protection of guarded responses, but to his credit he’s resisted all of that. He is comfortable in his own skin. When you show enthusiasm and honesty it leaves you open for criticism. But when you win being that start to become someone everyone can get behind and pull for.
Remember, when you’re winning it solves all:

Dan is a down to earth guy and relatable versus he’s too lackadaisical and his team defense reflects that.

Huggs doesn’t need a suit he’s fine versus he looks like a slob.
the last time Huggins wore a suit he caught hell. i think it was more a copyright issue than anything else
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