EA Sports College Football


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
I haven't played video games ever since I discovered tits, but the attention to detail in the new game seems like it could be worth my time to check. I was told that the horse trough urinals from The Joan are in the game, as is a fistfight in the crowd featuring the board's former owner:

I haven't played video games ever since I discovered tits, but the attention to detail in the new game seems like it could be worth my time to check. I was told that the horse trough urinals from The Joan are in the game, as is a fistfight in the crowd featuring the board's former owner:

Considering how long they've been working on this game it better one of the best game experiences conceivable. However it's EA so I still expect the same glitches that they're games have always had.
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Weird thing they didn’t put a coach molesting a kid at Penn State. That was a 16 year tradition at Penn Stare they didn’t include!!

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