Echo baptist church

Roger Maynard is the pastor. Just like Orville Damron (Tommy's dad) before him and Nolan Queen before him. Sorry to see Tony go to Salem baptist.
Roger Maynard is the pastor. Just like Orville Damron (Tommy's dad) before him and Nolan Queen before him. Sorry to see Tony go to Salem baptist.
Tony left to become the pastor at Salem, and still is. Salem is a sister church of Echo.
One of the finest preachers around preaching the gospel and idiots like you hear "ahhh!". You know why that's what you hear? Because you're spiritually lost and blind, and deaf to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are unholy, ungodly, and content to follow satan who is YOUR father. <<<Even in that condition that you're in, God loves you as much as he loves Jesus. BUT if you die in that condition, your life will have been an absolute waste and nothing but trash, which He will throw into a lake of fire and brimstone eternally. It would be exponentially better if you had not been born. And you idiots see that as a laughing matter.

And yes, Tommy knows about my scientology. I told him about it. The reason I did is because there is a young Christian man from a Christian family that has seizures and the medical doctors have not been able to do anything about it. I wanted to offer that family the money I have on account at the org to them as a possibility to help, but I wanted to get the thoughts of one of the church leaders before doing so. Tommy came to my shop so we could discuss it and did so for about an hour. At the end of the discussion, the only concern he had that I know of was he wanted to know if the young man, who had recently been saved, might be susceptible to some of the scientology teachings. I told him that I couldn't possibly answer that question for another person. I seriously doubt the family will take that course, but moms and dads will do things they wouldn't normally do in order to try to help their children. But the offer is still open in case they do.

If you don't believe Tommy knows, ask him if you get the chance.
^^blasphemer on way to hell^^
And you're an idiot.

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

The necessary order is there must be a preacher, he must be heard, then comes believing, then you can call on the name of the Lord.
Basically, what I said. You claimed that people are saved by preaching. No, they are not. They may hear the gospel from a preacher but that doesn't mean they are saved by hearing the preacher. I think we agree on the path to salvation, but you'll never admit it because of the disdain you have for me.

If being saved was as easy as simply hearing the gospel from a preacher, a preacher could stand in the pulpit and give away salvation like Oprah Winfrey gives away cars, and people would have no choice but to take it.
So all of this isn’t an act?

ML really is desperately trying to kick the door of the closest open? 1988 really is desperate for somebody to talk to him in real life? Serg, Tier Three, and Crispy Lips really are as dumb as I thought they were pretending to be on here? Arch really did have his balls removed by his wife? ‘429 really is an habitual liar? Herdman really is a little traitor bitch? Michigan really does like Nicaraguan women?

I thought all of this was an act. In this case, I should probably stop being an asshole to you all.
So, you're saying you really are an asshole.
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I was offering the young man the money I had on account for the purpose of getting auditing for himself. I've had that money sitting in my account for about 10-12 years for a situation just like this one. I have no intention to give someone the money for medical doctors who have been able to do nothing to help.
Help save this boy L Ron
So you held off lying for as long as you could, which wasn't very long. You Godless lying trumptard.
It is. I am reading ans watching things on it. It is a scam and they do trap people.

You better get your money back. If you get to a certain level they are going to hold things against you.
Basically, what I said. You claimed that people are saved by preaching. No, they are not. They may hear the gospel from a preacher but that doesn't mean they are saved by hearing the preacher. I think we agree on the path to salvation, but you'll never admit it because of the disdain you have for me.

If being saved was as easy as simply hearing the gospel from a preacher, a preacher could stand in the pulpit and give away salvation like Oprah Winfrey gives away cars, and people would have no choice but to take it.
Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10: and how shall they hear without a preacher

You're a liar. Want proof?? You're here.
It is. I am reading ans watching things on it. It is a scam and they do trap people.

You better get your money back. If you get to a certain level they are going to hold things against you.
You and your conspiracy theories never end. You're a complete idiot.
You and your conspiracy theories never end. You're a complete idiot.
Sheep Eating GIF
Basically, what I said. You claimed that people are saved by preaching. No, they are not. They may hear the gospel from a preacher but that doesn't mean they are saved by hearing the preacher. I think we agree on the path to salvation, but you'll never admit it because of the disdain you have for me.

If being saved was as easy as simply hearing the gospel from a preacher, a preacher could stand in the pulpit and give away salvation like Oprah Winfrey gives away cars, and people would have no choice but to take it.

I have no idea what he said, because I obviously have him blocked. But Romans says faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So, technically, you must hear preaching before you could be saved. The preacher is just the vessel in which the Holy Spirit uses, and if the Holy Spirit is not drawing you, then you can’t be saved.
I have no idea what he said, because I obviously have him blocked. But Romans says faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So, technically, you must hear preaching before you could be saved. The preacher is just the vessel in which the Holy Spirit uses, and if the Holy Spirit is not drawing you, then you can’t be saved.

Hearing comes not just from preaching but from reading as well. How many people have come to Christ not through formal church services, preaching and altar calls but rather by getting hold of a Bible and reading it?

And before a certain non-believer pipes in when most people read they hear the words in their minds.

Edited to add: In Jesus' time on earth the written word was not widespread, therefore the preaching of the Word was the primary way most people heard the Gospel. Bringing the written Word of God to the masses brought about a new way for the Gospel to be proclaimed.
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Hearing comes not just from preaching but from reading as well. How many people have come to Christ not through formal church services, preaching and altar calls but rather by getting hold of a Bible and reading it?

And before a certain non-believer pipes in when most people read they hear the words in their minds.

Edited to add: In Jesus' time on earth the written word was not widespread, therefore the preaching of the Word was the primary way most people heard the Gospel. Bringing the written Word of God to the masses brought about a new way for the Gospel to be proclaimed.
Why are so many biblical stories almost identical to very unique stories that were part of earlier religions?
Look^^it's the Godless lying trumptard sore loser oath breaker sloth.
You said it medical professionals and Jesus didn't help this kid L Ron is his only hope as long as you have enough money in you Diane account
I believe in the parable of the lost sheep and the Good Shepherd...

"I found God at the Dallas-Lovefield Airport when I was on a business trip."

"In an effort to stop thinking about these things, I picked up my Bible and began to read. I was still in the early books of the Bible. I was studying Christianity and reading the Bible from the beginning with a goal of supporting my girlfriend in her beliefs. Compromise is an important part of any relationship, and I saw this as a good place to try to meet her half way."

"Why should reading a book that I didn’t believe and wasn’t particularly enjoying make me feel happy? As an atheist, I had no rational answer for that question."

I also believe that John the Baptist came to pave the way for the Lord without being preached to for he was a prophet of God. Was he a Believer? Absolutely! Did he come to be a Believer because he was preached to? I don't believe so as he leapt for joy in the womb when he felt the presence of Jesus. If he believed in the womb why would he need to be preached to in order to believe???
Why are so many biblical stories almost identical to very unique stories that were part of earlier religions?

I believe I recently said I would not respond to you unless you had a sincere question about God. Whether this is sincere or not I don't know but I will attempt to be true to my word.

As to earlier religions the Bible starts with "In the beginning..." How can any other religion be earlier than that?

Continuing in Genesis one finds the story of the great flood. Interestingly virtually every society and religion contains a reference to a great flood.

Also contained later in Genesis is the story of the Tower of Babel. This was after the flood and peoples were scattered across the globe with different languages. But their histories and memories weren't wiped out. The flood was a part of these histories and memories and this is likely the reason the account of the flood is included in so many of the religions you have referenced.

Continuing through the Old Testament there are many references to "false" religions. Perhaps these are the very "earlier" religions your are referring to.

I'm no OT scholar nor have I spent much time and energy studying and comparing various religions but I trust this post attempts to answer your question.

However the more I do study the more I am convinced Christianity is the one true religion for countless reasons. Christ is more polarizing than Confucius, Muhammad or the Buddha. There is power in that. There is also power in Jesus' words that only Believers can understand. And Jesus' teachings run counter to those other religions and basic human nature. Man in his selfish nature couldn't "invent" Christianity because man by nature can't "deny" himself.
Echo Baptist is big on that "You must hear from a preacher" thing.

Sounds more like "Ego" Baptist... Man alone can't bring someone to God but that seems to be the argument someone here is trying to make...

Man can be a vessel, but the Word of God is the Truth...

Hebrews 4:12

New International Version

12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

EGO BAPTIST is the perfect name for a church that Greed would attend.

Hey Greed, we are ALL called into discipleship by God to be the Body of Christ on Earth (which is round, BTW).

This is to spread the teachings of God's word to everyone, everywhere. People come to faith through believers everyday and many of which are not Preachers.

To backup what @WV-FAN was saying, you do not have to hear the message coming from a Preacher in order to be saved.
I believe in the parable of the lost sheep and the Good Shepherd...

"I found God at the Dallas-Lovefield Airport when I was on a business trip."

"In an effort to stop thinking about these things, I picked up my Bible and began to read. I was still in the early books of the Bible. I was studying Christianity and reading the Bible from the beginning with a goal of supporting my girlfriend in her beliefs. Compromise is an important part of any relationship, and I saw this as a good place to try to meet her half way."

"Why should reading a book that I didn’t believe and wasn’t particularly enjoying make me feel happy? As an atheist, I had no rational answer for that question."

I also believe that John the Baptist came to pave the way for the Lord without being preached to for he was a prophet of God. Was he a Believer? Absolutely! Did he come to be a Believer because he was preached to? I don't believe so as he leapt for joy in the womb when he felt the presence of Jesus. If he believed in the womb why would he need to be preached to in order to believe???
You are Biblically insane. First I didn't say you had to be in a church house while someone was preaching to be saved. I guarantee that IF the person in your story was saved, he had heard the gospel preached. Multitudes of people have come to accept Jesus at home or wherever. After that there is labor for a Christian to perform. In your story there is no mention of asking God for forgiveness, nor anything about baptism.

Secondly, your John the Baptist excuse is a pitiful attempt to make God a liar (that seems to be your forte). First, Christ didn't begin preaching until AFTER being baptized by John. John was one of a kind in that he had the Holy Spirit while yet in the womb, furthermore the Gospel couldn't have been preached to him unless God revealed it to him in the womb as the Gospel of Jesus didn't exist.

Now, stop making stuff up and show us in the New Testament where it says you can read scripture and be saved.
You agree with everything you were taught in school? That your parents taught you? That MU does? That your boss/employees do?
I’m no longer a child, so I have the free will to do what I want to do and what I choose to participate in. Hell no I don’t agree with everything I was taught in school or by my parents, that’s why as an adult, I do it differently now with my own. If my employees don’t execute the way they need to or should….they are gone. I no longer participate in the MU Alumni association because their decisions were not the direction I believed it needed to go years ago.

If I don’t agree…I don’t participate or practice what is being told to me. Thanks for proving you’re an absolute sheep.
Man alone can't bring someone to God but that seems to be the argument someone here is trying to make...
You're inventing stuff again. Stop it. I'm telling you what God says...

1 Corinthians 1:21 it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
Man can be a vessel, but the Word of God is the Truth...
And here is why some members of this board mock preaching...

1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;
You're inventing stuff again. Stop it. I'm telling you what God says...

1 Corinthians 1:21 it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

And here is why some members of this board mock preaching...

1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;