Edit: Running Election Night Thread


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 9, 2007
Desantis is Smoking (has smoked) Crist

May win Miami Dade County. Currently up 15% statewide with over 73% reporting. And that’s probably not even including the upper west panhandle, which is massively conservative. If this doesn’t tell you that he did the absolute right thing in Florida the last 4 years, then nothing will.

Good lord. Butt spanking.
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Desantis crushed Crist. 18% victory after winning by less than .5% the first time.

Georgia and Ohio shaping up to be interesting too.
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Senate not looking good for Republicans.
Tedd Budd in trouble in nc. That would be a loss.

Walker in trouble

Vance in trouble
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Rep. had several lousy Sen. candidates. No excuse not grabbing a majority tonight, but it’s probably not going to happen.
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Tedd Budd in NC now pulling ahead ... for now. Let's see what happens when Durham starts counting votes and Roy Cooper starts counting in Durham.
This just showed up in my Facebook feed. As long as he does not get any on the flag (in or outside of the tube).
I have to admit, I got mad and turned it off.

Some of these local whack jobs in my area are winning. I mean they are far out left wing lunatics. Defund the cops. Abortion until the kid is in preschool. Hate America. Transqueer and Gender confused nuts.

I got mad and just walked outside and said I am putting the house up for sale and gave my boss notice via text.

Hell, may not have a job in the morning or a place to live.

NC is just a lost state. I need to move to the backwoods of Idaho.
Walker closing gap in Ga

Meanwhile I have a fruitcake Canadian transplant that got mad becaue the town council says the pledge and they put the American flag on display along with the POW MIA flag . She is winning.
I have to admit, I got mad and turned it off.

Some of these local whack jobs in my area are winning. I mean they are far out left wing lunatics. Defund the cops. Abortion until the kid is in preschool. Hate America. Transqueer and Gender confused nuts.

I got mad and just walked outside and said I am putting the house up for sale and gave my boss notice via text.

Hell, may not have a job in the morning or a place to live.

NC is just a lost state. I need to move to the backwoods of Idaho.
New York's governor's race may flip to Republican...
Senate not looking good for Republicans.
Tedd Budd in trouble in nc. That would be a loss.

Walker in trouble

Vance in trouble
Blew your load a little early on this one. Vance and Walker starting to pull ahead.
Fulton County still has a decent number of votes that need to be reported, it is going to get tighter than a freshman.
of course they do, that stupid place cannot count votes at all. Oh wait, they need to see how many they need.
This is the first time since 1966 that the governorship in Pennsylvania did not flip party's when the current governor is term limited.
there is no red wave. Repubs will win the House but not by a red wave margin.

Senate up for grabs
I think the public does not want Trump or Biden to run again.

I also think the Dems backed off essentially all of the COVID restrictions and quit fvcking with them just long enough for the public to readjust to normal life. Sadly, too many have quickly moved beyond the bullshit the Dems put them through.
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public schools are producing uneducated rubes, Dem minions relocating to other parts of the country they can **** up, the movement allowing anyone to vote, and the fact voting day is now actually voting month all favor Dems IMO.

The political class has won.
What happens when you put out 2+ Generations of trophy-receiving types who think they are the smartest generation since mankind.

When actually, they are dammed near the least. Two generations led by confirmation bias.
Anyone with a brain, sorry herdman and Michigan, knew that was the case after 2020
My takes on Trump have mostly been in comparing him with the likes of Biden & Crew. I stand by all of that.

As for Trump today, yes, there's no doubt that he's a drain on the candidates across the board, particularly in blue states, as well as states that are tossups. He still wants to make the elections about himself, as opposed to actually endorsing the candidates he claims to endorse. I think the rally in PA this weekend certainly didn't help Oz's cause, but I also think with all the pre-mailed in ballots (prior to the actual debate), Fetterman already had the election basically wrapped up, as I believe the results are showing.

One has to only look at the state of Florida last night, in order to see who the party leader should be. If Trump runs in 2024, he won't win. He can't win. The numbers simply won't work. Worse than that, if Trump runs, he's going to bring down all the national candidates with him. It will be interesting to see if Trump saw what the rest of the nation saw last night. The senate may come down to what Trump says on November 15th, assuming the senate control hinges on a runoff election in Georgia. If Trump tosses his hat into the ring, Walker will lose big. If Trump says he's not running, Walker will probably still lose, but it will be close. With all that said, it's still quite possible the democrats will control the senate regardless, particular if the votes still to be counted in Wisconsin all go to the democratic candidate. Those votes are mostly coming out of Milwaukee, which is probably 70-75% democrat. There's also a couple hick counties not counted that will swing towards Johnson. It's going to be close.
Lastly, I know Democrats are excited about the results, but they still may lose both chambers. I don't think they will, but hard to say today. It's like being excited because you were supposed to lose by four touchdowns, but you only lost by a field goal.
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