European officials dismiss Commie Toe's claim world leaders 'are laughing' at Trump, praise his 'strong message'

I don’t want to have to dumb it down and explain this to you, so I’ll see if your coworkers at The Chemours Company can assist you.

But I’ll leave you with this . . . who is left out of this statement from Italy?

"We worked well with Biden, with Bush, with Reagan, with Clinton, with Obama," Tajani added. "For us, the transatlantic relations are the key strategy of our foreign policy, Europe and America."
I don’t want to have to dumb it down and explain this to you, so I’ll see if your coworkers at The Chemours Company can assist you.

But I’ll leave you with this . . . who is left out of this statement from Italy?

"We worked well with Pedo-Joe, with Bush, with Reagan, with Clinton, with Obama," Tajani added. "For us, the transatlantic relations are the key strategy of our foreign policy, Europe and America."

You are a true dumbass, dumbass.
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I can’t wait to see Harris confronting a leader like Kim Jong Un with one of her arm waving, word salad rants. That should be interesting. Maybe she can confuse him into submission. It is looking more and more like my next project will be a survival bunker.
I can’t wait to see Harris confronting a leader like Kim Jong Un with one of her arm waving, word salad rants. That should be interesting. Maybe she can confuse him into submission. It is looking more and more like my next project will be a survival bunker.
You live in a state that nobody gives a shit about. Ain’t nobody coming for a damn thing in west virginia. No need to make a bunker. Any invaders will probably pay the other side to keep west virginia.
You live in a state that nobody gives a shit about. Ain’t nobody coming for a damn thing in west virginia. No need to make a bunker. Any invaders will probably pay the other side to keep west virginia.
I live near The Greenbrier. I might get radiation burns.
Who is leading our country right now? Not, “who is the President?” but who is leading the country? It’s interesting watching democrats dance around on this question.
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I promise you this, these world leaders want her only because she is such a joke .they will dare her to stop them from doing anything they want

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