Fastest way to national recognition


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 17, 2007
We can build a top 20 basketball team 10 times or more faster than a football team that is top 20. Dan just has to use who he knows to get pro caliber players.
But 1/4 of the people care about basketball. ;)
all we need is 8000 to rock the cam. See jeremy reflects the herd program. F it nobody cares but 25%.attitude like that is the normal. Well been in ky since 74 and winning beats sitting at home during march. Anybody thinks duke or uk gives players bags of money to players..well you came out your moma's ass.
We can build a top 20 basketball team 10 times or more faster than a football team that is top 20. Dan just has to use who he knows to get pro caliber players.

I was told he doesn't recruit AAU players so we won't get Pro caliber players
Jeremy is kinda correct. partialy due to the success over the years. Give a year ir twi of success with the basketball team might change.
B'ball will come back and is coming back. Dan is winning, he's a HOF and he recruits kids that don't make headlines in a bad way or end up on the WRJ site.
fever just cant accept the fact he was and is, DEAD wrong about DD and this program
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Woody mentioned on last night's post game show that someone had crunched some interesting numbers. Marshall averages 14% of the metro area at hoops games. That is higher than any other D1 program in America. As the conference season goes on and as more and more of Danny recruits come on campus, that number will only improve.
If we can get a run of NCAA appearances it will add a lot of money to our coffers as well.
Love the Herd.

But the chance of MU ever being in the Top 20 in basketball is 0.0%. A realistic goal for us in basketball is to consistently win at least 20 games, be in the top third of our league, and make the NCAAs every couple of years, sometimes winning a game or even two, and filling in the off years with the NIT.
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Woody mentioned on last night's post game show that someone had crunched some interesting numbers. Marshall averages 14% of the metro area at hoops games. That is higher than any other D1 program in America. As the conference season goes on and as more and more of Danny recruits come on campus, that number will only improve.
If we can get a run of NCAA appearances it will add a lot of money to our coffers as well.

Further verification that our fan base supports this school about as well as any in the country - all things considered.
Somebody has their figures a little short and perception has always been part of our problem. The Statistical Metropolitan Area population of Huntington -- that means (or used to) within a 20-mile radius of downtown -- is 340,000. Our market ranks about 64th in the country: Not the biggest place is America; not the smallest.
Love the Herd.

But the chance of MU ever being in the Top 20 in basketball is 0.0%. A realistic goal for us in basketball is to consistently win at least 20 games, be in the top third of our league, and make the NCAAs every couple of years, sometimes winning a game or even two, and filling in the off years with the NIT.

Sad Sam...WHY WHY? The team from northern WV is Top 20.......WHY Not Danny's....Bring on the WV HERD?
You ever HERD of Butler, Wichita State, Gonzaga......

Marshall's chance of being Top 25 in Football is slim. Basketball only needs 2-3 Studs and complimentary players to get a TEAM to Top 20.

HerdZilla22 (Sweeney in Charlotte).
14% of Huntington's population would be around 7k. 14% of the metro would be 48k...
Love the Herd.

But the chance of MU ever being in the Top 20 in basketball is 0.0%. A realistic goal for us in basketball is to consistently win at least 20 games, be in the top third of our league, and make the NCAAs every couple of years, sometimes winning a game or even two, and filling in the off years with the NIT.
We did it as an independent in the 70's, why not now?
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Love the Herd.

But the chance of MU ever being in the Top 20 in basketball is 0.0%. A realistic goal for us in basketball is to consistently win at least 20 games, be in the top third of our league, and make the NCAAs every couple of years, sometimes winning a game or even two, and filling in the off years with the NIT.
hate to disagree sam. First of all it is the Top 25 now. We have been ranked before and we could do it again. Not saying it would be easy but certainly is within reach. Look at our ooc. If we had beat OSU and UC and Pitt and end up 26-4 or something we crack the Top 25 no doubt. Unlike our FB program in years past we play a solid ooc schedule. We have a realistic chance IMO
DD's turnaround is killing you, huh Fever! Coachable players accepting their roles for the good of the team is a beautiful thing.
Keep your AAU pampered, entitled hot shots. I will take the lunch bucket, team first players like we have now.
I like 5 star players who out work everybody. Even through they are good they have to bring their dinner buckets too.Briscoe kid from ky shot 48% from the freethrow line last year. 72% this year. Hardly ever see a player improve on free throws. He stayed in the gym and he is a threat from the 3 line. Being projected as a first rounder
Sad Sam...WHY WHY? The team from northern WV is Top 20.......WHY Not Danny's....Bring on the WV HERD? You ever HERD of Butler, Wichita State, Gonzaga......

That "team from northern WV" is

- violating NCAA rules
- has a personally degenerate coach fired from Cincinnati not for on-court performance, but for his personal degeneracy.
- unlimited WV taxpayer $$ (here some fixated Spamtard will yell "no usens is self-sufficient", please be quiet, the FACT that USPAM receives massive taxpayer $$ is undeniable and has been covered 100 times).
- Has, sad to say, 10s of 1000s of people yelling "that there team is usens, hit has them there same words as what is on my road card".
- Has, even more sad to say, a student base, and thus an alumni base made up of people that can afford to pay private school tuition, it being a de fact private school for New Jersite trash.
- uses sports to market to its preferred prospective student. "If you cannot get into you home state's school, we have open admissions and 'big time' sports and 'big time' partying", and to get things from state government "yes, this program works better for the state in Huntington, but, Mr. Legislator, here are some free tickets and "Lets go...."


- following NCAA rules
- have a good and decent man as our coach
- get, in all aspects of our university, far less from state government than we deserve.
- get support from alumni and local people from Huntington.
- educate West Virginians. Many of them first-generation college students in the second poorest state in the country, with very limited resources and many forced to leave the region to find work due to the failed state government.
- have the role of sports in proper perspective.

Apples to oranges.

Butler. Private school for rich kids in Indy. Joke Pioneer League in football. 4K total student body. $38K tuition. Apples to grapes.

Wichita State. Actually fairly Marshall like. Fairly good example. Except for the fact that Wichita is a city of nearly 350K in the middle of nowhere with nothing else to do. Apples to, well, larger apples.

Gonzaga. Private school for rich kids on the left coach. No football. $40K tuition. 6K students. Apples to industrial fasteners.

Yeah, in basketball, there essentially are two models. The Duke model of hiring 12 kids who would probably have security called on them if they walked on the lily white richy rich campus if they were not the basketball team with some of the 40 or 50 K of daddy's money you are taking for these over-privileged losers and crawling all up Dickie V's behind. And the Kentucky model of convincing a whole state that a college in that state is somehow "us".

Neither applies in our situation.

I love the Herd. I want us to do well. But when we define well so highly we will never get there, we set ourselves up for disappointment, and, bluntly we sound like Spamtard idiots, who have been "gonna win that there national champieeenship" for my whole life, only to leave the court, and the field, every year as the losers they are.

Marshall is better than that. Let's win CUSA.
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I May have misspoken. I guess he said Huntington. Because he said our attendance was about 14%
I bet the minority of those attending actually live in Huntington city limits so....not sure what the point is on that. I guess bottom line is our attendance has been decent to good and will only get better.
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Sad Sam...WHY WHY? The team from northern WV is Top 20.......WHY Not Danny's....Bring on the WV HERD? You ever HERD of Butler, Wichita State, Gonzaga......

Marshall's chance of being Top 25 in Football is slim. Basketball only needs 2-3 Studs and complimentary players to get a TEAM to Top 20.

HerdZilla22 (Sweeney in Charlotte).

Chances in football are slim? We've finished in the top 25 multiple times since moving back to FBS.

I would love our basketball program to reach similar heights but I think you're under-selling how hard that can be. Butler, Wichita and Gonzaga funnel all of their money into basketball because they have no football program to support. Makes a huge difference.
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I bet the minority of those attending actually live in Huntington city limits so....not sure what the point is on that. I guess bottom line is our attendance has been decent to good and will only get better.
Just comparing the city of Huntington to other college basketball cities.
Chances in football are slim? We've finished in the top 25 multiple times since moving back to FBS.

I would love our basketball program to reach similar heights but I think you're under-selling how hard that can be. Butler, Wichita and Gonzaga funnel all of their money into basketball because they have no football program to support. Makes a huge difference.

Let me try to clarify Chris.....MONEY is the main factor to HELP Marshall move into the Top 25? Hogwash! If $$$ was the prime factor...why is UNC-Charlotte not Top 25? Why is Illinois, BYU, Georgia, So Calif., Auburn CLEMSON, Rice, etc.------ not Top 25?

Answer: It takes talent to become Top 25. Are you inferring that players are PAID extra $$$ to play at Top 25 schools? If so---then we don't stand one chance of getting in. Danny did not come to Marshall to be "Run of the Mill." His contract has $$$ incentatives WHEN he guides The Herd to win CUSA; bids to the NIT; winning a bid to the NCAA...Dan make extra $$$$$. If he helps MU wins enough games to capture the CUSA Tourney Championship----he gets bonus $$$. If The HERD gets to the NIT or NCAA.....he receives bonus $$$$. If MU wins games in said tournaments...Danny & his coaches get bonus $$$$.

Help is on the way. Baby Shack will be in Huntington next year. ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY....It takes time to change "How Marshall is perceived by young STUDS across America." Recruits (mostly), that like to be a part of Dan's System--- view Marshall as fun place to showcase their talents and RECEIVE an education. Nothing More---Nothing Less.

HerdZill22 (Sweeney) in Charlotte
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Let me try to clarify Chris.....MONEY is the main factor to HELP Marshall move into the Top 25? Hogwash! If $$$ was the prime factor...why is UNC-Charlotte not Top 25? Why is Illinois, BYU, Georgia, So Calif., Auburn CLEMSON, Rice, etc.------ not Top 25?

Answer: It takes talent to become Top 25. Are you inferring that players are PAID extra $$$ to play at Top 25 schools? If so---then we don't stand one chance of getting in. Danny did not come to Marshall to be "Run of the Mill." His contract has $$$ incentatives WHEN he guides The Herd to win CUSA; bids to the NIT; winning a bid to the NCAA...Dan make extra $$$$$. If he helps MU wins enough games to capture the CUSA Tourney Championship----he gets bonus $$$. If The HERD gets to the NIT or NCAA.....he receives bonus $$$$. If MU wins games in said tournaments...Danny & his coaches get bonus $$$$.

Help is on the way. Baby Shack will be in Huntington next year. ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY....It takes time to change "How Marshall is perceived by young STUDS across America." Recruits (mostly), that like to be a part of Dan's System--- view Marshall as fun place to showcase their talents and RECEIVE an education. Nothing More---Nothing Less.

HerdZill22 (Sweeney) in Charlotte

replying to a Sweeney post with a picture of Sweeney... well played Sir... well played!
Love the Herd.

But the chance of MU ever being in the Top 20 in basketball is 0.0%. A realistic goal for us in basketball is to consistently win at least 20 games, be in the top third of our league, and make the NCAAs every couple of years, sometimes winning a game or even two, and filling in the off years with the NIT.
I disagree Sam, if Butler, who was a little school in the horizon league, can begin a winning tradition, then become a marquee program, then there is no reason why some other smaller programs can't follow the model. MU seems to have to choose between good football or good basketball, and that is understandable considering the budget. Look at Memphis, sucked in football, dominated in basketball, decided to not suck in football, basketball slipped and they have a higher budget than we do by far. MTSU has it right, competitive in both but not world beaters in both. So if we want to dominate in football, we have to accept that basketball might not get good enough to dominate as well. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Help is on the way. Baby Shack will be in Huntington next year. ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY....It takes time to change "How Marshall is perceived by young STUDS across America." Recruits (mostly), that like to be a part of Dan's System--- view Marshall as fun place to showcase their talents and RECEIVE an education. Nothing More---Nothing Less.

HerdZill22 (Sweeney) in Charlotte
I just wish Iran was eligible next year. The following year we will have he, Robinette, George and hopefully Dillon and McClung. Wow, talk a bout a class!
I fail to understand the idea that good football means bad basketball and v-v.

Are there schools with no football teams that are really good at basketball? Sure, mostly either private schools for rich kids (new Big East, WCC, A-10, etc) or urban public schools in really big cities w/o the footprint for football (Cleveland State, for example). Neither is us.

Are there really big public schools where basketball is way bigger than football? Sure, quite a few. UK, Kansas, UNC, UCLA, a lot. But, remember that Commonwealth still holds three times as many as Rupp and the Rose Bowl about 10 times Pauley. But in any event, that is not us. We are not a really big public school named for a state or city. We are who we are.

There is not a basketball Big Green Club and a football Big Green Club, there is just a Big Green Club. There is not a basketball Athletic Department budget and a football Athletic Department budget, there is just an Athletic Department budget. All of the $$ go into one pot, and even if there is not enough to go around, there are 10 other sports to shortchange before you get to basketball.

The only thing I can come up with is tickets sold. OK, yes money is tight, but really? There are enough people to go around. You are telling me that if MU had a great football team and sold out every game (something we have never come close to doing) that there are not ONE-FOURTH of that number willing and able to turn out for basketball? I just do not believe that. Football success builds the fanbase for basketball success with builds the fanbase for football success...

In any event, I do think that Danny is on the right track and we have some good years coming. And I don't think what happens on the other side of 20th St. has anything to do with that.
Not many G5 schools can be Top 25 good in both sports. At least on a consistent basis.
I just wish Iran was eligible next year. The following year we will have he, Robinette, George and hopefully Dillon and McClung. Wow, talk a bout a class!

Herdmeister, I have seen similar posts which constantly have alluded to fact that Iran AND Robinette WILL NOT be eligible in 2017-18. Is this a "given"? I know for a fact that Robinette played at Honaker (Va) high school through his senior year and is now at Fork Union. Iran at same prep school. Don't players usually go to such schools to hone their game AND academics, i.e., help get eligible for college? If these 2 guys after a year at FU are not going to be eligible at MU next year, then perhaps we shouldn't, collectively be criticizing our football coaches for taking "props" when our basketball staff recruits a class, 2017-18, that will have about 50 per cent of the class ineligible!! JMO.
Not wishing away the next two years by any means but if Elmore gets his VMI year back that 2018-2019 team has a chance to be 27-4 type good.
I was saying exactly the same thing to Danny last night at practice. IF we get all that have committed and those offered, we will be really tough in 2 years. I know Danny is super excited of the thought. He told us last night that he expected to take 5 years to build the program the way he wanted.