Florida is starting a State Guard, seperate from the National Guard

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
South Carolina already has this , maybe some others. They are state funded and used in natural disasters , etc. Assist National Guard and military efforts during need. A lot of times retired or prior service people join them.

Must have a ton of extra dough to afford a state military force outside of the national guard.

Good for them....and perhaps for the rest of the US. Perhaps funding can be eliminated/cut for some projects down that way. They're apparently flush with cash.
Must have a ton of extra dough to afford a state military force outside of the national guard.

Good for them....and perhaps for the rest of the US. Perhaps funding can be eliminated/cut for some projects down that way. They're apparently flush with cash.
Might want to see the states that have one. Let's start with California. Then, NY.

Yes, Ohio has one Kate

WV does not
Might want to see the states that have one. Let's start with California. Then, NY.

Yes, Ohio has one Kate

WV does not
Good grief - there are at least 20 states with some kind of force. Wow! One of the reasons I read stuff here.

I suppose using those guys would cut some of the red tape with faster response during an emergency.

Good grief - there are at least 20 states with some kind of force. Wow! One of the reasons I read stuff here.

I suppose using those guys would cut some of the red tape with faster response during an emergency.

Correct, from what I have seen they are not really a fighting force. But, could be I guess.

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