From a story I posted in 2022....


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010
Malley's capitulation includes delisting Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps from the State Department's list of Foreign Terror Organizations and ending U.S. sanctions on Iran's senior terror masters—including the terror chiefs responsible for the massacre of 241 U.S. Marines at the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 and the 1994 bombing of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1994, where 85 people were killed.

Malley has agreed to end sanctions on 112 entities and people tied to Iranian dictator Ali Khamenei, through which Khamenei has accrued massive wealth and organized Iran's global terror and weapons procurement networks. Malley is willing to end sanctions on Iranian entities and individuals involved in the torture and murder of Iranian civilians.

All told, Noronha's colleagues said Malley has agreed to sanctions relief that will provide Iran with an immediate cash infusion of $90 billion, as well as an additional $50-55 billion annually in oil and gas profits.

On the nuclear front, beyond a few formalities, Biden's deal will enable Iran to move full-speed ahead with its development of advanced centrifuges and continue its race to the nuclear finish line. All limitations—which are largely unenforceable—will be removed in two and a half years. And Iran's nuclear program, which constitutes a material breach of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of which Iran is a signatory, will be legitimated by the UN and the U.S. government.

Then in 2023....

Why should it be to up to "we" to tell Iran what it can and cannot do, especially when "we" ourselves have nukes and have been known to fvck with Iran?

The question is not "why should Iran not have nukes?" The question is, why is it the place of the US to unilaterally make this decision?

This weekend is why the US should unilaterally keep nukes out of Iran's hands.
Anybody that thinks Iran having a nuke is a good thing or even acceptable is not thinking clearly.

We need to stop playing around with them. They are a disruptive nation and are disruptive to the free and civilized world.

These so called leaders in DC think they can reason with them or that having Iran offset Israel is a good thing.

Well, you see what happens.
This weekend is why the US should unilaterally keep nukes out of Iran's hands.
It still does not prove unilateralism is the answer. Perhaps you should make an argument why unilateralism is better than a multi-nation effort, because you sure seem to be critical of the Biden administration's unilateral deals.

The first quote you posted is me playing devil's advocate. There is no moral authority to picking and choosing who gets nuclear weapons...the only moral option is to ban all nuclear weapons. My personal position is nuclear weapons have secured peace for 70 years...but it's a hell of a threat to have hanging over our heads, right?
"We" should do everything we can to prevent countries from developing nuclear capabilities if anything for the common good of man.

Leftists like our pals on Pullman truly don't give a shit anymore if what they're arguing makes sense. They just want to push whatever the latest narrative, knowing either it ultimately doesn't impact their lives or it won't happen anytime soon.
Yeah, about Malley - he had his secret clearance suspended over serious security concerns. The guy Obama & Biden went to for direction on Iran had his clearance suspended because our government (who gives crazy leeway to administration members) deemed him a security concern. Multiple Iranian spies & influencers were found to be in the Biden administration. If you wonder why they keep doing these questionable deals to a country they admit uses sanctions relief for terrorist activities, keep Malley & the Iranian spies in mind.
They are a disruptive nation
You're being too nice Herdman. These zealots joyfully fund these savages that cowardly butcher innocent people. Does anyone think that giving them access to a nuke, that they wouldn't gladly let it be used in our own country in one of our cities??
You're being too nice Herdman. These zealots joyfully fund these savages that cowardly butcher innocent people. Does anyone think that giving them access to a nuke, that they wouldn't gladly let it be used in our own country in one of our cities??
Clinton handed Iran nuclear design plans with a flaw, which Iran quickly figured out. It's widely thought this ended up actually accelerating their nuclear program (Operation Merlin.)
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It still does not prove unilateralism is the answer. Perhaps you should make an argument why unilateralism is better than a multi-nation effort, because you sure seem to be critical of the Biden administration's unilateral deals.

The first quote you posted is me playing devil's advocate. There is no moral authority to picking and choosing who gets nuclear weapons...the only moral option is to ban all nuclear weapons. My personal position is nuclear weapons have secured peace for 70 years...but it's a hell of a threat to have hanging over our heads, right?
That sounds good in a text book. But, you can't give nation like Iran a weapon that could kille millions or destroy the world. They clearly outline they want to wipe Israel and the USA out of existence. It is their clear stated goal and doctrine.

Just think if they had a nuke now?

Never, ever can they have a nuke. Not at all. We can say it and should.
It still does not prove unilateralism is the answer. Perhaps you should make an argument why unilateralism is better than a multi-nation effort, because you sure seem to be critical of the Biden administration's unilateral deals.
Biden's (Obumma 2.0) unilateral deals are keeping freedom-based societies safe??? Keep talking.

Of course I think multi-lateral (liberal dream world) agreements are better but not at the expense of our own interests. You think Europe has our best interests in mind??? Christ, they cant manage their own issues. You waiting for Australia to step up and protect us too?
You're being too nice Herdman. These zealots joyfully fund these savages that cowardly butcher innocent people. Does anyone think that giving them access to a nuke, that they wouldn't gladly let it be used in our own country in one of our cities??
Well, I would wipe Iran offf the map before I let them have a nuke.

How is that?

This is about survival for us. Call it what you want. No way I would let them have a Nuke. Would people who say that is ok let ISIS have a nuke? Have they seen what the enemy did to Israel women and children? Straight up ISIS stuff.

I am growing more and more, like let's take the gloves off and deal with these savages once and for all.
^^^Idiot doesn't understand the biggest funding of terrorism is when we purchase their oil.
^^^idiot doesn't understand there's not much choice in purchasing their oil when his senile jesus shuts down domestic oil production.
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^^^idiot doesn't understand there's not much choice in purchasing their oil when his senile jesus shuts down domestic oil production.
You're a liar. Want proof?? You're here.

You're also an idiot. Want proof?? Read below.

We are more energy dependent, right now, than we have been in decades.
^^^Idiot doesn't understand the biggest funding of terrorism is when we purchase their oil.
Have you stopped putting gasoline in your car? Tightly put a plastic garbage bag over your head and keep inhaling. Maybe you'll realize just how big of hypocrite moron you actually are before you pass out.

Yes, I would be embarrassed too if I supported a foreign policy, and two presidents, that largely funded this Israeli terrorist attack.
Have you stopped putting gasoline in your car? Tightly put a plastic garbage bag over your head and keep inhaling. Maybe you'll realize just how big of hypocrite moron you actually are before you pass out.

Yes, I would be embarrassed too if I supported a foreign policy, and two presidents, that largely funded this Israeli terrorist attack.
You're an idiot. Read the following again, moron...

^^^phlegmwad the Idiot doesn't understand the biggest funding of terrorism is when we purchase their oil.
You're an idiot. Read the following again, moron...

^^^phlegmwad the Idiot doesn't understand the biggest funding of terrorism is when we purchase their oil.
Unfortunately, oil didn't "fund" these attacks. The two presidents that you voted for did. Both in plane loads of "their" money AND our tax dollars for "aide to gaza".

We are more energy dependent, right now, than we have been in decades
Bahahaha. Thanks Mush!
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Unfortunately, oil didn't "fund" these attacks. The two presidents that you voted for did. Both in plane loads of "their" money AND our tax dollars for "aide to gaza".
You're a lying idiot. phlegmwad. A lying idiot.

We are right now more energy INDEPENDENT than we've been in decades.
We are right now more energy INDEPENDENT than we've been in decades
Which is it? Dependent (as you make in your claim above) or Independent (as you say here).

We are so "independent" that's why Mush brain, drained the SOP. Interesting.
The Biden admin is working on a deal with the Saudi's this very moment that could allow them to go nuclear. Somehow, Joe went from declaring he would make them "a pariah" to this.
The Biden admin is working on a deal with the Saudi's this very moment that could allow them to go nuclear. Somehow, Joe went from declaring he would make them "a pariah" to this.
This is probably a result of the Saudis figuring out if they can't count on Iran not getting one, they better get one pronto. A world when nuclear proliferation occurs, and Dem foreign (appeasement) policy is leading the narrative. Can't say I'm surprised.