Gentleman, these ISIS scumb buckets have an American female hostage

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Let's face reality. They are likely going to kill her in a brutal way. I am sure she has been raped and tortured.

When we see this on tv are we as a nation going to be angry enough? If this POTUS going to get off his ass and do more? Can he get a coalition together and really go after these ass bags?

Now the Jordanian's are executing people in response. At least they have some balls.

This guy is releasing prisoners to back and do their dirty deeds. He won't call it for what it is. he won't use terrorist or radicals. Or whatever.

When they kill this girl, will people wake up?
Something has to be done. There will be no stopping these subhumans short of killing them. I pray they aren't able to infiltrate our country to the point they can inflict serious mass casualties and you know they would love to do just that. I'm afraid it will take years and a hellish war to eradicate this pure evil but doing nothing is just not an option.

That video of the pilot burning to death is one of the worst things I've ever seen. Shouldn't have watched it but it certainly drives home just how evil these bastards are.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by greenblazes:
Something has to be done. There will be no stopping these subhumans short of killing them. I pray they aren't able to infiltrate our country to the point they can inflict serious mass casualties and you know they would love to do just that. I'm afraid it will take years and a hellish war to eradicate this pure evil but doing nothing is just not an option.

That video of the pilot burning to death is one of the worst things I've ever seen. Shouldn't have watched it but it certainly drives home just how evil these bastards are.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I hate to tell you guys this, but the enemy is here. I have no doubt.
Do whatever we can to mount a possible rescue (Seals, Rangers, CIA, etc) but I for one, am 100% against any additional troops in the Middle East.

As harsh as it seems, Journalists, Aid Workers, etc. know exactly what they are going into when they work in Iraq, Syria, etc.

I am not willing to sacrifice 4,000 - 6,000 lives of young men and women for a glorified game of Whack-a-Mole.

You are not gong to eradicate this problem through conventional military means. We can only do everything possible to limit and contain the threat.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

Let's face reality. They are likely going to kill her in a brutal way. I am sure she has been raped and tortured.

When we see this on tv are we as a nation going to be angry enough? If this POTUS going to get off his ass and do more? Can he get a coalition together and really go after these ass bags?

Now the Jordanian's are executing people in response. At least they have some balls.

This guy is releasing prisoners to back and do their dirty deeds. He won't call it for what it is. he won't use terrorist or radicals. Or whatever.

When they kill this girl, will people wake up?
No they won't wake up, because we don't recognize the part that the US had in creating these thugs.
Ok. Whatever. You can blame us or whatever. It is coming here and it is not because we created these ass bags. It is because they have the means to do so.

And as for the woman. Some.of you would feel differently if that was your daughter or wife. You don't do that to people unless you are thug barbarian.

At some point you stand up for right and wrong.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Ok. Whatever. You can blame us or whatever. It is coming here and it is not because we created these ass bags. It is because they have the means to do so.
And as for the woman. Some.of you would feel differently if that was your daughter or wife. You don't do that to people unless you are thug barbarian.
At some point you stand up for right and wrong.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I agree at some point you stand up for right and wrong. Yes it's coming here and they have the means too because we gave them the means. So when do you stand up for right and wrong.
Originally posted by mu21503:

Originally posted by i am herdman:
Ok. Whatever. You can blame us or whatever. It is coming here and it is not because we created these ass bags. It is because they have the means to do so.
And as for the woman. Some.of you would feel differently if that was your daughter or wife. You don't do that to people unless you are thug barbarian.
At some point you stand up for right and wrong.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I agree at some point you stand up for right and wrong. Yes it's coming here and they have the means too because we gave them the means. So when do you stand up for right and wrong.
So we have a problem. We both agree? How do you deal with it? I say you have to kill them there unless you want to do it here? I like choice A which is kill them there. This problem isn't going away.
I agree we have a problem. How do we fix it, you vote the bums out that created this.
Originally posted by mu21503:
I agree we have a problem. How do we fix it, you vote the bums out that created this.
Ok, serious question. Let's say we voted out every bum and they were gone tomorrow. Do you think that makes ISIS stop?

I am being serious. You are smarter than that.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

Originally posted by mu21503:
I agree we have a problem. How do we fix it, you vote the bums out that created this.
Ok, serious question. Let's say we voted out every bum and they were gone tomorrow. Do you think that makes ISIS stop?

I am being serious. You are smarter than that.
Wasting your time Herdman. MU wont answer the question you are asking because doing so forces a decision beyond the simple diatribe of blaming the US for everything.
King Abdullah has evidently literally strapped it on and is leading the fight personally.

Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
King Abdullah has evidently literally strapped it on and is leading the fight personally.

I am wondering John F Kennedy knew his mother.
They're like cockroaches in a dirty kitchen, everyone you step on it seems like 10 more show up. The Middle East just breeds them. You kill these guys and you inspire the next generation to seek revenge, it's a never ending cycle. The best you can hope to do is isolate them, cut off their sources of income, and turn them all back in to goat herders.

The only problem with that is the infestation has already spread. It's not nearly as bad here as it is in Europe, England in particular. We are not that far away, a generation or two, where we will see a radical Muslim elected as the leader of a nuclear power. England has around a 5% Muslim population, but current births are running more than 10% Muslim. They already have 8 seats in Parliment, up from 4 last election cycle.
I worked with a British guy and he warmed of this 15 years ago. Prior to 9-11. He said his country was being taken over by the muslims.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The FBI has reported that people with ISIS links are reported to be in more than 40 states in our country.

Lock and load.
Raoul because it is growing and at some point if we ate hit again people are going to take this game I to their own hands and not wait for the government to react.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by i am herdman:

The FBI has reported that people with ISIS links are reported to be in more than 40 states in our country.

Lock and load.
If we are so confident that they are in 40 states, I wonder why we haven't picked them up?
Originally posted by mu21503:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

The FBI has reported that people with ISIS links are reported to be in more than 40 states in our country.

Lock and load.
If we are so confident that they are in 40 states, I wonder why we haven't picked them up?
Because we have an administration that can't even say Radical Islam.
Originally posted by mu21503:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

If we are so confident that they are in 40 states, I wonder why we haven't picked them up?
Because we have an administration that can't even say Radical Islam.
Or maybe it's a myth.
Or maybe not. I would say nearly every Mosque in this country is a safe haven and intelligence gathering place for those who do not have loyalty towards this country.
So a group that didn't exist a couple of years ago has grown so fast that not only are they in 40 states, but in every mosque. We obviously know where these people are yet we don't pick them up. Their tentacles have grown so much they are everywhere.

Your thought process defies logic. And is the epitome of what effective propaganda can do.
I stated ties. Two or three guys could be gathering intelligence and monitoring targets. Military installations and property are being watched all the time.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
The same Administration that routinely executes Muslims by Predator drone? The same that authorized killing American citizens that are terrorists? Which still didn't make right wing nuts happy, I might add.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Ohhh predator drones. While I appreciate that there is more to it than that.

He is weak. Weak.
Oh I like it Raoul, don't get me wrong. The problem is we are relying on it too much. It is only one tool that we should be using. Pulling all those troops out of Iraq was a mistake.

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