George Santos is Fascinating


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 3, 2007
I’ve been kind of following the George Santos thing and if there’s one person who’s psyche I cannot figure out it’s him.

The dude lied his ass off to get elected. Lots of company there, but he lied about verifiable parts of his own personal history. Where he’d worked, where his family was from.

That’s all crazy enough, but today I read he had someone from his campaign impersonate McCarthy’s chief of staff to do fundraising. That’s fraud I think, but the absolute gall is astounding.

And now everyone is calling for him to resign. His own party, Democrats, everybody. And he says he won’t.

What’s going through this guys mind? How can you go sit in a room with 400+ other people every day who all despise you and know you’re a liar? It’s one thing to vehemently disagree with someone; plenty of people don’t like AOC, Babert, Bernie, etc. But the level of awkwardness that has to come from having lied as much as he did, caught, and then just saying “no, I’m staying”… I can’t even imagine it. The dude must not have a speck of pride. Or he’s messed up in the head.

Edit: and I guess he forged checks in Brazil? Like wtf is this guy’s end game?
Whenever you find something like that to be fascinating and damn near unbelievable, just remember that Pennsylvania elected Fetterman as their Senator.
Can we just make fun of the most ridiculous house rep in living memory without turning it into a tit for tat?
His biggest Crime was flipping a blue seat, hence this level of effort to get him to resign. He should stick it out for the book deal and speaking circuit. I believe he said he wasn’t going to seek re-election in 2024.
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His biggest Crime was flipping a blue seat, hence this level of effort to get him to resign. He should stick it out for the book deal and speaking circuit. I believe he said he wasn’t going to seek re-election in 2024.
I think his biggest crime was stealing checks from his mom’s patients in Brazil.
Brazil is 3rd world and kind of a free for all. Like Nicaragua or Columbia in the 80s.
yeah, that makes it fine to steal from old people there I guess.

Y’all I didn’t even make this political. If you’re not able to look at George Santos and see that he’s the most hilarious story to come out of the House in recent history, when even most of your own party is, you are a complete partisan hack.
yeah, that makes it fine to steal from old people there I guess.

Y’all I didn’t even make this political. If you’re not able to look at George Santos and see that he’s the most hilarious story to come out of the House in recent history, when even most of your own party is, you are a complete partisan hack.
I’m not saying his story isn’t hilarious.
His personal life is also very confusing.

He was married to a woman from a time and apparently divorced her in 2019. He was involved with a man since 2015 and now claims to be married to him. But he’s been nowhere to be seen. And he didn’t have a wedding ring on.
At least he did not pull a George O'Leary by making up the name of a university.
At least he did not pull a George O'Leary by making up the name of a university.
O’Leary at least did it back when these things weren’t immediately identifiable online. He just forgot to take it out when they were. How does this guy not know better?
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O’Leary at least did it back when these things weren’t immediately identifiable online. He just forgot to take it out when they were. How does this guy not know better?
He is probably a pathological liar and cannot help himself.
His personal life is also very confusing.

He was married to a woman from a time and apparently divorced her in 2019. He was involved with a man since 2015 and now claims to be married to him. But he’s been nowhere to be seen. And he didn’t have a wedding ring on.
Woke mob going after a poor gay man who was just elected to office
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I wish I would have known you can just make up your life. I could have been a contender.
Not surprising. Thats what millennials do. Create and lie about their lives online, to the point where they start to believe it. GOP is in a quagmire. Get arid of Santos and the Gov assigns a Democrat to the seat. One thing for sure Santos needs to go.
It’s genuinely difficult to know if anything Biden says is accurate or even intentional. He’s been proven to be a ferocious liar, has suffered documented brain injuries, & can barely articulate important details when he speaks. What’s worse is his Press Secretary legitimately may be the worst to ever do the job (she makes Spicer look professional.)
More so than your beloved Trump? No one could be that corrupt. Republicans are the same old party as in the past and the new house of reps proves it. They take from the aged, disabled and poor and give it to the ultra rich.
Trump is squeaky clean. That's why they are so frustrated and over the top trying to get him. They have nothing, well they do have idiots like you that believe all BS they are fed.
More so than your beloved Trump? No one could be that corrupt. Republicans are the same old party as in the past and the new house of reps proves it. They take from the aged, disabled and poor and give it to the ultra rich.
TOld you Biden was corrupt. You have been played. Your govt is corrupt and broken. A big corruption pile.

Wake up as it is right in front of you. BIden did it for 40 years or more. You are in denial.
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TOld you Biden was corrupt. You have been played. Your govt is corrupt and broken. A big corruption pile.

Wake up as it is right in front of you. BIden did it for 40 years or more. You are in denial.
All I know for sure is Democrats do more for me and my family and the country in general and we know how corrupt and cult driven your Republican Party is and they are only for the ultra rich.
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All I know for sure is Democrats do more for me and my family and the country in general and we know how corrupt and cult driven your Republican Party is and they are only for the ultra rich.
Wow is that playbook out of 1956?

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