I'm obviously not a Trump fan, but the liberals backlash is so pathetic that I'm almost enjoying it.
I can understand that. I do have difficulty in how you can be more amused at the liberal backlash than what is getting ready to occupy the white House.
I'm not unconcerned about his presidency. But he's not president yet and this thread is about the liberal backlash so I commented on it. I didn't realize it was a contest between where I should show the most amusement.
The backlash will prove to be well founded, however amused you might be about it.
I can understand that. I do have difficulty in how you can be more amused at the liberal backlash than what is getting ready to occupy the white House.
We need an education revolution so these morons can learn that we aren't a direct democracy and that the electoral college was set up so that everyone's vote counts not just those in the population centers
I agreeAt the same time, the conservatives now smug about the EC would shit if they actually did their job as intended and came to the conclusion that Trump isn't fit for the office. I'd like to see that, and not because I don't like Trump; I'd just like to see the ultimate lesson on origional intent go down.
meanwhile, we turn on the TV to any channel and witness in real-time their complete meltdown...
At the same time, the conservatives now smug about the EC would shit if they actually did their job as intended and came to the conclusion that Trump isn't fit for the office. I'd like to see that, and not because I don't like Trump; I'd just like to see the ultimate lesson on origional intent go down.
Howard is trump unfit?
Howard is trump unfit?
People are much better informed and educated than they were 240 years ago,
They are not going to vote him out. There is no reason to.You missed the point of my post. The point isn't that he is unfit, the point is the Electoral College doesn't actually get together and debate the fitness of the winner. That was the idea behind actually having a body in each state that would meet and vote. Hamilton, Federalist #68. Now they just get together for a political party circle-jerk and then go out for drinks. The 29 states (plus DC) that have passed laws to penalize faithless electors have acted unconstitutionally, IMO. I'd like to see the whole damn shebang before the Supreme Court, because I am a big Original Intent guy.
Well ok. you just don't like him. that is not a reason. we have had some.dick heads be president before. that doesn't mean they are not qualified.In about every way imaginable. You can name any good quality for a president and he doesn't have it.
Well ok. you just don't like him. that is not a reason. we have had some.dick heads be president before. that doesn't mean they are not qualified.
(although I like his stance in Isis).
Which plan is that? The secret one he won't tell us about, or the one with more boots on the ground?
Which plan is that? The secret one he won't tell us about, or the one with more boots on the ground?
Agreed. Laws binding electors to the state vote are unconstitutional and penalties for not supporting those votes are also illegal.You missed the point of my post. The point isn't that he is unfit, the point is the Electoral College doesn't actually get together and debate the fitness of the winner. That was the idea behind actually having a body in each state that would meet and vote. Hamilton, Federalist #68. Now they just get together for a political party circle-jerk and then go out for drinks. The 29 states (plus DC) that have passed laws to penalize faithless electors have acted unconstitutionally, IMO. I'd like to see the whole damn shebang before the Supreme Court, because I am a big Original Intent guy.
Keeping their boots off our ground sounds like a pretty good start.
We knew better under obamaNumber of fatalities from terrorist attacks on u s soil under
bush 3,025
obama 159 ( as of July 17, 2016 )
Number of fatalities from terrorist attacks on u s soil under
bush 3,025
obama 159 ( as of July 17, 2016 )
We knew better under obama
I can hope can I?
9/11 caused everyone to focus on terrorism. Before that we all, dems, reps, and others, thought that was something that happened in other places. you really can't include those deaths in the number to compare apples to apples.
Yeah, just not too much.
Just kidding. The greatest hope is not in a politician. I was prepared to go on living my way even with Hillary as president. I have done it with Obama as president.
I don't fit much into culture or anything, but I have found that you can turn off the TV and you've got the freedom to go your own way. I've got my gas guzzler. You can try to save the planet. That's what's great about America. We can coexist, though we go our separate ways.
9/11 caused everyone to focus on terrorism. Before that we all, dems, reps, and others, thought that was something that happened in other places. you really can't include those deaths in the number to compare apples to apples.
there have been no deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan under obama.