Good News on the good jobs report

ohio herd

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Aug 28, 2012
Manufacturing jobs are up.From the article

New York Times
columnist and economist Paul Krugman claimed on November 25, 2016, “Nothing policy can do will bring back those lost jobs. The service sector is the future of work; but nobody wants to hear it.

The employment results are clear: in the last two years of President Obama’s administration, our elites declared manufacturing dead while government added six times the jobs the number of jobs our factories added; while in two years of President Trump’s economic policies, our factories have added five times more employees than government. This is the formula for a stronger, more prosperous America.

You may not like him but he is doing a good job of bringing back good paying jobs to America.
5.05 million jobs created last 2 years of obama (terrible recovery)
4.82 million jobs created first 2 years of cheetos (roaring economy)
491,000 manufacturing jobs under Trump in his first 2 years Is a lot better than 60,000 under Obama in his last 2 years. What is so hard to understand? A union job making 35 an hour at a steel Mill is way better than a 10 hr job at Wal Mart/
Raw numbers are silly when population has grown.

But while job growth has been strong lately, the total number of manufacturing employees is well off the sector's heyday, a fraction of what it once was. Stephen Roach, an economics professor at Yale University and former chief economist at Morgan Stanley, told CNBC that despite the political focus on manufacturing, its role in the American economy continues to wane.

Manufacturing payrolls, Roach said, comprise only 8.5 percent of the U.S. total, down from above 30 percent in decades past.

"The manufacturing jobs numbers continue to show solid momentum, but this is not the sector that will make a major difference for American workers," Roach said. "There's been a dramatic shift due to automation, machine productivity and the shifting of jobs to China and other countries with lower input costs."

That's the political issue....people want to see a time come back that isn't coming back. For real, those jobs really are not coming back. No one, including Obama, bullshitted you.

I'd also bet without looking at the data these new manufacturing jobs are not equal to pay and benefits of the good ol' days (inflation adjusted, of course).
491,000 manufacturing jobs under Trump in his first 2 years Is a lot better than 60,000 under Obama in his last 2 years. What is so hard to understand? A union job making 35 an hour at a steel Mill is way better than a 10 hr job at Wal Mart/

Attaboy trumptard, keep on parroting the Obama Walmart jobs. No matter how many times that is debunked, you and the other cons just can't leave it.
Attaboy trumptard, keep on parroting the Obama Walmart jobs. No matter how many times that is debunked, you and the other cons just can't leave it.
good lord, thats the best you have? Say something about the real numbers. Crap I figured you would try to give the credit for all of those good jobs to Obama
good lord, thats the best you have? Say something about the real numbers. Crap I figured you would try to give the credit for all of those good jobs to Obama

Link to all those low paying Obama jobs. Credible links ....
Link to all those low paying Obama jobs. Credible links ....
what is wrong with you.

The number of Americans working part-time for economic reasons—meaning, they would prefer to work full-time if they could—stood at 6.8 million in January 2015, declining to 5.6 million in December 2016 and even further to just over 4.6 million people in December 2018.
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what is wrong with you.

The number of Americans working part-time for economic reasons—meaning, they would prefer to work full-time if they could—stood at 6.8 million in January 2015, declining to 5.6 million in December 2016 and even further to just over 4.6 million people in December 2018.

Yeah, let's just totally forget obama inherited 8 million part time workers in jan of 2009 and went up to 9 million 2 months later. So in 8 year of office, those working part time decreased on average about 424,000 per year, and cheetos is averaging a decrease of 486,000 per year while inheriting a MUCH better situation than Obama. Take a look at this graph and tell us if the direction of the line is a continuation of the trend already in place.

In the meantime, let's look at all those part time jobs created under obama.


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