Green Energy is going to lead war and compromise the US

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Just wait, mark it down and remember the day herdman warned about this, again.

First of all, it makes us more at the mercy of the Chinkos. We won't mine here and manfufacturer the components here. Then, the Chinese will realize this(they know it now) and they will certainly consider a real takeover by force of Taiwan.

We will be in a pickle.

The Chinese and Russians are already plotting together to make a global reserve currency that will replace the US dollar as the standard.

The amount of miniing necessary to get the raw materials for these batteries is going to lead to a race for these materials and mines. China is 80% of the batteries now, we are just a consumer.

We have two choices fight it out or become a slave to the master, China. This is worse than even buy oil from the Arabs. They had no way of taking us over. The Chinkos will one day. Not that far away.

Liberals and green energy worship are leading us down this stupid path. The sad thing is doesn't do a thing for the environment. You are going to strip mine it, IDIOTS. The amount of mines will have to more than quadruple.

Mark it down and remember the day.

PS-Mush is compromised
Anyone who voted for this crap should be forced to work in a Chinese sweat shop
Cry baby God haters^^^

Just wait, mark it down and remember the day herdman warned about this, again.

First of all, it makes us more at the mercy of the Chinkos. We won't mine here and manfufacturer the components here. Then, the Chinese will realize this(they know it now) and they will certainly consider a real takeover by force of Taiwan.

We will be in a pickle.

The Chinese and Russians are already plotting together to make a global reserve currency that will replace the US dollar as the standard.

The amount of miniing necessary to get the raw materials for these batteries is going to lead to a race for these materials and mines. China is 80% of the batteries now, we are just a consumer.

We have two choices fight it out or become a slave to the master, China. This is worse than even buy oil from the Arabs. They had no way of taking us over. The Chinkos will one day. Not that far away.

Liberals and green energy worship are leading us down this stupid path. The sad thing is doesn't do a thing for the environment. You are going to strip mine it, IDIOTS. The amount of mines will have to more than quadruple.

Mark it down and remember the day.

PS-Mush is compromised
And your answer to fix what you presume will happen?
Just wait, mark it down and remember the day herdman warned about this, again.

First of all, it makes us more at the mercy of the Chinkos. We won't mine here and manfufacturer the components here. Then, the Chinese will realize this(they know it now) and they will certainly consider a real takeover by force of Taiwan.

We will be in a pickle.

The Chinese and Russians are already plotting together to make a global reserve currency that will replace the US dollar as the standard.

The amount of miniing necessary to get the raw materials for these batteries is going to lead to a race for these materials and mines. China is 80% of the batteries now, we are just a consumer.

We have two choices fight it out or become a slave to the master, China. This is worse than even buy oil from the Arabs. They had no way of taking us over. The Chinkos will one day. Not that far away.

Liberals and green energy worship are leading us down this stupid path. The sad thing is doesn't do a thing for the environment. You are going to strip mine it, IDIOTS. The amount of mines will have to more than quadruple.

Mark it down and remember the day.

PS-Mush is compromised
Competition is heating up in the EV battery space. True China as 80 % of global lithium-ion battery manufacturing.True America has only 6 % of this manufacturing space. However a plant is being built in Kansas that will produce them and create 4,000 jobs and President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to boost the battery production in March.
Competition is heating up in the EV battery space. True China as 80 % of global lithium-ion battery manufacturing.True America has only 6 % of this manufacturing space. However a plant is being built in Kansas that will produce them and create 4,000 jobs and President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to boost the battery production in March.
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Competition is heating up in the EV battery space. True China as 80 % of global lithium-ion battery manufacturing.True America has only 6 % of this manufacturing space. However a plant is being built in Kansas that will produce them and create 4,000 jobs and President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to boost the battery production in March.
You do know that all china has to do is hoard the supply then the rest of the world is basically fvcked right? It makes no difference if we can manufacture them if you can’t get materials. As extra would say that’s a supply side failure
You do know that all china has to do is hoard the supply then the rest of the world is basically fvcked right? It makes no difference if we can manufacture them if you can’t get materials. As extra would say that’s a supply side failure
They don't grasp reality
Conservatives would rather just whine about it.
Ok, how many years off? Where are the components coming from? The rare earth minerals?

I am all for this as we all should be. Bring it here. But, the questions above need answered. We are going to fight over the rare earth minerals.
Competition is heating up in the EV battery space. True China as 80 % of global lithium-ion battery manufacturing.True America has only 6 % of this manufacturing space. However a plant is being built in Kansas that will produce them and create 4,000 jobs and President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to boost the battery production in March.
There are over a dozen battery gigafactories opening in the USA by 2026.

Surely Herdman is aware of this one in his backyard:

While I am not a fan of electric cars (there are reasons I prefer to drive manuals, and a big one is playing with engine RPMs), I have been impressed with the announcements of plants in the USA. Carmakers are placing their bets on two things: the obvious future of personal automotive transportation, and China being an enemy.
There are over a dozen battery gigafactories opening in the USA by 2026.

Surely Herdman is aware of this one in his backyard:

While I am not a fan of electric cars (there are reasons I prefer to drive manuals, and a big one is playing with engine RPMs), I have been impressed with the announcements of plants in the USA. Carmakers are placing their bets on two things: the obvious future of personal automotive transportation, and China being an enemy.
Of course I am aware of it
There are over a dozen battery gigafactories opening in the USA by 2026.

Surely Herdman is aware of this one in his backyard:

While I am not a fan of electric cars (there are reasons I prefer to drive manuals, and a big one is playing with engine RPMs), I have been impressed with the announcements of plants in the USA. Carmakers are placing their bets on two things: the obvious future of personal automotive transportation, and China being an enemy.
That’s great! So now are you all for mining(lithium)?
There are over a dozen battery gigafactories opening in the USA by 2026.

Wonder if they will pay better than the IRS???

"JOHNSTOWN, Ohio - Ohio's largest-ever economic development project comes with a big employment challenge: how to find 7,000 construction workers in an already booming building environment when there's also a national shortage of people working in the trades."
That’s great! So now are you all for mining(lithium)?
Now? I was never against it to begin with.
Recall work. Think of it as being not much different than a recall or warranty claim that requires a new engine.

Why the recall? Well, a few Volts caught on fire. Is that horrible? I dunno....certain Lamborghini and Ferrari models are known for catching fire, but I wouldn't turn one down.
Wonder if they will pay better than the IRS???
Maybe if they are union jobs.
"JOHNSTOWN, Ohio - Ohio's largest-ever economic development project comes with a big employment challenge: how to find 7,000 construction workers in an already booming building environment when there's also a national shortage of people working in the trades."
What are your thoughts on bringing back some New Deal era stuff to train people in skilled trades? Sure there is Job Corps, but that is aged capped at 24 and requires no criminal is one career area where a conviction does not hold someone back, that's just silly to exempt someone over a drug case or some minor stuff.
What are your thoughts on bringing back some New Deal era stuff to train people in skilled trades? Sure there is Job Corps, but that is aged capped at 24 and requires no criminal is one career area where a conviction does not hold someone back, that's just silly to exempt someone over a drug case or some minor stuff.

A different place and time. Back then people wanted to, or at least needed to work. There were little to no social giveaway programs. We have created generational dependency based on these programs.

However I have long said the trades and related training have long been neglected. Not everyone is college material but that seems to be the primary focus of K-12 education. Coincidence or part of the bigger plan to suck money from the economy into the educational system?

Report Highlights. The average cost of college tuition & fees at public 4-year institutions has risen 179.2% over the last 20 years for an average annual increase of 9.0%.

  • Between the 2018-19 and 2019-209 academic years, tuition at the average public 4-year institution increased 1.5%.
  • The rising costs of college tuition outpace the rate of inflation 171.5%.
  • The average cost of tuition & fees at private 4-year institutions has risen 124.2% over the last 20 years for an average annual increase of 6.2%.
  • Since 1990, average tuition and fee rates have increased 130% after adjusting for inflation.
  • In the last 50 years, the 1983-1984 academic year saw the largest year-over-year (YoY) tuition growth rate at 14.2%.
The education system is doing a disservice to these kids by selling them on college, and the related costs which are increasing tremendously, and getting them to invest in degrees with little or no financial upside.

From personal experience I know degreed and non-degreed accountants and auto technicians are in high demand with limited supply.

Low wages? I've got auto mechanics making over $100k, a couple close to $150k...
There are 2 problems presently and not the manufacturing of the batteries, wherever they are made. first problem is our infrastructure. The amount of electricity our grid can handle will not support a large increase of electric cars. Second is how people in the US travel preferences. Most of the country outside of the coastal north eastern and coastal west drive cars for travel and hit the travel regularly. For example looking at myself. at least 4 or 5 times a year I will do a driving trip that is 400 to 1000 miles. When I do a midrange trip of say 650 miles each way that would require at least 1 stop for a charge that takes 5 to 6 hours so would be a 2 day travel instead of 1 day each way. I take 2 days each way( if not pulling my boat 3 days each way with the boat in electric) of the 9 day week( 5 vacation days plus 2 weekends) of vacation instead of 1 day each way. you figure out how to get a battery that can get me 1000 miles a day with a truck pulling a boat and we have the infrastructure to be able to run all the normal life and business expectations and add all the charging stations, I would be fine with the electric cars and trucks. I will leave alone the rest of the world outside the US environmentalist mindset. If the rest of the world went along with our green new deal people, I would be fine with the cost both the the economy and limitations on travel. But if you think that would happen you are one of those who think Marshall has a legitimate chance to win the national championship in our division we are presently in. Much more I could say but leave that alone.
There are 2 problems presently and not the manufacturing of the batteries, wherever they are made. first problem is our infrastructure. The amount of electricity our grid can handle will not support a large increase of electric cars. Second is how people in the US travel preferences. Most of the country outside of the coastal north eastern and coastal west drive cars for travel and hit the travel regularly. For example looking at myself. at least 4 or 5 times a year I will do a driving trip that is 400 to 1000 miles. When I do a midrange trip of say 650 miles each way that would require at least 1 stop for a charge that takes 5 to 6 hours so would be a 2 day travel instead of 1 day each way. I take 2 days each way( if not pulling my boat 3 days each way with the boat in electric) of the 9 day week( 5 vacation days plus 2 weekends) of vacation instead of 1 day each way. you figure out how to get a battery that can get me 1000 miles a day with a truck pulling a boat and we have the infrastructure to be able to run all the normal life and business expectations and add all the charging stations, I would be fine with the electric cars and trucks. I will leave alone the rest of the world outside the US environmentalist mindset. If the rest of the world went along with our green new deal people, I would be fine with the cost both the the economy and limitations on travel. But if you think that would happen you are one of those who think Marshall has a legitimate chance to win the national championship in our division we are presently in. Much more I could say but leave that alone.
The libs and left elites don't want us traveling like that anymore. The global warming cultists don't either. This garbage would restrict our freedom and movement. People in the large cities will be less effected and the elites will do what they want.
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Coincidence or part of the bigger plan to suck money from the economy into the educational system?
Coincidence. Schools are in the education business, not the training business anymore. You have the increased standards and such bullshit putting the emphasis on academics.

auto technicians
Techs can quit and have a new job the next morning. The demand, and shortage, is off the charts. And it is one I really can't figure out 100%. We grew up tinkering with cars, and some kids became mechanics. It just made sense. Maybe the new cars are too complex and kids just don't work on them.
Coincidence. Schools are in the education business, not the training business anymore. You have the increased standards and such bullshit putting the emphasis on academics.

You contradicted yourself. It is not coincidental that schools are in education business instead of teaching and training. Who turns out these educators? That's right, colleges and universities. It is now a self-perpetuating system...

Techs can quit and have a new job the next morning. The demand, and shortage, is off the charts. And it is one I really can't figure out 100%. We grew up tinkering with cars, and some kids became mechanics. It just made sense. Maybe the new cars are too complex and kids just don't work on them.

And even with these shortages are any of these school "guidance" counselors steering kids that way or are they being steered to go to college?
You contradicted yourself. It is not coincidental that schools are in education business instead of teaching and training. Who turns out these educators? That's right, colleges and universities. It is now a self-perpetuating system...

And even with these shortages are any of these school "guidance" counselors steering kids that way or are they being steered to go to college?
At a ratio of 350 students per counselor (and that’s in WV which has a relatively good ratio) getting individualized career advice might be a bit of an ask.
At a ratio of 350 students per counselor (and that’s in WV which has a relatively good ratio) getting individualized career advice might be a bit of an ask.

Do the math. Where does the money go if it doesn't go to career counseling? $13,500 x 25 students is $337,500. After paying the teacher there is still plenty of money left over...

You contradicted yourself.
Not at all. Perhaps I used the wrong words to explain my thinking, but you should be smart enough to figure out I am talking about the perceived decreased importance of vocational education in a post-industrial nation. Shortsighted? Absolutely.
And even with these shortages are any of these school "guidance" counselors steering kids that way or are they being steered to go to college?
Hell if I know, it's been a long time since I was in high school. I know here we have high school voc ed in auto tech, and on the community college level Ivy Tech has a program for an associates in it.

But kids still need to have an interest in it. And that's the thing I was talking about, youth and car culture has changed since even the days when The Fast and Furious first came out, you just can't fvck with cars as much, so perhaps kids are less interested in it.

Query: Is this the most incorrect statement in the history of this board? The world?
On this board, where the majority believe Donald Trump actually won in 2020?

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Bump, i just want to say what i wrote is playing out. Look at the world right now. Intsable. Getting to cold war and pre 9/11 levels at once.
Bump, i just want to say what i wrote is playing out. Look at the world right now. Intsable. Getting to cold war and pre 9/11 levels at once.
That 30 days and russia would have all they wanted in Ukraine is now 150 days. Just like you said. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
And so you believed what you wanted to believe. If it makes the US look bad under Biden, you're all for it. Too bad for you, oath breaker.
dude, his own joint chiefs said that. Great for the Urkanians, but every expert said the same thing. I just believe we need to watch our money we are sending, I also don't believe the press is telling the complete story and we are going to be sending money and arms over there for decades and what is the over sight for it? It is corrupt over there and are we being told the truth.
dude, his own joint chiefs said that. Great for the Urkanians, but every expert said the same thing. I just believe we need to watch our money we are sending, I also don't believe the press is telling the complete story and we are going to be sending money and arms over there for decades and what is the over sight for it? It is corrupt over there and are we being told the truth.
And so you believed what you wanted to believe. If it makes the US look bad under Biden, you're all for it. Too bad for you, oath breaker.

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