Ha Ha Under Obama the Dems have:

You're getting away from the point. "Free" ID cards are not always free. These things have been researched. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. The word "free" doesn't always mean it doesn't cost anything to obtain it.
The ID itself is free. God forbid someone had to pay rent.
I have a "free" truck I'd like to give you. I'll charge $8,000 to deliver it. You want the "free" truck?
This is what hat you do when you lose. you completely change the concept of the debate and throw up straw men so you can win

I lose? You said the ID was free, and you meant that to mean no one has an excuse not to acquire a voter ID card. It isn't free if you don't already have the required documentation, and appx 10% of American citizens don't have it. I know this, so you're trying to tell me that the republican party doesn't know this? You and I both know that conservatives are not spending the tens or perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars to fight nearly nonexistent in-person voter fraud. They know it's nearly nonexistent also. It is ENTIRELY a voter suppression against the demographics that vote mostly for the democrat party. Several in your party have admitted it. It's a fact that it costs millions of people money to acquire that documentation if a strict photo ID law is in effect. A large portion of that 10% are poor, minorities, and elderly. You, like many others think a few bucks are chump change for everyone. You're simply wrong. About 13-15% of all wage earners in America, as of 2013, earned less than $5,000. How much do you think having to spend $20-$30 in order to vote affects them? That right, a lot. And your republican friends know they won't.
I'd like to hear more about this $8,000 truck. Hate to think I might have gotten ripped off.

Progress on this whole issue would be simply counting all these people and casting automatic votes for them, for the Democratic candidate of course.
I lose? You said the ID was free, and you meant that to mean no one has an excuse not to acquire a voter ID card. It isn't free if you don't already have the required documentation, and appx 10% of American citizens don't have it. I know this, so you're trying to tell me that the republican party doesn't know this? You and I both know that conservatives are not spending the tens or perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars to fight nearly nonexistent in-person voter fraud. They know it's nearly nonexistent also. It is ENTIRELY a voter suppression against the demographics that vote mostly for the democrat party. Several in your party have admitted it. It's a fact that it costs millions of people money to acquire that documentation if a strict photo ID law is in effect. A large portion of that 10% are poor, minorities, and elderly. You, like many others think a few bucks are chump change for everyone. You're simply wrong. About 13-15% of all wage earners in America, as of 2013, earned less than $5,000. How much do you think having to spend $20-$30 in order to vote affects them? That right, a lot. And your republican friends know they won't.
Who doesn't have a social security card? Registering to vote is free, you can use voter registration card as proof of residency. You can also sign an affidavit. The argument was ifd cost money. The id does not cost money. Paying a utility bill does cost money lying rent does cost money. Paying gas bill does cost money. That's not the point and never was and you know it.
Fact is a person can get an id for free costing them no extra money than they would normally spend on current expenditures
eg... What you aren't saying is that at the time you deliver the truck you have to pay a $8001 stupid fee.
Fact is a person can get an id for free costing them no extra money than they would normally spend on current expenditures

Some can, many can't. Here, argue with Harvard Law School. And keep in mind, not everyone is a stooge, as some of us realize that the voter fraud that photo IDs are claimed to prevent are nearly nonexistent. I'll repeat that....nearly nonexistent.

"For many people, paying the cost needed to meet voter ID requirements means spending the
equivalent of more than a week’s worth of groceries. In fact, some citizens simply cannot afford the
costs required to obtain these IDs. Still others can never get the documents they need to qualify for
a voter ID. In short, under these laws, those citizens who cannot get IDs will pay the ultimate price
in a democracy: they will lose their right to vote.
Here are the estimated expenses incurred by the three individuals in each of the three states in
pursuit of a “free” voter identification card:

Voter #1: $133.61
Voter #2: $172.39
Voter #3: $107.25

South Carolina:
Voter #1: $166.50
Voter #2: $92.50 ($1,047.50 if pro bono legal fees calculated)
Voter #3: $99.75 ($1,449.75 if pro bono legal fees calculated)

Voter #1: $79.26
Voter #2: $87.96+
Voter #3: $148.46+
eg... What you aren't saying is that at the time you deliver the truck you have to pay a $8001 stupid fee.

The truck is "free". The stipulation is I have to deliver it and that costs you $8,000. But remember, the truck is "free".
Paying them wait time and travel time? Damn, given all that it probably costs me about $400 per can of Big K.

The strain of lifting the 12 packs. Pushing the buggy. Weaving through the molasses movements of the crowd. The stress of that alone is worth $50 probably. I'd hire someone to do it for me, but that would also cost me bigtime. Hell, they'd probably end up killing me and stealing everything.
I've never even seen a poor person. Not sure they exist. The only ones that may exist are those so mentally disabled that they just wander the streets yelling at nonexistent terrors. If they yell too loud, they probably get picked up and taken to the mental ward where they get a bowl full of some kind of slop to keep them alive.

Four bums at the same entrance and exit ramps I frequent. The same ones. Standing in brutal cold with thick coats. Day after day. If they weren't making good money there, they would have left by now. They've eaten enough to be able to do what they're doing. I couldn't do it. They're eating way more than I am.
No for being too lazy or stupid to go get an id made. If they can't do that they don't need to be voting.

You're too stupid to realize many people don't have spare money to hunt down documents. I'm not surprised. Funny how you constitutionalists relax that point of view if it helps get conservatives elected by punishing the poor.
You're too stupid to realize many people don't have spare money to hunt down documents. I'm not surprised. Funny how you constitutionalists relax that point of view if it helps get conservatives elected by punishing the poor.

This from a guy, who admitted he wouldn't hire a poor black man to train and work unless the govt offered him corporate welfare to do it.
You are all about "punishing" the poor when it suits you. Fvcking hypocrite.
and they are so hard to obtain.

using your idiotic logic voter registration suppresses vote. #moron

I'll explain to you what moron logic is to you cons...It's creating solutions for problems that don't exist (enacting photo ID requirements to prevent in-person voting that is nearly non existent). You "patriots" are more than willing to enact a law that for each fraudulent vote it might prevent, it prevents hundreds of thousands of lawful votes being cast. This is a fact and it can't be refuted.
Extra would you take a check for your cabinet work from someone you don't know withour them supplying you proper identification?
They do? All the time? You know all of them, right?

There is basically ZERO voter fraud from in person voting. You never have understood that.

I know Greed won't respond to this, but YES in person voting fraud occurs. It's called non-citizens voting and they're allowed to do so, because we didn't make them provide any proof.
When does your expectation for free stuff end? It is an individual's responsibility to have their act together enough to obtain a valid ID to do many things in life, namely voting. You can't even get Fever to agree with you on this one and he was your only hope.

Give it up old man.

Yea I am all for Voter ID requirements, the voting process needs integrity. Everyone needs an ID for work, to collect food stamps and Social Services, for Dr. Visits, the DMV, to get a job, to enter a courthouse, and to buy liqueur and cigarettes.

NO excuse
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I know Greed won't respond to this, but YES in person voting fraud occurs. It's called non-citizens voting and they're allowed to do so, because we didn't make them provide any proof.

Non-Citizens cant vote at all so that is a lie.
I'll explain to you what moron logic is to you cons...It's creating solutions for problems that don't exist (enacting photo ID requirements to prevent in-person voting that is nearly non existent). You "patriots" are more than willing to enact a law that for each fraudulent vote it might prevent, it prevents hundreds of thousands of lawful votes being cast. This is a fact and it can't be refuted.

Actually, the only thing that cant be refuted is that to live and conduct even the most simple day to day required activities requires some form of ID....regardless of your income. Maybe "out wayne" everyone knows broke downtrodden Billy Bob.....but just about anywhere else.....ID is required.

Hell....even the bum panhandlers in this area are required to have a pictured ID permit to stand on a corner for their handout.
Extra would you take a check for your cabinet work from someone you don't know withour them supplying you proper identification?

Not one time in my career have I ever asked for someones identification when they wrote me a check.

That's irrelevant. You're still attempting to provide a solution in the absence of a problem.
Not one time in my career have I ever asked for someones identification when they wrote me a check.

That's irrelevant. You're still attempting to provide a solution in the absence of a problem.
more evidence you are an idiot
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That's what I like about scientology. They really are not for the poor at all. They show no pity. No mercy. You either pony up or get the hell out. Hell of an idea.

Next time I hold a can of Big K, I'll try to remember to think about it.
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Not one time in my career have I ever asked for someones identification when they wrote me a check.

That's irrelevant. You're still attempting to provide a solution in the absence of a problem.

Then you are officially a clown. Please, come install some cabinets for me. I'll write you a 3rd party out of State check. It's as good as money, I promise.