Hang On folks, here comes that global warming end of this week.

I think you die a little quicker the colder it gets, even at that point. But you still die lol.

And you had mentioned 93 or 94...In 94 most of the river at Louisville froze. Keep in mind the Ohio is almost a mile wide that's impressive.

94 was as cold as I ever remember. It was a similar event that we just went through.
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Climate is not simple with fewer variables. Get back to me when we can predict accurately sunspot activity volcanic eruptions etc. the predictions have been spelled the end of the world for the last 30 years but here we are nowhere close to what the predictions were. As a species we have no idea how to accurately predict the future and that’s exactly what we are trying to do with climate change and weather
Do you deny the volume of CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere? Or do you deny the effect that higher CO2 levels have on the atmosphere?

To deny climate change you have to deny one or the other. And both are known about as well as we know anything.
Do you deny the volume of CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere? Or do you deny the effect that higher CO2 levels have on the atmosphere?

To deny climate change you have to deny one or the other. And both are known about as well as we know anything.
Nowhere have I said that co2 isn’t impacting the climate. Not have I said anything about higher co2 levels in the atmosphere. Not shockingly you’re missing what I’m saying which is we don’t know the real impact nor can we accurately predict what that impact will be.
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How can you be the only one on this entire board who doesn't realize that you've lost all credibility on this subject? You have made numerous, numerous predictions and they have all failed. You have been caught multiple times posting illogical tweets from bogus sources. You have been caught numerous times misinterpreting data. You have been caught numerous times being the textbook definition of "confirmation bias."

So, despite hospitals being over capacity for the past 2 months --
A significant amount of hospitalizations are due to people who haven't take the vaccine, including very young children. So tell us, how is the vaccine to blame for that surge?

and all cause mortality 10-20% above baseline around the world, and covid season rapidly approaching, I'm going to eventually be right, but it will be "sheer luck."
10% - 20%? Moving the goalposts again? You recently insisted that it would be 20% higher than 2021. Now, you're allowing yourself the ability to be wrong by 50% from your prediction and still be right? Just how many times are you going to change your predictions, Middle Class Murox?

Do you have a subscription to The Economist or is that too expensive for somebody with low-income apartments? The Economist has all of this data updated daily, and it will give you a daily update of just how stupid you have become.

You also have claimed multiple times that those countries with the highest vaccine rate also have the highest all cause mortality increase which is also false. Even if true, which it isn't, correlation doesn't mean causation. But that's something you don't have to worry about, since the correltation isn't even there.

By fall - in fall - by winter - in winter - civil war!
Merry christmas, tubby.
That blew up in your face the last time, yet you're too dumb to learn from your mistakes (just like I told you when you before you got caught cheating on your wife). Do you think your protruding ears are somehow blocking your brain's ability to work?
How can you be the only one on this entire board who doesn't realize that you've lost all credibility on this subject? You have made numerous, numerous predictions and they have all failed. You have been caught multiple times posting illogical tweets from bogus sources. You have been caught numerous times misinterpreting data. You have been caught numerous times being the textbook definition of "confirmation bias."

A significant amount of hospitalizations are due to people who haven't take the vaccine, including very young children. So tell us, how is the vaccine to blame for that surge?

10% - 20%? Moving the goalposts again? You recently insisted that it would be 20% higher than 2021. Now, you're allowing yourself the ability to be wrong by 50% from your prediction and still be right? Just how many times are you going to change your predictions, Middle Class Murox?

Do you have a subscription to The Economist or is that too expensive for somebody with low-income apartments? The Economist has all of this data updated daily, and it will give you a daily update of just how stupid you have become.

You also have claimed multiple times that those countries with the highest vaccine rate also have the highest all cause mortality increase which is also false. Even if true, which it isn't, correlation doesn't mean causation. But that's something you don't have to worry about, since the correltation isn't even there.

By fall - in fall - by winter - in winter - civil war!
Have you seen hospital admissions for covid in your home state recently? Approaching an all-pandemic high. Yikes!

Have you seen hospital admissions for covid in your home state recently? Approaching an all-pandemic high.

At some point, you have to look in the mirror and realize you look like an absolute idiot with your failed attempts.

Did you even read what that graph showed? It shows Covid 19 hospitalizations. Now, go ahead and try to make the giant leap that a lower Covid 19 hospitalization number is going to result in all cause mortality being 20% higher in 2022 than 2021, which was your claim.

You're in your mid 40s. Saying things like "retard" and "yikes" puts you in the same category as Amerikenny and '06.

December '21.

January '22.

March '22.

October '22.

December '22.
A significant amount of hospitalizations are due to people who haven't take the vaccine, including very young children. So tell us, how is the vaccine to blame for that surge?

How significant? And what is your definition of significant? 90%? 70%? 50%? 25%? And what is the breakdown of adults and children? And by “children” are you referring to anybody under 18 or anybody no older than 12? And where did you find this data?
At some point, you have to look in the mirror and realize you look like an absolute idiot with your failed attempts.

Did you even read what that graph showed? It shows Covid 19 hospitalizations. Now, go ahead and try to make the giant leap that a lower Covid 19 hospitalization number is going to result in all cause mortality being 20% higher in 2022 than 2021, which was your claim.

You're in your mid 40s. Saying things like "retard" and "yikes" puts you in the same category as Amerikenny and '06.

December '21.

January '22.

March '22.

October '22.

December '22.
Who is that guy? Isn't he like the smartest man in the world?
Whoever he is, he's in the same category as '06 and AmeriKenny, whatever that means.

I wonder if he's rich enough to film himself in a hotel room with all his jewelry? I hear that's what rich people do to prove their worth.
Whoever he is, he's in the same category as '06 and AmeriKenny, whatever that means.

I wonder if he's rich enough to film himself in a hotel room with all his jewelry? I hear that's what rich people do to prove their worth.
I'm sure Elon has a message board he frequents to boast about his jewelry, real estate, acquaintances, and sexual conquests right?
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You just proved my point. Musk is a giant dork. Nobody thinks any different about him. Did you see what he married? Do you see what he bangs now? One of the wealthiest guys on earth, and he resorts to that thing.

Nice job ignoring how your tweet from above had absolutely nothing to do with what your claim is.
I'm sure Elon has a message board he frequents to boast about his jewelry, real estate, acquaintances, and sexual conquests right?
Yeah, it’s called “Twitter,” moron. If he’s ever contested about something, he attempts to back it up.
You just proved my point. Musk is a giant dork. Nobody thinks any different about him. Did you see what he married? Do you see what he bangs now? One of the wealthiest guys on earth, and he resorts to that thing.

Nice job ignoring how your tweet from above had absolutely nothing to do with what your claim is.

Yeah, it’s called “Twitter,” moron. If he’s ever contested about something, he attempts to back it up.
Hey Baldy glad you are back for more. Most of us get a kick out of you being kicked around here. Happy New Year!
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You just proved my point. Musk is a giant dork. Nobody thinks any different about him. Did you see what he married? Do you see what he bangs now? One of the wealthiest guys on earth, and he resorts to that thing.

Nice job ignoring how your tweet from above had absolutely nothing to do with what your claim is.

Yeah, it’s called “Twitter,” moron. If he’s ever contested about something, he attempts to back it up.
It’s pointless to engage you on a topic you don’t understand. I told you Covid was coming back with a vengeance this fall/winter (now). Guess what? Here it comes.

It’s pointless to engage you on a topic you don’t understand. I told you Covid was coming back with a vengeance this fall/winter (now). Guess what? Here it comes.

Those are only the reported cases. I am just getting over it for the first time, actually….and it was f^cking awful. I know a bunch of others that just got Covid again and never reported it. The numbers are much lower than actuality. I just at home tested and self medicated my way through the past 5 days…

It’s safe to say this Covid variant of omicron is more contagious than before, but it’s more upper respiratory than variants like delta, that were cutting off peoples oxygen and putting people in hospitals.
Those are only the reported cases. I am just getting over it for the first time, actually….and it was f^cking awful. I know a bunch of others that just got Covid again and never reported it. The numbers are much lower than actuality. I just at home tested and self medicated my way through the past 5 days…

It’s safe to say this Covid variant of omicron is more contagious than before, but it’s more upper respiratory than variants like delta, that were cutting off peoples oxygen and putting people in hospitals.
There are municipalities that track the amount of virus in waste water that are showing all-pandemic high amounts.

The experimental genetic injections have narrowly fixated and homogenized a significant portion of the population’s immune response to a highly mutable pathogen no longer in circulation.

Even worse news than the antigenic imprinting is the antibody class switch to tolerate the virus (chronic infection —> VAIDS).

Like I’ve been saying all along, this is the biggest f’ckup in human history.

Truly can’t believe how many fell for it.
My aunt gigavaxxed covid
Customer of mine ultra gigavaxxed and wears mask covid

Bunch of guys I work with got it at a conference

I agree with rox..coming back strong
Thats nowhere near as bad as using the term "doh" [sic] all the time . . .
"[sic]"? Why do you continue making yourself look dumber than you need to by trying to contest me on spelling/grammar (or basically anything)?




variants or doh

It’s pointless to engage you on a topic you don’t understand. I told you Covid was coming back with a vengeance this fall/winter (now). Guess what? Here it comes.
When did I ever contest that Covid wouldn't come back? Why are you being dishonest about this? Stop lying to us. We aren't your wife.

You insisted that 2022 would have 20% all-cause mortality. WRONG! Not even close.

You said that we would be crushed and have an even higher morality rate by fall, then in fall, then by the end of fall, then by winter, then in winter, then "early 2023." WRONG!

Why are you trying to argue something that was never contested and ignore all of the things that were contested that didn't come true?
"[sic]"? Why do you continue making yourself look dumber than you need to by trying to contest me on spelling/grammar (or basically anything)?




variants or doh

When did I ever contest that Covid wouldn't come back? Why are you being dishonest about this? Stop lying to us. We aren't your wife.

You insisted that 2022 would have 20% all-cause mortality. WRONG! Not even close.

You said that we would be crushed and have an even higher morality rate by fall, then in fall, then by the end of fall, then by winter, then in winter, then "early 2023." WRONG!

Why are you trying to argue something that was never contested and ignore all of the things that were contested that didn't come true?

Hilarious to watch you think you have a point with the “by fall, by winter” line when I was clearly referring to the time of year when seasonal respiratory viruses spike.
