You haven't seemed to be following the conversation. (not a surprise) Marshall apparently doesn't have the leadership and staff in the AD capable of doing the job fans are currently demanding. Thus, this thread complaining about the quality of marketing/PR exists. The entire premise of this thread was based on, at a bare minimum, "people need hired in the AD to oversee a marketing plan". From that point all my cost basis was established clearly...and accurately. 40K/mo on a line-item budget for marketing/pr expenses (including labor) is a bare minimum cost.What? That's quite a drastic left turn. Marshall doesn't need "employees and staff" to be hired just to manage the outside firm. Marshall has people already in place to handle that. When a company retains outside counsel to help on certain litigation when their in-house counsel is out of their element, does that company go out and hire new employees to "manage the outside firm"? Of course not. They have people in place to do that, as it is just another vendor. The outside firm does all of the heavy lifting.
Christ. Again, the 400K number I referenced was not the budget for a commercial. It was used in reference to my entire annual budget for a marketing/pr expense strategy to the AD (40kmonth). And yes, a TV ad spot would be a "new" TV ad that Marshall would most likely need produced. As you admitted, the commercial alone cost "you" six figures. That cuts deep into the 400K PR budget I estimated. Again, I'm right.Traditional TV spots (aren't "new") have a higher production cost, but it is not even close to $400k.
Sure it would. Assuming, as we have discussed, Marshall needs to staff up it's PR/Marketing team in the AD. At the bare minimum 2 competent, qualified people need to be hired internally to help manage the campaign and additional marketing efforts. The external pr firm would assist with creating and providing any level of ongoing execution needed by that team. A PR firm of any level of quality is going to have at least 2 people working on the account and billing regularly to provide the service we see fans crying for now.Your estimate of a minimum of $40k/month would allow for three full-time employees only working on Marshall every single day for a year (which would not even remotely be realistic)
Managing social sites alone require constant content updating to maintain their relevance if you want any level of subscription growth. Again, another complaint fans have, consistent updated relevant content. Yes, a billboard is one and done. A social media component to a serious campaign is an ongoing daily endeavor if done creatively.
Again, you kept throwing out a local reputable "Huntington-Charleston" PR firm. I decided to offer up Charles Ryan. One I worked with on some projects many years ago in Charleston. They aren't cheap the way you've insinuated.I never hinted that they were. I have never even heard of them.
Show me a sports entertainment company (which is what the Marshall AD is) unwilling to devote 40k a month to its total marketing/PR budget and I will show you a company that is not really serious about it's marketing/PR efforts.