Herdman - Disney is Safe Again

Yeah, wonder why they put that possessive apostrophe at the end.

Because that’s what they wanted to name the company. If Nordstrom wanted to be named “Nordstrom’s” then that’s what they would have named themselves.
Because that’s what they wanted to name the company. If Nordstrom wanted to be named “Nordstrom’s” then that’s what they would have named themselves.

Kind of like if Sally doesn't want you to change her name when you say "You're going to Sally's?"
Oh, another claim that you didn't read what I typed yet you somehow know what it said. Amazing how that works, liar.

When I tried to post, the website apparently has parameters which do not allow greater than so many characters. Since the problem was in the ridiculously long post I was quoting (yours) I had to delete a significant amount just to be able to quote you and give my response.

You've lost it man. You're like Mufasa after Scar let go of his paws on the cliff.'re not helping your buddy. You should stick to defending Xenu.'s ok to say I'm going to Nordstrom. It's also ok to say I'm going to Nordstrom's. Tell your friend BC that I didn't change the name of the business by doing so, just like I didn't change Sally's name from Sally.
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Stopped at Go Mart’s and got gas just now. Heading to Texas Roadhouse’s for some dinner.
My wife is shopping at Old Navy’s today.

Do you remember Old Navy's ad campaign back in the mid 90's which featured George and Louise Jefferson? They sang a cheesey jingle to advertise the Old Navy "Performance Fleece."

Every time I go to Old Navy, I think of Old Navy's previous advertising campaigns. I would never go to a place called, "Old Navy's," because that would be some sort of rip off from the actual Old Navy store.
I remember that commercial well, and sing that jingle in my mind every time I go in there as well.
When I tried to post, the website apparently has parameters which do not allow greater than so many characters. Since the problem was in the ridiculously long post I was quoting (yours) I had to delete a significant amount just to be able to quote you and give my response.

What the fvck does that have to do with what I said? You said you didn't read my post, yet you were able to criticize what I said in it. How could you criticize the crux of a post without having read it, moron? And what the hell would lead you to think I was talking about what you responded with?

I'm glad you are consisting and not spending time with your children right now, because you know, they won't be able to remember it when they're older anyways.

I would never go to a place called, "Old Navy's," because that would be some sort of rip off from the actual Old Navy store.

This just shows that you don't have the intelligence to grasp this. Nobody is claiming that the store is called "Old Navy's." The store is called "Old Navy." But if you're going to the Old Navy store, it is perfectly correct to say "Old Navy's" with the implied "store" attached to it.

Nobody thinks BC's friend "Jason" changed his name to "Jason's" when he says "I'm going to Jason's." It is implied that he is going to Jason's house.
The comma is an error. It's almost as big of an error as your attempt to correct me in this thread which wasn't really an error.

Did you go to Jason?

The comma is not an error. It is placed where there is a pause in thought, which is where it should be.
The comma is not an error. It is placed where there is a pause in thought, which is where it should be.

Though I have no doubt that you have frequent pauses in just about any thought you have, the comma is entirely wrong.

Go to that link, then go down to the portion where it discusses "comma before and." It gives an identical example as yours about not using a comma.
I won't go to Disney unless I stay on the property. I have done it both ways. The extra magic hours are worth it. You can get so much more done in the parks. If I want to leave the park and take the Disney Transportation and the rest of the folks want to stay at the park they can. See you I will go back and you stay. I have done it both ways. Someone wants to go to the park there you go hop the transportation. Someone doesn't want to go? GO back or stay at the room. Easier to get back to the room for a break when it gets crowded, tired, hot, etc. Meal plan if you want it. We have done it with the meal plan and without, but you have that option if you stay on disney. Disney magical express if you fly in. No need for an airport shuttle. You could fly in, take Disney magical express from the airport, use their transportation and never need a car.

I will not go again, if do not stay on Disney if we are going to parks all the time. The experience is much better on site, if you are going to go to the parks a lot. I might stay of site if I was just going for one day and doing other stuff in the area. But, the experience is 10 times better on Disney property. Cost more, but worth it.

I go 2 to 3 times a year. And, I am the old grumpy bastard who made the rule, If I am going and paying for it, we are staying there. Disney does stuff right. I have sent the Mrs and the junior when he was younger, put them on plan, let them take magic exress to the park, use their transportation and fly back home while I work to pay for it. The little things like taking the golf clubs and they move them from course to course and then give a free cab ride to the course from the resort.
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Gotta love Pullman. The apostrophe argument on business names isn’t new. Here’s a good article on it...

But I suspect both sides will use it to claim victory and the argument will continue.

Regardless of which side you want to argue based on the article, GK has just firmly argued, perhaps unknowingly, against BC's stance.

BC's original comment was that it would take a "dumb b!tch" to think "Nordstrom's" was correct and inferred it was common sense. However, GK just admitted and posted a blog showing that this argument is very well entrenched and has many people on both sides. In other words, BC tried claiming that an argument that has been around for years with support on both sides was some sort of common sense or basic intelligence issue when it is the complete opposite.
possession. what's your point
That your argument is stupid. When you say you’re going to sue’s house you are acknowledging it is her house. When you say I’m going to Walmart, Burger King, Waffle House, etc you are naming the place you are going. There is no possession
That your argument is stupid. When you say you’re going to sue’s house you are acknowledging it is her house. When you say I’m going to Walmart, Burger King, Waffle House, etc you are naming the place you are going. There is no possession

Your reply is moronic. If you don't think there is possession implied, you might want to speak with the Waltons and others.
I am going to Pizza Hut's to get some pizza.

I am going to the Henderson Center's.

I am going to Waffle House's to get some eggs.

I am going to Wal Mart's. Or maybe Go Mart's

Maybe I will go to two Wal Marts and two Go Marts.

I going down to the K-Mart's to get me some blue light specials.

I am going to CVS's to get some me some pills.

I am going to New York's.
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Val-systems blog . . . oh, yeah. I think that won a Pulitzer, right?

Around here, JCPenny was always called "Penny's" by every single person I know.

My grandmother worked at Penney's for 20-30 years. It was always "Penney's" to my entire extended family . . . never "Penney," JC Penney," etc. And I know that isn't a regional thing, as I bought a bunch of Christmas gifts for children from there in December. When the store manager called me, he referred to his store as "Penny's" and led to a discussion about why the store changed the spelling of its name/branding/logo recently.
I found it interesting to look through Wikipedia's page (see the ownership Greed?) for the Nordstrom corporation.

Say what you want about the validity of Wikipedia, but typically the pages for large companies are frequently checked and or maintained by representatives from those companies with Wikipedia pages.
Back to the OP and Disney's. Took my kids when they were probly 6 and 9. They don't remember much about it. Me neither.

Taking them to Miramar's this summer then either Hawaii's or Puerto Rico's next summer. It'll be my son's graduation present so he gets to choose the locale.

Wouldn't mind to go back to Disney's though.

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