Sadly, MU ATO, our Herdzone is a very, very pathetic athletic website. Half of the screen at the bottom is taken up with an ad. Then there is a damn drop down ad for Herd gear on sale before you can even determine what new herd sports content is available. The site is very limited, not that easy to navigate, due partly to all the ads, and some of the content is horribly dated.
For example, click on the athletics facilities site, check out the women's softball site, and you find out that when the new Dot Hicks stadium is completed in 2008, the Herd will have a top notch venue!!! Earth to Mike Hamrick: check your Mickey Mouse; this is now almost 2016. Same can be said about the description of the Cam. Nothing at all about the Pruitt training bldg., Dunfee weight room, etc.
New MU President would be well advised to hire a highly skilled and trained Web master to manage all the schools web sites, including HerdZone. Anyone want to make a comparison: Check out the East Tennessee U. athletic website: High on content, easy to navigate, not cluttered with nuisance ads, etc. Certainly a school similar to MU in size, etc. No reason why our web site shouldn't be comparable, or better.