Hey Fever, when is Easter this year?

The Ishtar/Oestre/Easter etymology thing was something Jacob Grimm of Brothers Grimm fame picked up on and popularized (though there is no connection there, much like Christmas and Saturnalia). So if "Easter" makes you uncomfortable then I'll say "Every Lord's Day is Resurrection Sunday".
The Ishtar/Oestre/Easter etymology thing was something Jacob Grimm of Brothers Grimm fame picked up on and popularized (though there is no connection there, much like Christmas and Saturnalia). So if "Easter" makes you uncomfortable then I'll say "Every Lord's Day is Resurrection Sunday".

You should look up who the Babylonian Goddess of Fertility.

Like God said "Dont mix my festivals with Pagan Festivals" or unless that is OT teachings
Fever read about people who bash a preacher. Your total lack of respect for keep is horrible.. To say that to keep makes me worry about your salvation. Like the Lord I don't want anyone to perish. Nothing worse than MY CHURCH IS THE ONLY GOOD CHURCH. YOU WONT HAVE DENOMINATIONS IN HEAVEN FEVER.
I became a Believer when April Fool’s Day fell on a non school day. All I could think IS a God.