Hey Rifle

Do you mention me in every thread? Remember that time you claimed mu1988 and muthed were obsessed with you, due to continually bringing up your name?

Must I get a restraining order or possibly contact the secret service for additional protection, assuming they're still not busy?
A quick review of the archives reveal that you have mentioned me in 21 different posts since September 1st.
In comparison, I have mentioned you in eight posts during that time, many of those just being in response to you mentioning me.

It appears that you are just as obsessed with me as muthed and 1988 are.
What is the UFC fan base and environment?

Most of them are idiots who never set foot on a Jiu Jitsu mat nor took a striking class, base their analysis on what they've seen, and generally have limited knowledge at how the sport actually works yelling at someone stuck in side control, "Just stand up, bro!"
The maybe 3% of that collective, have actually trained long enough to know what's going on, legitimately get excited because they can see the Kimura from Closed Guard coming, and can find other things that can happen.
Those are the ones who don't run their mouths constantly either.
That small group are also the last people you'd think who could literally break people like rifle in half, not even joking, all the muscle in the world can't stop hyper-extension, nor can any sort of bragging.
But that's what sets the sport apart from others minus maybe're going to start at the absolute bottom of the Totem Pole and have to work your way up...and these days, everyone is ego driven and can't take that.
Hence, why they quit.
Imagine an RN at Cabell Huntington being (at the time and maybe even now) the most skilled Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter and having the UFC submission of the year TWICE.

He is saving your life while also being capable of ending it:

That small group are also the last people you'd think who could literally break people like rifle in half, not even joking, all the muscle in the world can't stop hyper-extension, nor can any sort of bragging.

Pure strength and athleticism allow a person to avoid being put in that scenario. No way a 6'1, 165 lbs. guy is going to physically be able to get a very strong and athletic 6'2, 230 lbs. guy in that type of situation. It is why MMA has weight classes, because they know that technique and specialty can only be of value to a certain extent, but with extreme differences, it can't make up for sheer strength and size differences. If not, they would have no problem with a 250 lbs. guy going against a 160 lbs. guy.

For three years, I had an ongoing argument with my senior managers. About eight of them were adamant that Ronda Rousey would kick my ass. I argued that the sheer size and strength differences and male/female dynamic would be far too much for her to overcome. The only two people who sided with me were a former UNC track star (who was on the same team as multiple Olympians) and a 36 year old guy who regularly travels and competes all over the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic in jiu-jitsu. Even though he is trained at a high-level, he knows that there is no amount that can overcome that large of a disparity in size/strength.
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Most of them are idiots who never set foot on a Jiu Jitsu mat nor took a striking class, base their analysis on what they've seen, and generally have limited knowledge at how the sport actually works yelling at someone stuck in side control, "Just stand up, bro!"
The maybe 3% of that collective, have actually trained long enough to know what's going on, legitimately get excited because they can see the Kimura from Closed Guard coming, and can find other things that can happen.
Those are the ones who don't run their mouths constantly either.
That small group are also the last people you'd think who could literally break people like rifle in half, not even joking, all the muscle in the world can't stop hyper-extension, nor can any sort of bragging.
But that's what sets the sport apart from others minus maybe're going to start at the absolute bottom of the Totem Pole and have to work your way up...and these days, everyone is ego driven and can't take that.
Hence, why they quit.
Imagine an RN at Cabell Huntington being (at the time and maybe even now) the most skilled Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter and having the UFC submission of the year TWICE.

He is saving your life while also being capable of ending it:

I am not a trained mixed martial arts person. But I like the UFC just a fan and I greatly respect what they do.
Pure strength and athleticism allows a person to avoid being put in that scenario. No way a 6'1, 165 lbs. guy is going to physically be able to get a very strong and athletic 6'2, 230 lbs. guy in that type of situation. It is why MMA has weight classes, because they know that technique and specialty can only be of value to a certain extent, but with extreme differences, it can't make up for sheer strength and size differences. If not, they would have no problem with a 250 lbs. guy going against a 160 lbs. guy.

For three years, I had an ongoing argument with my senior managers. About eight of them were adamant that Ronda Rousey would kick my ass. I argued that the sheer size and strength differences and male/female dynamic would be far too much for her to overcome. The only two people who sided with me were a former UNC track star (who was on the same team as multiple Olympians) and a 36 year old guy who regularly travels and competes all over the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic in jiu-jitsu. Even though he is trained at a high-level, he knows that there is no amount that can overcome that large of a disparity in size/strength.
Congrats on being able to kick Ronda Rousey's ass and being able to hypothetically to hit 200 in the majors.
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