How many fake voters will "vote" for Hillary on election day


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010
She just isn't that likeable and I am starting to think more and more she doesn't even really want the job of President. Campaigns are a great way to pad bank accounts. She's going to keep this charade going as long as it pays her. President would be too much work for her. She cant even get her official announcement of her presidential run correct. The Dems I know even wince when her name is brought up. Dem voters will be doing what Repubs have done for a while in '16......holding their noses when they vote.

The level of crying is absurd already. The vote isn more than a year and a half away, yet the board is already being bombed with whiners.
Who is whining? I've said for a long time that something happens and she doesn't get the nod. This election is going to be more exhausting and fake than the first time she got sandbagged by the Dem Party at the last minute for a male candidate.
I don't know what the media's thinking by not openly cheering her on like they did Obama. She needs their support. The ACORN buses and vote or die crowd won't be as energized for this one, especially if the media doesn't eventually come around.

I expect the tide to turn once the GOP candidate emerges. They're probably more concerned with picking her opponent right now.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
I don't know what the media's thinking by not openly cheering her on like they did Obama. She needs their support. The ACORN buses and vote or die crowd won't be as energized for this one, especially if the media doesn't eventually come around.
IMO, the media and a big chunk of the Dem party powerbrokers really don't like her. She offers about as much excitement to a campaign as Bob Dole did years ago. She's boring. She's unattractive. She's also a snob. She is essentially everything in real life the media and other Dems accused Romney of being last election. She also plays the victim card at strategic points in order to try and fit in with the rest of the Dem voter base....which is easily sniffed out by most. People looking to be leaders of people just cant get by with that and expect to win in the long run. Life's losers with victim mindsets (typical D voters) want a leader to save them from their lives. Not act like they were rolled over and joining them too. They want a form of entertainment that takes them out of their "reality". Not remind them of it.

After seeing how she has "officially" stepped into the race, I just don't think even she really wants it that bad. She is smart enough to look at what she will likely inherit and knows as things begin to crumble more, she will be labeled with it. I am also not sure how she could physically meet the demands of a national campaign and the potential job as "president".

IMO, she will soak up all the donation cash she can potentially stash away and cross her fingers someone else comes along that either passes her by or simply come up with a good excuse to bow out. I think she's always been like a bad network show/series that gets cancelled after it's first season. You know its not any good after the first couple of episodes but for some reason you still stick around to see how it finished.
Originally posted by raleighherdfan: cross her fingers someone else comes along
Yeah, I can see it now. Someone like Obama comes along again. More liberal and less qualified for the job than Hillary. And they will still win. We'll be wishing Hillary would have won, just like we were in the '08 primaries.

These Republican candidates aren't very good either. I don't even know if any of them are worthy of representing the GOP brand. Most of them besmirch the brand and would only bring it shame if they carried it into the White House.
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by raleighherdfan:
Who is whining?
you are. what else does the subject refer to if you claim you arent whining?
Its referring to all the "fake" twitter followers she apparently pays for. (Thus the reason I linked to the article in my first post.) It is a sarcastic, mocking of the most beloved, popular, female politicians of our time. Its supporting my assertion that she really isn't that liked and is counting more on Republican failure than her own ability to win voters with her likeability. I need to feel sorry for her. That's how she's gotten this far.

I can see why someone as sensitive as you are would take sarcasm as whining.
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by raleighherdfan:
Its referring to all the "fake" twitter followers she apparently pays for.
So, you're whining.
No. Maybe the writer of the original article is. With all the misfortune you've shared in the cellphone transaction category alone, one should know what is/is not whining.