How would the US Power Grid Handle All of the EV Stuff?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
You hear all of the buzzwords. Climate change. Renewable Energy. Sustainability. Save the Earth. All of that jazz.

But, let's get down to the nuts and bolts of it. We don't have the power grid for it. None of these Einstein's spouting this crap in DC or on college campuses don't have a practical answer or solution of putting it into reality. Not a concept, but a reality.

The US power grid is not ready for it and there is no real plan to make it work other than a pie in the sky dream. It would be that. You would also need redundant backup systems with no single points of failure. Entire cities and housing developments would need retrofitted. Highways would need changed with charging stations along the way.

But, people buy into this.
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Blah blah blah ^^^ from Senor Whinever
So, tell us from a structural and viable standpoint who has come up with a real solution. Nobody has.

The brain trusts don't ever get asked this. They have no real viable answer or solutions.
So, tell us from a structural and viable standpoint who has come up with a real solution. Nobody has.

The brain trusts don't ever get asked this. They have no real viable answer or solutions.
Blah blah blah ^^^ from Senor Whinever
Blah blah blah ^^^ from Senor Whinever
That is why you can't be taken serious. These people present this stuff with no real solutions. There is no way the US power grid can handle it and Thomas Edison is not walking through that door.

This is what they fear, people calling them out on it.

You are one of the ones who fall for it.
That is why you can't be taken serious. These people present this stuff with no real solutions. There is no way the US power grid can handle it and Thomas Edison is not walking through that door.

This is what they fear, people calling them out on it.

You are one of the ones who fall for it.
Blah blah blah ^^^ from Senor Whinever
The brain trusts don't ever get asked this. They have no real viable answer or solutions.
I’ve mentioned it before, but there is an enormous percent of people in my neighborhood with Teslas, the Porsche Taycan, or Rivians. Multiple times, I’ve seen up to four identical Teslas (same color and model) one after another.

All houses in my neighborhood are built with EV hookups. Most houses have significant solar panels on the roof. They all talk about how their electricity bill is drastically lower even while charging an EV, especially when they set the charging to be off-hours (lower rates by the utility companies).

It can be done and be done at a cost savings at the residential level.
You hear all of the buzzwords. Climate change. Renewable Energy. Sustainability. Save the Earth. All of that jazz.

But, let's get down to the nuts and bolts of it. We don't have the power grid for it. None of these Einstein's spouting this crap in DC or on college campuses don't have a practical answer or solution of putting it into reality. Not a concept, but a reality.

The US power grid is not ready for it and there is no real plan to make it work other than a pie in the sky dream. It would be that. You would also need redundant backup systems with no single points of failure. Entire cities and housing developments would need retrofitted. Highways would need changed with charging stations along the way.

But, people buy into this.
Forget that, what about the millions of illegals that will now need our electricity.
I’ve mentioned it before, but there is an enormous percent of people in my neighborhood with Teslas, the Porsche Taycan, or Rivians. Multiple times, I’ve seen up to four identical Teslas (same color and model) one after another.

All houses in my neighborhood are built with EV hookups. Most houses have significant solar panels on the roof. They all talk about how their electricity bill is drastically lower even while charging an EV, especially when they set the charging to be off-hours (lower rates by the utility companies).

It can be done and be done at a cost savings at the residential level.
350 million people. Over the size of a continent.
It's all good. The rotating power outages in California will permit them to have power when it's needed.
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It's all good. The rotating power outages in California will permit them to have power when it's needed.
I've been here for three years. We haven't had a single outage during that time. On the other hand, in Republican controlled Texas . . .
Maybe you've missed them with all your worldly travels....

Maybe you missed reading comprehension with your lifelong west virginian education.

Show me where your link says anything to contradict what I posted, piece of shit human. As I said, I have been here for three years, and there hasn't been one during that time. Your link references one in August 2020, which is almost four years ago.

So tell us two things:
1) What the point of your link was since it didn't refute anything I said nor did it back up your comment.
2) When the last California blackout was.
Dems never going to go for that.
Perhaps, and I understand their point. Just because I don't have children shouldn't exclude my taxes from going to public schools, because even with no children, I benefit from an educated population.
Perhaps, and I understand their point. Just because I don't have children shouldn't exclude my taxes from going to public schools, because even with no children, I benefit from an educated population.
Well, it gets rid of a lot of the class warfare mantra. In fairness, many Republicans would never go for it either.
I don't need you to tell me when I am correct. I already know I am correct.

You've been incorrect several times. By me saying you are correct is more of an ackowledgement than informing you. An intelligent person would have known that. It's something you can't do. Maybe it's just your ego. I don't know.
Maybe you missed reading comprehension with your lifelong west virginian education.

Show me where your link says anything to contradict what I posted, piece of shit human. As I said, I have been here for three years, and there hasn't been one during that time. Your link references one in August 2020, which is almost four years ago.

So tell us two things:
1) What the point of your link was since it didn't refute anything I said nor did it back up your comment.
2) When the last California blackout was.
The point of the link was that indeed...CALIFORNIA should likely expect rolling blackouts in the future as a means of "saving" electricity, as the article points out. I wasn't refuting your claims. It's called conversation, something assholes such as yourself have a hard time dealing with.
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The point of the link was that indeed...CALIFORNIA should likely expect rolling blackouts in the future as a means of "saving" electricity, as the article points out. I wasn't refuting your claims. It's called conversation, something assholes such as yourself have a hard time dealing with.

California is being pushed to the limits. Blackouts are coming.
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I wasn't refuting your claims.
You absolutely were. If not, you wouldn't have said that I may have missed them with all of my travels. There were none to miss, because there haven't been any, like I claimed and you responded to.

California is being pushed to the limits. Blackouts are coming.
It's been nearly four years without any. It was 19 years prior to that before one.

You deplorables sure are worried a lot about a place that is far superior than where you live. I can understand why: since you live in leech states that take more than you give, you want to make sure that California can continue funding your shitholes.
You absolutely were. If not, you wouldn't have said that I may have missed them with all of my travels. There were none to miss, because there haven't been any, like I claimed and you responded to
You're such a fragile, narcissistic, douchebag you cant even decipher the context of a conversation. Get some help. One can have two separate thoughts and discussion points in a post.
You absolutely were. If not, you wouldn't have said that I may have missed them with all of my travels. There were none to miss, because there haven't been any, like I claimed and you responded to.

It's been nearly four years without any. It was 19 years prior to that before one.

You deplorables sure are worried a lot about a place that is far superior than where you live. I can understand why: since you live in leech states that take more than you give, you want to make sure that California can continue funding your shitholes.

West Virginia gives more than it takes, for your information. Not enough to amount to anything, but it's self sufficient.

Us deplorables are definitely happier than you elitists. Superior? Are you talking about that shithole of a state, that is driving out the middle class, in horrific debt, losing population, homeless crisis, mutilate children, where science is denied, where taxes are far too high, men are being sent to women's prisons, and provides sanctuary to illegal foreign nationals? That shithole?

Bahaaahahahaaaaahaha! Yeah, we can't sleep at night from envy.

Keep your EVs, windmills, shit streets, homeless crisis, protecting criminals your holier than thou attitude and the shithole you live in.

We're content and happy with our lives.

It's pride month. California is no doubt rockin' right now. You should be out living it up instead of worrying about what peaceful deplorables are doing or thinking about, in our nice, quiet, peaceful non-sanctuary state. We're fine.
Maybe you missed reading comprehension with your lifelong west virginian education.

Show me where your link says anything to contradict what I posted, piece of shit human. As I said, I have been here for three years, and there hasn't been one during that time. Your link references one in August 2020, which is almost four years ago.

So tell us two things:
1) What the point of your link was since it didn't refute anything I said nor did it back up your comment.
2) When the last California blackout was.
West Virginia should be capitalized.
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West Virginia gives more than it takes, for your information. Not enough to amount to anything, but it's self sufficient.
No, moron. It's the complete opposite. west virginia gets the highest return per dollar sent to the feds. For ever dollar sent to the feds via from income tax, wv gets 2.36 back. In other words - to dumb it down for you - when west virginia sends $1 to the feds for income taxes, the state receives $2.36 back.

"No state is more dependent on the federal government than West Virginia, which gets 45.16% of its revenue from federal sources (the 10th-most). West Virginia receives 2.36-times more revenue from the federal government than its residents pay in income taxes . . . "


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