I Am Asking One Thing From Pullman Square This Christmas


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
I normally hit folks up individually so I can look you in the eye when I guilt trip you into charitable giving, but I am making an impassioned plea for the folks on the board to give at least one small item to an adopt-a-family this year. I picked up a list that had a few families on it where I work today & no joke, the items the kids were asking for were so basic that it felt like a punch in the gut. We're not talking an Xbox, Playstation or iPad. Literally socks. Socks, underwear, shoes, a coat - for Christmas. And it's going to be a brutal winter this year.

Some folks on here do very well for themselves. And if you're already giving to a charity or family in need, then you get it. But if you're not, please do something simple. I don't care if you do it & want to brag about it & make other people feel like crap for not giving & being as awesome as you are. Go for it. Just please do something.

If you do it & you see me at a Marshall function in the future, tell me you did it & out of appreciation I will give you a hug & punch whoever you want in the face*

*Punch in face not guaranteed.
My wife and I always take a Salvation Army Angel from the tree they put at the Corps of Engineers building. We take a small child since the sizes are easier for us. We didn't have kids so we don't know much about children's clothes. We do try to get a child that wants a bike.we also get all the clothes listed on the Angel form: coat, 2 pairs of shoes, shirt/top, sweater, pants, sleepwear, socks, etc.

We also do a shift ringing the bell at a Salvation Army kettle. It's the most wonderful time of the year!
We do the shoe boxes for Samaritan's Purse every year. I wouldn't mind buying for a local kid in Huntington. Where can I get a name?

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