took a "pop-shot" at MARSHALL UNIVERSITY, while being interviewed after the Pats-Ravens NFL game Monday night on ESPN. Moss stated that "some" members of the 1996 teams were "treated poorly and shame on Marshall's Administration for their lack of respect." Chuck Landon first reported this and now we have a HOUSE DEVIDED in Huntington. I too was vocal on Herd Nation...but since then...I have come to realize.....I was out of line! Period!
I popped off before I knew THE COMPLETE STORY that Chuck ONLY reported bits & pieces to make him look important. Chuck, you are hurting Marshall University's efforts to put a quality product on the field. I bet Page Pitt, Ralph Turner, George Arnold and other Marshall JRN professors are ashamed of your bull shit reporting that is most often not completely factual. I will be telling this to your face if I see you Monday night (Dec. 19), when the HERD honors Lewis D'Antona during the HERD-WV Weslyan game.
Randy, YOU KEEP FAMILY MATTERS IN HOUSE...not to be reported in front of National TV viewers. I doubt Randy, you would have ever shared on National TV.... comments of unrest that may have occured while you played for New England.
Randy, if you are reading this (you know me since you have a Charlotte home & I am a Coach at Charlotte Christian School) may have set back Doc's recruiting efforts for years.
Prospects watch & listen to YOU!
You are a Son of know "It's US against everybody" and the common little guy (like me) can make comments of anger on social media. You crossed the line because you are a respected, HIGHLY PAID, NFL analyst...and you turned on your school.
I just wanted you to know we are disappointed in you...a University that gave you a chance when you were at the bottom of your barrell and the HERD coaching staff made a spot for you.
Are you a SON of Marshal--or not?
HerdZilla22 (Gary Sweeney) in Charlotte