This stubborn ass we have in the White House needs to move out of the way and let somebody deal with this. All he can do is come out with gun control after this act of terror.
Anyway, enough of that fool. He will be gone in a little of over a year.
I just saw a clip on these people killed and their families. A father of 6. A mother. A dad. A cousin of a pro football player. A woman who escaped terror in Iraq, became a citizen, and was killed in our nation trying to escape this shi*.
We have to do something. And you buried head in the sand liberals can kiss my ass as well. There is a problem and we need to deal with it. Running out talking about the 2nd Amendment right now is not going to do it. Apologizing for everything America does is not going to solve it. Blaming Bush isn't going to solve it.
I am tired of the f'ing excuse we can't do anything about it. F You, we can and we should and I hope we will. It won't be pretty but somebody needs to do something. We look like weak kneed pansy asses.
We might not like war, who does. But, apparently this war likes us.
This is America damn it do something. I can't believe the damn freakin POTUS can't come to grips with this shit. I can't believe he doesn't lock his joinst chiefs of staff, nsa leader, CIA, and FBI heads and doesn't say damn it bring me scalps and I mean now and if you can't do it I will find somebody that will. He should make water boarding look like a day at the water park. Be a leader you arrogant ignorant eggheaded academic muslim loving stubborn ass. Your damn political correctness is not working. Take out these ISIS ass bags oil, money, transportation, ability to trade. Burn their capital to the ground. Do your job!
Anyway, enough of that fool. He will be gone in a little of over a year.
I just saw a clip on these people killed and their families. A father of 6. A mother. A dad. A cousin of a pro football player. A woman who escaped terror in Iraq, became a citizen, and was killed in our nation trying to escape this shi*.
We have to do something. And you buried head in the sand liberals can kiss my ass as well. There is a problem and we need to deal with it. Running out talking about the 2nd Amendment right now is not going to do it. Apologizing for everything America does is not going to solve it. Blaming Bush isn't going to solve it.
I am tired of the f'ing excuse we can't do anything about it. F You, we can and we should and I hope we will. It won't be pretty but somebody needs to do something. We look like weak kneed pansy asses.
We might not like war, who does. But, apparently this war likes us.
This is America damn it do something. I can't believe the damn freakin POTUS can't come to grips with this shit. I can't believe he doesn't lock his joinst chiefs of staff, nsa leader, CIA, and FBI heads and doesn't say damn it bring me scalps and I mean now and if you can't do it I will find somebody that will. He should make water boarding look like a day at the water park. Be a leader you arrogant ignorant eggheaded academic muslim loving stubborn ass. Your damn political correctness is not working. Take out these ISIS ass bags oil, money, transportation, ability to trade. Burn their capital to the ground. Do your job!