i just cant figure out what trump is so concerned about

He wanted you to have something to post about every day. you know the same old shit, day after day.
He wanted you to have something to post about every day. you know the same old shit, day after day.

When the investigation into the cheetos administration drags out for another year, then you get to complain. Not until. b e n g h a z i !!
Not sure the need for these daily posts. Sources tell me that Trump will resign from office in January of 2025. That's only seven more years.

Let's see more Posts in regard to drinking and whores.
Not sure the need for these daily posts. Sources tell me that Trump will resign from office in January of 2025. That's only seven more years.

Let's see more Posts in regard to drinking and whores.
agree. this board use to be a wealth of information like that. now daily post about russians. we need some good post about whores, beer, tires, big block engines, bbq, and talking about skanks.
Did any of you watch Hannity Thursday evening? He started the show claiming the NYT story was fake news, then during his show Fox News itself confirmed the story, and he stepped on his crank trying to walk-back his show opening bullshit.

Live TV, it's dangerous.

He is such a hack. He devoted a large segment of a show this week to the “secret society” which turns out to be a silly joke. He wants so much to find a conspiracy, any conspiracy if it involves anyone slightly left of Center. He’s also the bearer of the deep state torch. :rolleyes:
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Did any of you watch Hannity Thursday evening? He started the show claiming the NYT story was fake news, then during his show Fox News itself confirmed the story, and he stepped on his crank trying to walk-back his show opening bullshit.

Live TV, it's dangerous.
It was amusing.
Don't forget that night Hannity cut to... A car chase. When the hell has Hannity ever done that. Seriously what the hell is going on with Fox news, when did they turn into Info Wars? They have transitioned to the far right since Trump came to office. And Republicans use to be the "law and order" party. Now they are doing everything they can to undermine the FBI etc..
Yeah maybe he did want to fire him..... ignore the fact that a just vomitted all over telling the viewers the complete opposite story. Moron.

Yup, Hannity is bending over backwards trying to defend his elite friend. I wonder if Hannity is on the government payroll...

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