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Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
This didn't just happen overnight. For many years, the quality of the Marshall cheerleaders has continued to decline. On this squad, there are no definites and two maybes (no, '06, it's not the guys).

How can Marshall have declined so much that they don't have a definite on their squad and only have two maybes? Who is in charge of selecting the squad? Do they know what people want to see? In my days, I had a different cheerleader each month servicing me, and they were all definites. How can an FBS cheerleading squad have no definites? Do you know what recruits must think when they come to our games?

If we have to watch an average football team, the least we can get is something good to look at in skirts. Yet the football team is even outperforming our cheerleaders now.

That is a sad looking group. When did they drop attractiveness as a requirement for being a cheerleader?
It’s wokeness. It’s why we have an obese woman and a transgender person in the Miss America pageant.
And a clown running for president:

Lefty isn’t a definitely?
Nope. Going to pass on that one.

What also is bothering me is why Bradley is always on his knees. At what point does an adult male think it's normal to constantly get on his knees in pictures and try to be the center of attention in every fvcking picture taken?

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