I will tell you the problem with this country

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
All the flower children and hippies of the 60's reproduced. Now we not only have the grown up hippies, we have their children and they are just as screwed up.

Peace love, no discipline, do what you want to, and the degradation of American exceptionalism.

We have a bunch of flower children in charge of the media, colleges, schools, and government. That means ruination of America.
"We have a bunch of flower children in charge of the media, colleges, schools, and government. That means ruination of America."

For a bunch of undisciplined hippies, they sure have done well for themselves.
"We have a bunch of flower children in charge of the media, colleges, schools, and government. That means ruination of America."

For a bunch of undisciplined hippies, they sure have done well for themselves.

Exactly, they are going to do what the Germans, Japanese, and Russians couldn't do. Destroy the country.
We should go back to when women wore aprons, did all the house work, and did all the child raising. And when blacks knew their place, businesses could pollute our air and water as they saw fit, when sexual harassment got a free pass, and when children thought to be gay were sent for electric shock therapy. There were several things the Greatest Generation accepted as ok, and that the boomers have made huge strides in remedying.
Great ideas, Green, but unfortunately, it's too late now.

Women have taken over. They wear the pants, while slowly but surely, the men are turning into girly men. For some, it's literally turning into women.

Blacks have taken over the cities, and now have the government letting them know it's okay to act like savages. Police forces have said, fvck this, and have begun to turn a blind eye to criminal activity. No sense risking getting shot by a thug, only to have the higher authorities want to 'blame the pigs first' mentality.

You liberals have won. I'm okay with it though. I'm an old man, so I won't have to partake in societies downfall much longer. I have a few years left to work here, where I pretend to be somebody important. That will be over soon. I still have enough hick left in me that I can return to a holler somewhere where men are still men, and fruits are forbidden.

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