Top 10 most racist states by total active hate groups.
10. Pennsylvania
9. Georgia
8. Alabama
7. Indiana
6. Ohio
5. Mississippi
4. Florida
Although listing racist states could easily become an exercise in South-bashing, it’s also apparently a humble pie of the face of the North. New York is one of the three most racist states in the Union, even though it has a giant statue called the Statue of Liberty that has the words: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Of the fifteen, one single group is KKK, five are Neo-Nazi, and nine are White Nationalist.
2. Texas
1. Tennessee
10. Pennsylvania
9. Georgia
8. Alabama
7. Indiana
6. Ohio
5. Mississippi
4. Florida
Although listing racist states could easily become an exercise in South-bashing, it’s also apparently a humble pie of the face of the North. New York is one of the three most racist states in the Union, even though it has a giant statue called the Statue of Liberty that has the words: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Of the fifteen, one single group is KKK, five are Neo-Nazi, and nine are White Nationalist.
2. Texas
1. Tennessee