If any of you guys vote for Hillary Clinton

I can hire a Mexican painter to do some painting around my house and he will do it for $300. The white man will want $900. The black man probably won't do it.

If I own a landscaping company am I going to hire a Mexican for $8 an hour or a white guy for $15? Remember the Mexican will work cheap and off the books(he might have to). Same thing for construction.
And if you hire an illegal you should be punished.
I can hire a Mexican painter to do some painting around my house and he will do it for $300. The white man will want $900. The black man probably won't do it.

If I own a landscaping company am I going to hire a Mexican for $8 an hour or a white guy for $15? Remember the Mexican will work cheap and off the books(he might have to). Same thing for construction.

And still get much better work done in half the time then you would have to pay the white guy at $15 an hour
And like I said whose fault is that. The person looking for work to pay his bills or the fact the wages in America doesn't reflect the SOL in America?? Nobody goes to a job asking to be paid less. Lets not be ignorant

Then they shouldn't accept the low pay offer.
Man your ignorant if you feel they ask for cheaper wage. No that is what they are offered and bills and taking care of your family don't stop
Man your ignorant if you feel they ask for cheaper wage. No that is what they are offered and bills and taking care of your family don't stop

You have a real issue with comprehension. Where did I say they "ask" for it? They shouldn't "accept" a low offer when given it. Back when I maintained employee status and had to work for people, I chose to turn down a couple opportunities because the offer wasn't enough. I waited and searched and found a better pay/option. Now as a business owner, I will never offer the best salary/wage as an initial offer to a potential hire. They have the shot to negotiate a better offer. Its business. You wouldn't know anything about that though.
I find it ironic that they are throwing out the basis of the Constitution as means for an argument when they have ignored every thread of it these past 6 years. It is quite simple, the people that are going to vote for this Bitch are the same ones that voted for the Muslim lover/American Hater:

I find it ironic that they are throwing out the basis of the Constitution as means for an argument when they have ignored every thread of it these past 6 years. It is quite simple, the people that are going to vote for this Bitch are the same ones that voted for the Muslim lover/American Hater:


____________says the guy who just posted the most emotional and hate filled response in the thread.
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I find it ironic that they are throwing out the basis of the Constitution as means for an argument when they have ignored every thread of it these past 6 years. It is quite simple, the people that are going to vote for this Bitch are the same ones that voted for the Muslim lover/American Hater:


Please provide examples that he is a muslim lover/American Hater
You have a real issue with comprehension. Where did I say they "ask" for it? They shouldn't "accept" a low offer when given it. Back when I maintained employee status and had to work for people, I chose to turn down a couple opportunities because the offer wasn't enough. I waited and searched and found a better pay/option. Now as a business owner, I will never offer the best salary/wage as an initial offer to a potential hire. They have the shot to negotiate a better offer. Its business. You wouldn't know anything about that though.

Actually I know plenty about that but as the typical ignorant white person that you are, you expect that your personal experiences should be the same for all people no matter how THEIR personal life is set up
Please provide examples that he is a muslim lover/American Hater

Why don't you take a look at the Iran deal to start with cupcake. Take a look at the negative economic impact it will have on the US versus the positive impact it will have to Iran, our MUSLIM enemy.
____________says the guy who just posted the most emotional and hate filled response in the thread.
Yeah, sure Green. Because there is a D next to a name, you guys are all about it. Your party has gone so far left, it is ridiculous. You get on to the Reagan years for shipping our jobs overseas and killing our middle class, yet this Moron and his party has destroyed this country from within and all you guys do is defend him because he has a D by his name. He is by far, the most terrible president we have ever had. If that is not enough, you guys are willing to defend someone as despicable and non genuine as Hillary. Why, I do not know for the life of me. The original thread stuck to the facts and the description of today's DEMS is what it is.
Name some things where the left has gone so far left under the present administration. Things that Obama is responsible for...
name some things Obama has done to destroy the country from within......
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Extra don't even both wasting your time. They watch Fox News and think they are being told the truth.
Yeah, sure Green. Because there is a D next to a name, you guys are all about it. Your party has gone so far left, it is ridiculous. You get on to the Reagan years for shipping our jobs overseas and killing our middle class, yet this Moron and his party has destroyed this country from within and all you guys do is defend him because he has a D by his name. He is by far, the most terrible president we have ever had. If that is not enough, you guys are willing to defend someone as despicable and non genuine as Hillary. Why, I do not know for the life of me. The original thread stuck to the facts and the description of today's DEMS is what it is.

Once again how has he destroyed the country from within??
Actually I know plenty about that but as the typical ignorant white person that you are, you expect that your personal experiences should be the same for all people no matter how THEIR personal life is set up

What does any of your rambling have to do with the wage discussion we are having? (I'll ignore the fact that many of my staff are minorities because you haven't a clue) White, black, yellow, doesn't matter.... if someone accepts the wage offered to them, how is that NOT in part, their responsibility in determining what wages/salary trends and levels end up being?
Expanding EPA regulations over the last 2-3 years is providing tremendous benefits to the WV economy.............

Obummercare as a whole has put an increased financial burden on companies that actually want to provide a health benefit package to their employees. (Greed would know nothing about this). This additional cost alone has forced some businesses to move to part time employees vs potentially hiring additional full time staff. This law may be one of the greatest fvck ups ever put on our economic growth potential.
And who wrote the law and made it that it will fail. Who is the law making body of our government??
The last 7 years the Republicans that control the legislative body hasn't done jack shit but turned their back to the president because a Black democrat is in office. Have shut down the government numerous times, ignored domestic issues unless it served their Rich white buddies and lobbyist that put money into their pocket.

So who has really destroyed the government. And the worst president in US History??? How?? How can someone get anything accomplished if he so called co-workers spend more time on bullshit then things that actually are beneficial to the country.
The last 7 years the Republicans that control the legislative body hasn't done jack shit but turned their back to the president because a Black democrat is in office.

weird, in the 2011-2015 congresses the dems controlled the senate
The last 7 years the Republicans that control the legislative body hasn't done jack shit but turned their back to the president because a Black democrat is in office. Have shut down the government numerous times, ignored domestic issues unless it served their Rich white buddies and lobbyist that put money into their pocket.

So who has really destroyed the government. And the worst president in US History??? How?? How can someone get anything accomplished if he so called co-workers spend more time on bullshit then things that actually are beneficial to the country.

When will you post something that is coherent and has something to do with the conversation. Obummercare was passed by Democrats while they maintained control. I know you cant seem to remember that.

You and Greedtard asked for a list. I rattled off just two in 2 mins. because it was that easy. The only answer for morons like you is "MORE GOVT". That's exactly the problem with the economy. Too MUCH Govt. Seriously. You may be retarded.
Too much a lax government in the 70s, 80s, and 90s have contributed in all the American jobs being shipped overseas for cheap labor and tax and tariff breaks. And Obamacare was passed after the Republicans shut the government down multiple times
Too much a lax government in the 70s, 80s, and 90s have contributed in all the American jobs being shipped overseas for cheap labor and tax and tariff breaks. And Obamacare was passed after the Republicans shut the government down multiple times

WTF are you talking about? Obummercare was passed while the Dems had the senate, house, and whitehouse (following Obama's election). The Govt has only gotten bigger since the 70s, 80s, and 90s. The answer isn't bigger govt.
Too much a lax government in the 70s, 80s, and 90s have contributed in all the American jobs being shipped overseas for cheap labor and tax and tariff breaks. And Obamacare was passed after the Republicans shut the government down multiple times
You are an idiot. Obama care was passed in 2010 the govt shut down was in 2013
the typical ignorant white person

Which ones aren't ignorant, the ones who agree to feel sorry for you and empty out their wallet for you?

"Waahhhhhhhh, I'm not white so I can't ask for a better wage." Sounds like you got taken by Sharpton.

What's wrong feve.......passed out in the back of your car when this occurred? Was this the time you "spent a night in jail" and maybe didn't see any news? Maybe your mom didn't deliver you the newspaper or give you permission to use the internet when this happened? Keep doing the drugs man. You are the perfect zombie voter.
Wouldn't surprise me if he never even registered. He'll probably say he did, but hell he said he bought a new car so his word's worth about as much as a pile of dog shit.
"Been doing what Uncle Jesse and Brother Al have been telling me to do since 2003...or maybe 2004....wait, was that 2001??? Nope, definitely 2005!! Yep that's it!!"
See this is why reading comprehension doesn't work for you. Many people on this site already know I don't like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
See this is why reading comprehension doesn't work for you. Many people on this site already know I don't like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

You don't "like" them, but you spew the same bullshit, ignorant excuses they do. You evidently vote the same way. You are no different than they are in many ways politically.
Once again how has he destroyed the country from within??

You are a prime example. You are inspired to support this kind of crap and back this piss poor leadership. Prior to Obummer, the low informed, uneducated, and lazy people that knew nothing about economics, the Constitution, and leadership principles stayed home, didn't vote and played zero role in the future of our country. Now they get a free phone, free food, free healthcare, free internet, a free living.................with no sacrifice needed. Just show up and vote DEM!
You are a prime example. You are inspired to support this kind of crap and back this piss poor leadership. Prior to Obummer, the low informed, uneducated, and lazy people that knew nothing about economics, the Constitution, and leadership principles stayed home, didn't vote and played zero role in the future of our country. Now they get a free phone, free food, free healthcare, free internet, a free living.................with no sacrifice needed. Just show up and vote DEM!

What the **** are you talking about???

Once again, how has Obama destroyed this country from within???
Yeah, but I still want to see the lists. :)

Economic Decisions
Dodd Frank
EPA war on Coal
Gimmick Solar Programs for Friends
Expansion of Welfare State
Increased Regulations across the board
Iran Deal
18 Trillion and counting
No balanced budgets, no trimming of the fat

Leadership Issues
Bergdahl trade for Gitmo Prisoners
Light the Rainbows White House
Failure to fire any one in the govt except for Military Generals
Workplace Violence
IRS Scandal
Sacrifice Chris Stevens and others so he doesn't have to say "TERRORISM"

......the list goes ON and ON and ON
What the **** are you talking about???

Once again, how has Obama destroyed this country from within???

Simple, he has created 51% that are dependents of Govt. The minority pays for the majority now. He's just the traveling medicine man selling you guys the boat load of crap and fear that you continually buy!
Ive been registered to Vote since 2003, and have voted every year since

I don't believe it.

It's a shame, too. You probably wouldn't know how to do it right, so you would end up voting for Republicans and not even know it.

Just think, it's rigged against you. Voting is difficult. They rig it so Republicans still get your vote. So you might as well just stay home and smoke more weed. Hell, if I had somebody giving me everything I wouldn't bother to wake up and go vote either. Must be nice.

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