If DeSantis got the nod, the left will do the same thing to him that they did to Trump.

I don't know how any American could desire any career politician back in the WH after what we've seen the last few decades. I like Desantis but he's a career politician trying to follow the Trump model. I would vote for him if he's the nominee, hell I'd vote for Mickey Mouse over any idiot liberal democrat though.

Best thing for the country I can see is Trump/Desantis four years then 8 of Desantis.

as far as I can tell Manchin and Gabbard might be the only two halfway sane democrats in the entire party.
Thise two are the only two sane Democrats left that I am aware of. If I were Manchin I would tighten my security measures. Hell they wa t to primary him. They nade fake shit up on Gabbard.

Washington DC is a tar pit of out of touch people.
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I don't know how any American could desire any career politician back in the WH after what we've seen the last few decades. I like Desantis but he's a career politician trying to follow the Trump model. I would vote for him if he's the nominee, hell I'd vote for Mickey Mouse over any idiot liberal democrat though.

Best thing for the country I can see is Trump/Desantis four years then 8 of Desantis.

as far as I can tell Manchin and Gabbard might be the only two halfway sane democrats in the entire party.
Manchin is 74 years old. We’ve had our fill of geriatric presidents.
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Manchin is 74 years old. We’ve had our fill of geriatric presidents.
i'd never vote for him for president. hell, i wouldn't and didn't vote for him to be a senator. I don't care for him much but would acknowledge that he doesn't seem insane like the rest of his party and that was my point.
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i'd never vote for him for president. hell, i wouldn't and didn't vote for him to be a senator. I don't care for him much but would acknowledge that he doesn't seem insane like the rest of his party and that was my point.
I won't for any Democrat. Anybody that supports their platform and stays in that party is a NO GO for me.
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The Dems are going to run that slick weasel dictator out in California and Buttggayed. I see Mush retiring.

You want no part of Newsome like you to want no part of Harris. As I stated:

You want no part of her; Nuts, Authoritarian!

We want no part of Kamala the Ugandan nightmare. Too short is literally an authoritarian.

Long before she was VP. The US in general wants no part of what's going on in California politics.
You want no part of Newsome like you to want no part of Harris. As I stated:

Long before she was VP. The US in general wants no part of what's going on in California politics.
^^trumptard warning people about what he thinks is bad for America. Irony.
You want no part of Newsome like you to want no part of Harris. As I stated:

Long before she was VP. The US in general wants no part of what's going on in California politics.
Exactly. Not a chance. The rest of the country becoming like California means Civil War. And, that would be started by those zealots. Not war between states but a civil war between neighbors. Hell NO!
I live in the state affected by the policies, clown!

Did you ever find your missing bull?

we are getting an influx of Californians here in the Carolinas who are leaving because of the policies there.

My neighbor is a fruit loop, won't talk to me again for the third time because I madea a funny remark about Bruce Jenner and OJ Simpson. Anyway, she wants all that San Fran crap here. Most of them are leaving because California is fruitcake city and the polocies are bad.

That is not the America I want.
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we are getting an influx of Californians here in the Caolinas who are leaving because of the policies there.

My neighbor is a fruit loop, won't talke to me again for the third time because I madea a funny remark about Bruce Jenner and OJ Simpson. Anyway, she wants all that San Fran crap here. Most of them are leaving because California is fruitcake city and the polocies are bad.

That is not the America I want.
You're a lying idiot trumptard oath breaker.
we are getting an influx of Californians here in the Carolinas who are leaving because of the policies there.

Then you have no luck. Most of the people leaving California now are conservatives sick of the policies. They are not liberals looking to infiltrate another area. Why would they leave it's paradise here.

My neighbor is a fruit loop, won't talk to me again for the third time because I madea a funny remark about Bruce Jenner and OJ Simpson. Anyway, she wants all that San Fran crap here. Most of them are leaving because California is fruitcake city and the polocies are bad.

You need to ensure she is "actually" from California. Most of the "fruitcake" liberals you speak of, came to the state post-Arnold and are from mostly the Mid-Atlantic states. There are very few "hard-core" liberals who are from here. They are from other states coming in, think H&H.
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Then you have no luck. Most of the people leaving California now are conservatives sick of the policies. They are not liberals looking to infiltrate another area. Why would they leave it's paradise here.

You need to ensure she is "actually" from California. Most of the "fruitcake" liberals you speak of, came to the state post-Arnold and are from mostly the Mid-Atlantic states.
She is. Or at least the best I know. Grew up there and her parents still live there. Unless they are first generation Californian.

At least they are for the most part conservatives. The Yankees on the other hand are fruit loop city sometimes. They leave and then bring it here. Going to get worse as Apple and others move in.
I think probably what will happen is there will probably be charges filed at some point against Trump, but will be brought at some point next year when the 2024 election process is ramping up and will be drug out as long as possible to keep him from running even though there is not evidence to convict in a criminal court. They get what they want Trump not having a chance to be reelected. Which is fine with me. I would love to see Desantis in the White house with Tim Scott or Nikki Haley as VP.
I think probably what will happen is there will probably be charges filed at some point against Trump, but will be brought at some point next year when the 2024 election process is ramping up and will be drug out as long as possible to keep him from running even though there is not evidence to convict in a criminal court. They get what they want Trump not having a chance to be reelected. Which is fine with me. I would love to see Desantis in the White house with Tim Scott or Nikki Haley as VP.
Won't happen

The repubs would block everything they could possible do from paper clips to nominees. What the hell are they going to charge him with?

Plus that would open them up to retribution.

There are other reasons historically as well.

Trumps running . Whether anyone likes it or not.
Then you have no luck. Most of the people leaving California now are conservatives sick of the policies. They are not liberals looking to infiltrate another area. Why would they leave it's paradise here.

You need to ensure she is "actually" from California. Most of the "fruitcake" liberals you speak of, came to the state post-Arnold and are from mostly the Mid-Atlantic states. There are very few "hard-core" liberals who are from here. They are from other states coming in, think H&H.
Ok transplant that doesn’t even know how voting here works…

edit: And I’m just barely not post-Arnold haha
Since neither of you are an indigenous person and are living on stolen land you’re both transplants even if born and are multigenerational Californians
The only place that the truly woke can live is the cave in Africa that the first human lived in. Walk 30 feet away from it? Boom, colonizer.
The only place that the truly woke can live is the cave in Africa that the first human lived in. Walk 30 feet away from it? Boom, colonizer.
Wrong because the truly woke are lily white. The second they step foot in the cave they’d be colonizers.