So you are back to excuse making. Of course supposing to win is part of it. Most good programs have that mindset.
Part of the problem know is their is no mandate, will, or standard to winning at a high level at Marshall. It is ho hum go win enough to go to a bowl, collect our paycheck, get some more money, and retire off into the sunset.
Put a plan in place, hire good people, have standards and demand it.
When MU talks of wanting to raise their standards (translation: they need money and financial support from the fans to increase) everyone's quiet.
Seems that whenever it doesn't involve money (which absolutely drives the ship) the fans come out in hordes wanting to complain.
Talk about mandates...where are the fans mandate? Seems divided if you ask me.
One set who seem to only care about number of conference titles...Doc has 1.
You have another set who see the body of work and appreciate the consistency in it (10 win seasons).
The problem is, they'll flip flop to fit their bitchfests.
Doc won in 2014 and people STILL can't get over WKU...they also attacked the schedule.
(Doc beat more teams with winning records that year than Pruett did in 1999, his best year).
When Doc wins 10+ games a season, those same idiots come out and complain about lack of conference titles.
Many of whom sit and tell their stories of how they are such hardcore fans and support the program and are so old, which somehow justifies their arguments (SPOILER: it doesn't).
But yet get so bent out of shape over a loss or a damn hot dog.
They also can't seem to accept: Pruett is gone and is very unlikely to return. Doc isn't a world beater but he isn't the world's worst coach.
Hey, if you really want change (which we all know you won't do this) go find that loser from 2016 in Barboursville who began the Gofundme to raise money to pay for Doc's buyout.
Last I saw he was at $150.00 raised from 1 person.
You can show him your little badge to emphasize you know what you're doing too!